import html import traceback from typing import Callable, Optional import ujson from aiohttp import ClientConnectorError from genshin import InvalidCookies, GenshinException, TooManyRequests from httpx import ConnectTimeout from telegram import Update, ReplyKeyboardRemove from telegram.constants import ParseMode from telegram.error import BadRequest from telegram.ext import CallbackContext, ConversationHandler from logger import Log from config import config try: notice_chat_id = config.TELEGRAM["notice"]["ERROR"]["chat_id"] except KeyError as error: Log.warning("错误通知Chat_id获取失败或未配置,BOT发生致命错误时不会收到通知 错误信息为\n", error) notice_chat_id = None async def send_user_notification(update: Update, _: CallbackContext, text: str): if update.callback_query is None: message = update.message else: message = update.callback_query.message try: await message.reply_text(text, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove(), allow_sending_without_reply=True) except BadRequest as exc: Log.error(f"发送 update_id[{update.update_id}] 错误信息失败 错误信息为 {str(exc)}") finally: pass def conversation_error_handler(func: Callable) -> Callable: async def decorator(*args, **kwargs): update: Optional[Update] = None context: Optional[CallbackContext] = None for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, Update): update = arg if isinstance(arg, CallbackContext): context = arg if update is None or context is None: return await func(*args, **kwargs) try: return await func(*args, **kwargs) except ClientConnectorError as exc: Log.error("服务器请求ConnectTimeout \n", exc) await send_user_notification(update, context, "出错了呜呜呜 ~ 服务器连接超时 服务器熟啦 ~ ") return ConversationHandler.END except ConnectTimeout as exc: Log.error("服务器请求ConnectTimeout \n", exc) await send_user_notification(update, context, "出错了呜呜呜 ~ 服务器连接超时 服务器熟啦 ~ ") return ConversationHandler.END except InvalidCookies as exc: Log.warning("Cookie错误 \n", exc) await send_user_notification(update, context, "Cookies已经过期,请尝试重新绑定账户") return ConversationHandler.END except TooManyRequests as exc: Log.warning("Cookie错误 \n", exc) await send_user_notification(update, context, "Cookies已经过期,请尝试重新绑定账户") return ConversationHandler.END except GenshinException as exc: Log.warning("GenshinException \n", exc) await send_user_notification(update, context, f"获取账号信息发生错误,错误信息为 {str(error)},请检查Cookie或者账号是否正常") return ConversationHandler.END return decorator async def error_handler(update: object, context: CallbackContext) -> None: """ 记录错误并发送消息通知开发人员。 Log the error and send a telegram message to notify the developer. """ Log.error(msg="处理函数时发生异常:", exc_info=context.error) if notice_chat_id is None: return tb_list = traceback.format_exception(None, context.error, context.error.__traceback__) tb_string = ''.join(tb_list) update_str = update.to_dict() if isinstance(update, Update) else str(update) text_1 = ( f'处理函数时发生异常 \n' f'Exception while handling an update \n' f'
update = {html.escape(ujson.dumps(update_str, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False))}'
\n\n' f'
context.chat_data = {html.escape(str(context.chat_data))}
\n\n' f'
context.user_data = {html.escape(str(context.user_data))}
\n\n' ) text_2 = ( f'
' ) try: if 'make sure that only one bot instance is running' in tb_string: Log.error("其他机器人在运行,请停止!") return await, text_1, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) await, text_2, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) except BadRequest as exc: if 'too long' in str(exc): text = ( f'处理函数时发生异常,traceback太长导致无法发送,但已写入日志 \n' f'{html.escape(str(context.error))}' ) try: await, text, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) except BadRequest: text = ( '处理函数时发生异常,traceback太长导致无法发送,但已写入日志 \n') try: await, text, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) except BadRequest as exc: Log.error("处理函数时发生异常 \n", exc) effective_user = update.effective_user try: message = update.message if message is not None: chat ="尝试通知用户 {effective_user.full_name}[{}] " f"在 {chat.full_name}[{}]" f"的 update_id[{update.update_id}] 错误信息") text = f"派蒙这边发生了点问题无法处理!\n" \ f"如果当前有对话请发送 /cancel 退出对话。\n" \ f"错误信息为 {html.escape(str(context.error))}" await, text, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove(), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) except BadRequest as exc: Log.error(f"发送 update_id[{update.update_id}] 错误信息失败 错误信息为 {str(exc)}") pass