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from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from pathlib import Path
from ssl import SSLZeroReturnError
from typing import ClassVar, Optional, Union
from aiofiles import open as async_open
from httpx import AsyncClient, HTTPError
from core.service import Service
from metadata.honey import HONEY_RESERVED_ID_MAP
from metadata.shortname import roleToId, roles
from modules.wiki.base import SCRAPE_HOST
from utils.const import PROJECT_ROOT
from utils.log import logger
from utils.typedefs import StrOrURL
ASSETS_PATH = PROJECT_ROOT.joinpath('resources/assets')
ASSETS_PATH.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
class _AssetsService(ABC):
_dir: ClassVar[Path]
id: str
type: str
def path(self) -> Path:
path = self._dir.joinpath(self.id)
path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
return path
def __init__(self, client: AsyncClient):
self._client = client
def __call__(self, target):
def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
cls.type = cls.__name__.lstrip('_').split('Assets')[0].lower()
cls._dir = ASSETS_PATH.joinpath(cls.type)
return cls
async def _download(self, url: StrOrURL, path: Path, retry: int = 5) -> Optional[Path]:
import asyncio
async def _task():
logger.debug(f"正在从 {url} 下载图标至 {path}")
for _ in range(retry):
response = await self._client.get(url, follow_redirects=False)
except (HTTPError, SSLZeroReturnError):
await asyncio.sleep(1)
if response.status_code != 200:
return None
async with async_open(path, 'wb') as file:
await file.write(response.content)
return path
task = asyncio.create_task(_task())
while not task.done():
await asyncio.sleep(0)
return task.result()
async def icon(self) -> Path:
class _CharacterAssets(_AssetsService):
# noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
def __call__(self, target: Union[str, int]) -> "_CharacterAssets":
if isinstance(target, int):
if target == 10000005:
self.id = 'playerboy_005'
elif target == 10000007:
self.id = 'playergirl_007'
self.id = f"{roles[target][2]}_{str(target)[-3:]}"
elif not target[-1].isdigit():
target = roleToId(target)
self.id = f"{roles[target][2]}_{str(target)[-3:]}"
self.id = target
return self
async def icon(self) -> Path:
if (path := self.path.joinpath('icon.webp')).exists():
return path
return await self._download(SCRAPE_HOST.join(SCRAPE_HOST.join(f'/img/{self.id}_icon.webp')), path)
async def side(self) -> Path:
if (path := self.path.joinpath('side.webp')).exists():
return path
return await self._download(SCRAPE_HOST.join(SCRAPE_HOST.join(f'/img/{self.id}_side_icon.webp')), path)
async def gacha(self) -> Path:
if (path := self.path.joinpath('gacha.webp')).exists():
return path
return await self._download(SCRAPE_HOST.join(SCRAPE_HOST.join(f'/img/{self.id}_gacha_card.webp')), path)
async def splash(self) -> Optional[Path]:
if (path := self.path.joinpath('splash.webp')).exists():
return path
return await self._download(SCRAPE_HOST.join(SCRAPE_HOST.join(f'/img/{self.id}_gacha_splash.webp')), path)
class _WeaponAssets(_AssetsService):
def __call__(self, target: str) -> '_WeaponAssets':
if not target[-1].isdigit():
self.id = HONEY_RESERVED_ID_MAP['weapon'][target][0]
self.id = target
return self
async def icon(self) -> Path:
if (path := self.path.joinpath('icon.webp')).exists():
return path
return await self._download(SCRAPE_HOST.join(SCRAPE_HOST.join(f'/img/{self.id}.webp')), path)
async def awakened(self) -> Path:
if (path := self.path.joinpath('awakened.webp')).exists():
return path
return await self._download(SCRAPE_HOST.join(SCRAPE_HOST.join(f'/img/{self.id}_awaken_icon.webp')), path)
async def gacha(self) -> Path:
if (path := self.path.joinpath('gacha.webp')).exists():
return path
return await self._download(SCRAPE_HOST.join(SCRAPE_HOST.join(f'/img/{self.id}_gacha_icon.webp')), path)
class _MaterialAssets(_AssetsService):
def __call__(self, target) -> "_MaterialAssets":
if not target[-1].isdigit():
self.id = HONEY_RESERVED_ID_MAP['material'][target][0]
self.id = target
return self
async def icon(self) -> Path:
if (path := self.path.joinpath('icon.webp')).exists():
return path
return await self._download(SCRAPE_HOST.join(SCRAPE_HOST.join(f'/img/{self.id}.webp')), path)
class AssetsService(Service):
用于储存和管理 asset :
当对应的 asset (如某角色图标)不存在时,该服务会先查找本地。
character: _CharacterAssets
weapon: _WeaponAssets
material: _MaterialAssets
def __init__(self):
self.client = AsyncClient()
self.character = _CharacterAssets(self.client)
self.weapon = _WeaponAssets(self.client)
self.material = _MaterialAssets(self.client)