Go to file
2023-04-11 09:47:14 +08:00
.github ⬆️ Upgrade dependencies.txt 2023-04-03 16:17:40 +08:00
alembic Support SQLite 2023-03-25 11:17:38 +08:00
core 🐛 Fix the exception thrown when performing operations on objects associated with the Session 2023-04-07 23:22:26 +08:00
metadata Update /weapon result, add some weapon's alias 2023-04-07 21:07:59 +08:00
modules Update /weapon result, add some weapon's alias 2023-04-07 21:07:59 +08:00
plugins 🐛 Fix the Forbidden exception caused by the failure to send a message successfully 2023-04-11 09:47:14 +08:00
resources Update /weapon result, add some weapon's alias 2023-04-07 21:07:59 +08:00
tests Support SQLite 2023-03-25 11:17:38 +08:00
utils 🐛 Fix Logger 2023-03-21 13:53:56 +08:00
.deepsource.toml 🔧 Update .deepsource.toml 2023-04-06 20:49:48 +08:00
.dockerignore 🎨 Update .dockerignore and .gitignore 2023-03-27 10:31:30 +08:00
.env.example Support SQLite 2023-03-25 11:17:38 +08:00
.git-blame-ignore-revs 🔧 Ignore Code Style Commits in git blame 2022-11-23 09:24:00 +08:00
.gitignore ⬆️ Bump all dependencies 2023-03-27 19:55:39 +08:00
.pre-commit-config.yaml ⬆ [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate 2023-04-04 22:03:12 +08:00
alembic.ini Support SQLite 2023-03-25 11:17:38 +08:00
docker-compose.gen.yml 👷 Docker image rename 2023-04-04 23:28:46 +08:00
Dockerfile 👷 Docker image rename 2023-04-04 23:28:46 +08:00
LICENSE Initial commit 2022-07-26 18:07:31 +08:00
poetry.lock ⬆ Bump beautifulsoup4 from 4.12.0 to 4.12.1 2023-04-06 19:24:13 +08:00
pyproject.toml ⬆ Bump beautifulsoup4 from 4.12.0 to 4.12.1 2023-04-06 19:24:13 +08:00
README.md Support SQLite 2023-03-25 11:17:38 +08:00
requirements.txt ⬆️ Upgrade dependencies.txt 2023-04-03 16:17:40 +08:00
run.py ♻️ PaiGram V4 2023-03-14 09:27:22 +08:00
update.sh Initial commit 2022-07-26 18:07:31 +08:00




基于 python-telegram-bot 的 PaiGram



  • Python 3.11+
  • MySQL or SQLite
  • Redis


1. 安装 poetry

pip install --upgrade poetry

2. 安装依赖

poetry install
poetry run playwright install chromium


poetry install --extras pyro

3. 修改配置

创建 .env 文件并填写数据库连接和 bot token 等参数。

cp .env.example .env

详细配置说明见 Wiki/Env Settings

4. 初始化数据库

poetry run alembic upgrade head

5. 运行

poetry run python ./run.py

使用 Docker 部署

详见 Wiki/Deploy with Docker

使用 Podman 部署

详见 Wiki/Deploy with Podman




Nickname Introduce
原神抽卡全机制总结 本项目抽卡模拟器使用的逻辑
西风驿站 猫冬 本项目攻略图图源
Yunzai-Bot 本项使用的抽卡图片和前端资源来源
Crawler-ghhw 本项目参考的爬虫代码
Enka.Network 角色卡片的数据来源
miao-plugin 角色卡片的参考项目