import fg from 'fast-glob' import { resolve } from 'pathe' import type { VitePWAOptions } from 'vite-plugin-pwa' import { description, githubSourceContentRegex, googleFontRegex, googleStaticFontRegex, jsdelivrCDNRegex, name, } from '../meta' /** * Vite Plugin PWA uses Workbox library to build the service worker * can find more information on Workbox section. * @see */ export const pwa: Partial = { outDir: '../dist', registerType: 'autoUpdate', // include all static assets under public/ includeAssets: fg.sync('**/*.{png,svg,gif,ico,txt}', { cwd: resolve(__dirname, '../../public') }), manifest: { id: '/', name, short_name: name, description, theme_color: '#06f', icons: [ { src: '/images/icons/apple-touch-120x120.png', sizes: '120x120', type: 'image/png', }, { src: '/images/icons/android-chrome-192x192.png', sizes: '192x192', type: 'image/png', }, { src: '/images/icons/android-chrome-512x512.png', sizes: '512x512', type: 'image/png', }, ], }, workbox: { navigateFallbackDenylist: [/^\/new$/], globPatterns: ['**/*.{js,css,webp,png,svg,gif,ico,woff2}'], navigateFallback: null, runtimeCaching: [ { urlPattern: googleFontRegex, handler: 'CacheFirst', options: { cacheName: 'google-font-style-cache', expiration: { maxEntries: 10, maxAgeSeconds: 60 * 60 * 24 * 365, // <== 365 days }, cacheableResponse: { statuses: [0, 200], }, }, }, { urlPattern: googleStaticFontRegex, handler: 'CacheFirst', options: { cacheName: 'google-fonts-cache', expiration: { maxEntries: 10, maxAgeSeconds: 60 * 60 * 24 * 365, // <== 365 days }, cacheableResponse: { statuses: [0, 200], }, }, }, { urlPattern: jsdelivrCDNRegex, handler: 'CacheFirst', options: { cacheName: 'jsdelivr-cdn-cache', expiration: { maxEntries: 10, maxAgeSeconds: 60 * 60 * 24 * 365, // <== 365 days }, cacheableResponse: { statuses: [0, 200], }, }, }, { urlPattern: githubSourceContentRegex, handler: 'CacheFirst', options: { cacheName: 'githubusercontent-images-cache', expiration: { maxEntries: 10, maxAgeSeconds: 60 * 60 * 24 * 365, // <== 365 days }, cacheableResponse: { statuses: [0, 200], }, }, }, ], }, }