Chuangbo Li f122e21092
增加 html to image 的缓存
* 增加 html to image 缓存
* 对 template_service.render 进行封装,管理缓存逻辑
* cache key 为 html 的 sha256
* cache value 为 reply_photo 后 telegram 返回的 file_id
* 存入 redis,并设置合理的 ttl

Co-authored-by: 洛水居室 <>
Co-authored-by: xtaodada <>
2022-10-22 15:03:59 +08:00

53 lines
1.6 KiB

import gzip
import pickle # nosec B403
from hashlib import sha256
from typing import Any, Optional
from core.base.redisdb import RedisDB
class TemplatePreviewCache:
def __init__(self, redis: RedisDB):
self.client = redis.client
self.qname = "bot:template:preview"
async def get_data(self, key: str) -> Any:
data = await self.client.get(self.cache_key(key))
if data:
# skipcq: BAN-B301
return pickle.loads(gzip.decompress(data)) # nosec B301
async def set_data(self, key: str, data: Any, ttl: int = 8 * 60 * 60):
ck = self.cache_key(key)
await self.client.set(ck, gzip.compress(pickle.dumps(data)))
if ttl != -1:
await self.client.expire(ck, ttl)
def cache_key(self, key: str) -> str:
return f"{self.qname}:{key}"
class HtmlToFileIdCache:
"""html to file_id 的缓存"""
def __init__(self, redis: RedisDB):
self.client = redis.client
self.qname = "bot:template:html-to-file-id"
async def get_data(self, html: str, file_type: str) -> Optional[str]:
data = await self.client.get(self.cache_key(html, file_type))
if data:
return data.decode()
async def set_data(self, html: str, file_type: str, file_id: str, ttl: int = 24 * 60 * 60):
ck = self.cache_key(html, file_type)
await self.client.set(ck, file_id)
if ttl != -1:
await self.client.expire(ck, ttl)
def cache_key(self, html: str, file_type: str) -> str:
key = sha256(html.encode()).hexdigest()
return f"{self.qname}:{file_type}:{key}"