import difflib import os import time import traceback from typing import Optional import aiofiles from httpx import HTTPError, TimeoutException from simnet.errors import ( DataNotPublic, BadRequest as SIMNetBadRequest, InvalidCookies, TooManyRequests, CookieException, TimedOut as SIMNetTimedOut, SIMNetException, NeedChallenge, InvalidDevice, ) from telegram import ReplyKeyboardRemove, Update, InlineKeyboardMarkup, InlineKeyboardButton from telegram.constants import ParseMode from telegram.error import BadRequest, Forbidden, TelegramError, TimedOut, NetworkError from telegram.ext import CallbackContext, ApplicationHandlerStop, filters from telegram.helpers import create_deep_linked_url from core.config import config from core.plugin import Plugin, error_handler from import PlayerNotFoundError from modules.apihelper.error import APIHelperException, APIHelperTimedOut, ResponseException, ReturnCodeError from modules.errorpush import ( PbClient, PbClientException, SentryClient, SentryClientException, ) from import CookiesNotFoundError, PlayerNotFoundError as GenshinPlayerNotFoundError from utils.log import logger try: import ujson as jsonlib except ImportError: import json as jsonlib class ErrorHandler(Plugin): ERROR_MSG_PREFIX = "出错了呜呜呜 ~ " SEND_MSG_ERROR_NOTICE = "发送 update_id[%s] 错误信息失败 错误信息为 [%s]" def __init__(self): self.notice_chat_id = config.error.notification_chat_id current_dir = os.getcwd() logs_dir = os.path.join(current_dir, "logs") if not os.path.exists(logs_dir): os.mkdir(logs_dir) self.report_dir = os.path.join(current_dir, "report") if not os.path.exists(self.report_dir): os.mkdir(self.report_dir) self.pb_client = PbClient(config.error.pb_url, config.error.pb_sunset, config.error.pb_max_lines) self.sentry = SentryClient(config.error.sentry_dsn) self.tb_string = "" async def notice_user(self, update: object, context: CallbackContext, content: str): if not isinstance(update, Update): logger.warning("错误的消息类型 %s", repr(update)) return None if update.inline_query is not None: # 忽略 inline_query return None user = update.effective_user message = update.effective_message chat = update.effective_chat _import_button = InlineKeyboardButton( "从其他 BOT 导入", url=create_deep_linked_url(, "cookies_import") ) if "重新绑定" in content: buttons = InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [ InlineKeyboardButton( "点我重新绑定", url=create_deep_linked_url(, "set_cookie") ), _import_button, ], ] ) elif "通过验证" in content: buttons = InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [ InlineKeyboardButton( "点我通过验证", url=create_deep_linked_url(, "verify_verification") ) ] ] ) elif "绑定账号" in content: buttons = InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [ InlineKeyboardButton( "点我绑定账号", url=create_deep_linked_url(, "set_cookie") ), _import_button, ], ] ) # recommend: channel alias if message and message.sender_chat: content += "\n\n推荐使用 /channel_alias 开启频道透视模式,派蒙将会把你当做普通用户运行命令。" else: buttons = ReplyKeyboardRemove() if (not chat) or =="用户 %s[%s] 尝试通知错误信息[%s]", user.full_name,, content) else: self.log_user(update,, "尝试通知在 %s[%s] 的错误信息[%s]", chat.title,, content) try: if update.callback_query: await update.callback_query.answer(content, show_alert=True) return if message: reply_text = await message.reply_text(content, reply_markup=buttons) if filters.ChatType.GROUPS.filter(reply_text): self.add_delete_message_job(reply_text, context=context) self.add_delete_message_job(message, context=context) return except TelegramError as exc: logger.error(self.SEND_MSG_ERROR_NOTICE, update.update_id, exc.message) except Exception as exc: logger.error(self.SEND_MSG_ERROR_NOTICE, update.update_id, repr(exc), exc_info=exc) def create_notice_task(self, update: object, context: CallbackContext, content: str): context.application.create_task(self.notice_user(update, context, content), update) @error_handler() async def process_genshin_exception(self, update: object, context: CallbackContext): if not isinstance(context.error, SIMNetException) or not isinstance(update, Update): return exc = context.error notice: Optional[str] = None if isinstance(exc, SIMNetTimedOut): notice = self.ERROR_MSG_PREFIX + " 服务器熟啦 ~ 请稍后再试" self.create_notice_task(update, context, notice) raise ApplicationHandlerStop if not isinstance(exc, SIMNetBadRequest) or not isinstance(update, Update): return if isinstance(exc, TooManyRequests): notice = self.ERROR_MSG_PREFIX + "Cookie 无效,请尝试重新绑定" elif isinstance(exc, InvalidCookies): if exc.retcode in (10001, -100): notice = self.ERROR_MSG_PREFIX + "Cookie 无效,请尝试重新绑定" elif exc.retcode == 10103: notice = ( self.ERROR_MSG_PREFIX + "Cookie 有效,但没有绑定到游戏帐户,请尝试登录通行证,在账号管理里面选择账号游戏信息,将原神设置为默认角色。" ) else: logger.error("未知Cookie错误", exc_info=exc) notice = self.ERROR_MSG_PREFIX + f"Cookie 无效 错误信息为 {exc.original} 请尝试重新绑定" elif isinstance(exc, CookieException): if exc.retcode == 0: notice = self.ERROR_MSG_PREFIX + "Cookie 已经被刷新,请尝试重试发送命令~" else: logger.error("未知Cookie错误", exc_info=exc) notice = self.ERROR_MSG_PREFIX + f"Cookie 无效 错误信息为 {exc.original} 请尝试重新绑定" elif isinstance(exc, InvalidDevice): notice = self.ERROR_MSG_PREFIX + "设备信息无效,请尝试重新绑定" elif isinstance(exc, DataNotPublic): notice = self.ERROR_MSG_PREFIX + "查询的用户数据未公开" elif isinstance(exc, NeedChallenge): notice = self.ERROR_MSG_PREFIX + "服务器检测到该账号可能存在异常,请求被拒绝,请尝试通过验证" else: if exc.retcode == -130: notice = self.ERROR_MSG_PREFIX + "未设置默认角色,请尝试重新绑定" elif exc.retcode == -500001: notice = self.ERROR_MSG_PREFIX + "网络出小差了,请稍后重试~" elif exc.retcode == -1: logger.warning("内部数据库错误 [%s]%s", exc.ret_code, exc.original) notice = self.ERROR_MSG_PREFIX + "系统内部数据库错误,请稍后重试~" elif exc.retcode == -10001: # 参数异常 不应该抛出异常 进入下一步处理 pass else: logger.error("GenshinException", exc_info=exc) message = exc.original if exc.original else exc.message if message: notice = self.ERROR_MSG_PREFIX + f"获取信息发生错误 错误信息为 {message} ~ 请稍后再试" else: notice = self.ERROR_MSG_PREFIX + "获取信息发生错误 请稍后再试" if notice: self.create_notice_task(update, context, notice) raise ApplicationHandlerStop @error_handler() async def process_telegram_exception(self, update: object, context: CallbackContext): if not isinstance(context.error, TelegramError) or not isinstance(update, Update): return notice: Optional[str] = None if isinstance(context.error, TimedOut): # notice = self.ERROR_MSG_PREFIX + " 连接 telegram 服务器超时" logger.error("连接 telegram 服务器超时 [%s]", repr(context.error)) raise ApplicationHandlerStop if isinstance(context.error, BadRequest): if "Replied message not found" in context.error.message: notice = "气死我了!怎么有人喜欢发一个命令就秒删了!" elif "Message is not modified" in context.error.message: logger.warning("编辑消息异常") raise ApplicationHandlerStop elif "Not enough rights" in context.error.message: notice = self.ERROR_MSG_PREFIX + "权限不足,请检查对应权限是否开启" elif "Wrong file identifier specified" in context.error.message: notice = self.ERROR_MSG_PREFIX + "文件标识符未找到 ~ 请稍后再试" else: logger.error("python-telegram-bot 请求错误", exc_info=context.error) notice = self.ERROR_MSG_PREFIX + "telegram-bot-api请求错误 ~ 请稍后再试" elif isinstance(context.error, Forbidden): logger.error("python-telegram-bot 返回 Forbidden") notice = self.ERROR_MSG_PREFIX + "telegram-bot-api请求错误 ~ 请稍后再试" if notice: self.create_notice_task(update, context, notice) raise ApplicationHandlerStop @error_handler() async def process_telegram_update_exception(self, update: object, context: CallbackContext): if update is None and isinstance(context.error, NetworkError): logger.error("python-telegram-bot NetworkError : %s", context.error.message) raise ApplicationHandlerStop @error_handler() async def process_apihelper_exception(self, update: object, context: CallbackContext): if not isinstance(context.error, APIHelperException) or not isinstance(update, Update): return exc = context.error notice: Optional[str] = None if isinstance(exc, APIHelperTimedOut): notice = self.ERROR_MSG_PREFIX + " 服务器熟啦 ~ 请稍后再试" elif isinstance(exc, ReturnCodeError): notice = ( self.ERROR_MSG_PREFIX + f"API请求错误 错误信息为 {exc.message if exc.message else exc.code} ~ 请稍后再试" ) elif isinstance(exc, ResponseException): notice = ( self.ERROR_MSG_PREFIX + f"API请求错误 错误信息为 {exc.message if exc.message else exc.code} ~ 请稍后再试" ) if notice: self.create_notice_task(update, context, notice) raise ApplicationHandlerStop @error_handler() async def process_httpx_exception(self, update: object, context: CallbackContext): if not isinstance(context.error, HTTPError) or not isinstance(update, Update): return exc = context.error notice: Optional[str] = None if isinstance(exc, TimeoutException): notice = self.ERROR_MSG_PREFIX + " 服务器熟啦 ~ 请稍后再试" logger.warning("Httpx [%s]\n%s[%s]", exc.__class__.__name__, exc.request.method, exc.request.url) if notice: self.create_notice_task(update, context, notice) raise ApplicationHandlerStop @error_handler() async def process_player_and_cookie_not_found(self, update: object, context: CallbackContext): if not isinstance( context.error, (CookiesNotFoundError, PlayerNotFoundError, GenshinPlayerNotFoundError) ) or not isinstance(update, Update): return self.create_notice_task(update, context, config.notice.user_not_found) raise ApplicationHandlerStop @error_handler(block=False) async def process_z_error(self, update: object, context: CallbackContext) -> None: # 必须 `process_` 加上 `z` 保证该函数最后一个注册 """记录错误并发送消息通知开发人员。 logger the error and send a telegram message to notify the developer.""" if isinstance(update, Update): effective_user = update.effective_user effective_message = update.effective_message try: if effective_message is not None: chat = "尝试通知用户 %s[%s] 在 %s[%s] 的 update_id[%s] 错误信息", effective_user.full_name,, chat.full_name,, update.update_id, ) text = f"出错了呜呜呜 ~ {config.notice.bot_name}这边发生了点问题无法处理!" await effective_message.chat_id, text, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove(), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML ) except NetworkError as exc: logger.error("发送 update_id[%s] 错误信息失败 错误信息为 %s", update.update_id, exc.message) tb_list = traceback.format_exception(None, context.error, context.error.__traceback__) tb_string = "".join(tb_list) if difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, self.tb_string, tb_string).quick_ratio() >= 0.93: logger.debug("相似的错误信息已经发送过了") return self.tb_string = tb_string logger.error("处理函数时发生异常") logger.exception(context.error, exc_info=(type(context.error), context.error, context.error.__traceback__)) if not self.notice_chat_id: return update_str = update.to_dict() if isinstance(update, Update) else str(update) error_text = ( f"-----Exception while handling an update-----\n" f"update = {jsonlib.dumps(update_str, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False)}\n" f"context.chat_data = {str(context.chat_data)}\n" f"context.user_data = {str(context.user_data)}\n" "\n" "-----Traceback info-----\n" f"{tb_string}" ) file_name = f"error_{update.update_id if isinstance(update, Update) else int(time.time())}.txt" log_file = os.path.join(self.report_dir, file_name) try: async with, mode="w+", encoding="utf-8") as f: await f.write(error_text) except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=W0703 logger.error("保存日记失败") logger.exception(exc) try: if "make sure that only one bot instance is running" in tb_string: logger.error("其他机器人在运行,请停止!") return await chat_id=self.notice_chat_id, document=open(log_file, "rb"), caption=f'Error: "{context.error.__class__.__name__}"', ) except NetworkError as exc: logger.error("发送日记失败") logger.exception(exc) except FileNotFoundError: logger.error("发送日记失败 文件不存在") if self.pb_client.enabled:"正在上传日记到 pb") try: pb_url = await self.pb_client.create_pb(error_text) if pb_url: logger.success("上传日记到 pb 成功") await chat_id=self.notice_chat_id, text=f"错误信息已上传至 fars 请查看", parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML, ) except PbClientException as exc: logger.warning("上传错误信息至 fars 失败", exc_info=exc) except Exception as exc: logger.error("上传错误信息至 fars 失败") logger.exception(exc) if self.sentry.enabled:"正在上传日记到 sentry") try: self.sentry.report_error(update, (type(context.error), context.error, context.error.__traceback__)) logger.success("上传日记到 sentry 成功") except SentryClientException as exc: logger.warning("上传错误信息至 sentry 失败", exc_info=exc) except Exception as exc: logger.error("上传错误信息至 sentry 失败") logger.exception(exc)