import math from typing import List, Tuple, Union, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, Dict from pydantic import BaseModel from telegram import InlineKeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardMarkup, Message from telegram.constants import ChatAction from telegram.ext import filters from telegram.helpers import create_deep_linked_url from core.config import config from core.dependence.assets import AssetsService, AssetsCouldNotFound from core.dependence.redisdb import RedisDB from core.plugin import Plugin, handler from import PlayersService from import TemplateService from import WikiService from metadata.shortname import roleToName, idToRole from modules.apihelper.client.components.player_cards import PlayerCards as PlayerCardsClient, PlayerInfo, Avatar, Relic from modules.playercards.fight_prop import EquipmentsStats from modules.playercards.helpers import ArtifactStatsTheory from utils.log import logger from utils.uid import mask_number if TYPE_CHECKING: from telegram.ext import ContextTypes from telegram import Update try: import ujson as jsonlib except ImportError: import json as jsonlib class PlayerCards(Plugin): def __init__( self, player_service: PlayersService, template_service: TemplateService, assets_service: AssetsService, wiki_service: WikiService, redis: RedisDB, ): self.player_service = player_service self.client = PlayerCardsClient(redis) self.cache = self.client.cache self.assets_service = assets_service self.template_service = template_service self.wiki_service = wiki_service self.kitsune: Optional[str] = None async def initialize(self): await self.client.async_init() async def _load_history(self, uid) -> Optional[PlayerInfo]: data = await self.client.player_cards_file.load_history_info(uid) if data is None: return None return PlayerInfo.parse_obj(data) async def get_uid_and_ch( self, user_id: int, args: List[str], reply: Optional[Message] ) -> Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[str]]: """通过消息获取 uid,优先级:args > reply > self""" uid, ch_name, user_id_ = None, None, user_id if args: for i in args: if i is not None: if i.isdigit() and len(i) == 9: uid = int(i) else: ch_name = roleToName(i) if reply: try: user_id_ = except AttributeError: pass if not uid: player_info = await self.player_service.get_player(user_id_) if player_info is not None: uid = player_info.player_id if (not uid) and (user_id_ != user_id): player_info = await self.player_service.get_player(user_id) if player_info is not None: uid = player_info.player_id return uid, ch_name @handler.command(command="player_card", block=False) @handler.message(filters=filters.Regex("^角色卡片查询(.*)"), block=False) async def player_cards(self, update: "Update", context: "ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE") -> None: user = update.effective_user message = update.effective_message args = self.get_args(context) await message.reply_chat_action(ChatAction.TYPING) uid, ch_name = await self.get_uid_and_ch(, args, message.reply_to_message) if uid is None: buttons = [ [ InlineKeyboardButton( "点我绑定账号", url=create_deep_linked_url(, "set_uid"), ) ] ] if filters.ChatType.GROUPS.filter(message): reply_message = await message.reply_text( "未查询到您所绑定的账号信息,请先私聊彦卿绑定账号", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons), ) self.add_delete_message_job(reply_message, delay=30) self.add_delete_message_job(message, delay=30) else: await message.reply_text("未查询到您所绑定的账号信息,请先绑定账号", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons)) return data = await self._load_history(uid) if data is None or len(data.avatarList) == 0: if isinstance(self.kitsune, str): photo = self.kitsune else: photo = open("resources/img/aaa.jpg", "rb") buttons = [ [ InlineKeyboardButton( "更新面板", callback_data=f"update_player_card|{}|{uid}", ) ] ] reply_message = await message.reply_photo( photo=photo, caption=f"角色列表未找到,请尝试点击下方按钮更新角色列表 - UID {uid}", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons), ) if self.kitsune =[-1].file_id return if ch_name is not None: "用户 %s[%s] 角色卡片查询命令请求 || character_name[%s] uid[%s]", user.full_name,, ch_name, uid, ) else:"用户 %s[%s] 角色卡片查询命令请求", user.full_name, ttl = await self.cache.ttl(uid) buttons = self.gen_button(data,, uid, update_button=ttl < 0) if isinstance(self.kitsune, str): photo = self.kitsune else: photo = open("resources/img/aaa.jpg", "rb") reply_message = await message.reply_photo( photo=photo, caption=f"请选择你要查询的角色 - UID {uid}", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons), ) if self.kitsune =[-1].file_id return for characters in data.avatarList: if idToRole(characters.avatarId) == ch_name: break else: await message.reply_text(f"角色展柜中未找到 {ch_name} ,请检查角色是否存在于角色展柜中,或者等待角色数据更新后重试") return await message.reply_chat_action(ChatAction.UPLOAD_PHOTO) render_result = await RenderTemplate( uid, characters, self.template_service, self.assets_service, self.wiki_service, self.client, ).render() # pylint: disable=W0631 await render_result.reply_photo( message, filename=f"player_card_{uid}_{ch_name}.png", ) @handler.callback_query(pattern=r"^update_player_card\|", block=False) async def update_player_card(self, update: "Update", _: "ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE") -> None: user = update.effective_user message = update.effective_message callback_query = update.callback_query async def get_player_card_callback(callback_query_data: str) -> Tuple[int, int]: _data = callback_query_data.split("|") _user_id = int(_data[1]) _uid = int(_data[2]) logger.debug("callback_query_data函数返回 user_id[%s] uid[%s]", _user_id, _uid) return _user_id, _uid user_id, uid = await get_player_card_callback( if != user_id: await callback_query.answer(text="这不是你的按钮!\n" + config.notice.user_mismatch, show_alert=True) return ttl = await self.cache.ttl(uid) if ttl > 0: await callback_query.answer(text=f"请等待 {ttl} 秒后再更新", show_alert=True) return await message.reply_chat_action(ChatAction.TYPING) await callback_query.answer(text="正在获取角色列表 请不要重复点击按钮") data = await self.client.update_data(str(uid)) if isinstance(data, str): await callback_query.answer(text=data, show_alert=True) return if data.avatarList is None: await message.delete() await callback_query.answer("请先将角色加入到角色展柜并允许查看角色详情后再使用此功能,如果已经添加了角色,请等待角色数据更新后重试", show_alert=True) return buttons = self.gen_button(data,, uid, update_button=False) render_data = await self.parse_holder_data(data) holder = await self.template_service.render( "starrail/player_card/holder.html", render_data, viewport={"width": 750, "height": 380}, ttl=60 * 10, caption=f"更新角色列表成功,请选择你要查询的角色 - UID {uid}", ) await holder.edit_media(message, reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons)) @handler.callback_query(pattern=r"^get_player_card\|", block=False) async def get_player_cards(self, update: "Update", _: "ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE") -> None: callback_query = update.callback_query user = callback_query.from_user message = callback_query.message async def get_player_card_callback( callback_query_data: str, ) -> Tuple[str, int, int]: _data = callback_query_data.split("|") _user_id = int(_data[1]) _uid = int(_data[2]) _result = _data[3] logger.debug( "callback_query_data函数返回 result[%s] user_id[%s] uid[%s]", _result, _user_id, _uid, ) return _result, _user_id, _uid result, user_id, uid = await get_player_card_callback( if != user_id: await callback_query.answer(text="这不是你的按钮!\n" + config.notice.user_mismatch, show_alert=True) return if result == "empty_data": await callback_query.answer(text="此按钮不可用", show_alert=True) return page = 0 if result.isdigit(): page = int(result) "用户 %s[%s] 角色卡片查询命令请求 || page[%s] uid[%s]", user.full_name,, page, uid, ) else: "用户 %s[%s] 角色卡片查询命令请求 || character_name[%s] uid[%s]", user.full_name,, result, uid, ) data = await self._load_history(uid) if isinstance(data, str): await message.reply_text(data) return if data.avatarList is None: await message.delete() await callback_query.answer("请先将角色加入到角色展柜并允许查看角色详情后再使用此功能,如果已经添加了角色,请等待角色数据更新后重试", show_alert=True) return if page: buttons = self.gen_button(data,, uid, page, await self.cache.ttl(uid) <= 0) await message.edit_reply_markup(reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons)) await callback_query.answer(f"已切换到第 {page} 页", show_alert=False) return for characters in data.avatarList: if idToRole(characters.avatarId) == result: break else: await message.delete() await callback_query.answer(f"角色展柜中未找到 {result} ,请检查角色是否存在于角色展柜中,或者等待角色数据更新后重试", show_alert=True) return await callback_query.answer(text="正在渲染图片中 请稍等 请不要重复点击按钮", show_alert=False) await message.reply_chat_action(ChatAction.UPLOAD_PHOTO) render_result = await RenderTemplate( uid, characters, self.template_service, self.assets_service, self.wiki_service, self.client ).render() # pylint: disable=W0631 render_result.filename = f"player_card_{uid}_{result}.png" await render_result.edit_media(message) @staticmethod def gen_button( data: PlayerInfo, user_id: Union[str, int], uid: int, page: int = 1, update_button: bool = True, ) -> List[List[InlineKeyboardButton]]: """生成按钮""" buttons = [] if data.avatarList: buttons = [ InlineKeyboardButton( idToRole(value.avatarId), callback_data=f"get_player_card|{user_id}|{uid}|{idToRole(value.avatarId)}", ) for value in data.avatarList if value.avatarId ] all_buttons = [buttons[i : i + 4] for i in range(0, len(buttons), 4)] send_buttons = all_buttons[(page - 1) * 3 : page * 3] last_page = page - 1 if page > 1 else 0 all_page = math.ceil(len(all_buttons) / 3) next_page = page + 1 if page < all_page and all_page > 1 else 0 last_button = [] if last_page: last_button.append( InlineKeyboardButton( "<< 上一页", callback_data=f"get_player_card|{user_id}|{uid}|{last_page}", ) ) if last_page or next_page: last_button.append( InlineKeyboardButton( f"{page}/{all_page}", callback_data=f"get_player_card|{user_id}|{uid}|empty_data", ) ) if update_button: last_button.append( InlineKeyboardButton( "更新面板", callback_data=f"update_player_card|{user_id}|{uid}", ) ) if next_page: last_button.append( InlineKeyboardButton( "下一页 >>", callback_data=f"get_player_card|{user_id}|{uid}|{next_page}", ) ) if last_button: send_buttons.append(last_button) return send_buttons async def parse_holder_data(self, data: PlayerInfo) -> dict: """ 生成渲染所需数据 """ characters_data = [] for idx, character in enumerate(data.avatarList): cid = character.avatarId try: characters_data.append( { "level": character.level, "constellation": character.rank, "icon": self.assets_service.avatar.square(cid).as_uri(), } ) except AssetsCouldNotFound: logger.warning("角色 %s 的头像资源获取失败", cid) if idx > 3: break return { "uid": mask_number(data.uid), "level": data.level or 0, "signature": data.signature or "", "characters": characters_data, } class Artifact(BaseModel): equipment: Dict = {} # 圣遗物评分 score: float = 0 # 圣遗物评级 score_label: str = "E" # 圣遗物评级颜色 score_class: str = "" # 圣遗物单行属性评分 substat_scores: List[float] def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) for substat_scores in self.substat_scores: self.score += substat_scores self.score = round(self.score, 1) for r in ( ("D", 10.0), ("C", 16.5), ("B", 23.1), ("A", 29.7), ("S", 36.3), ("SS", 42.9), ("SSS", 49.5), ("ACE", 56.1), ("ACE²", 66.0), ): if self.score >= r[1]: self.score_label = r[0] self.score_class = self.get_score_class(r[0]) @staticmethod def get_score_class(label: str) -> str: mapping = { "D": "text-neutral-400", "C": "text-neutral-200", "B": "text-violet-400", "A": "text-violet-400", "S": "text-yellow-400", "SS": "text-yellow-400", "SSS": "text-yellow-400", "ACE": "text-red-500", "ACE²": "text-red-500", } return mapping.get(label, "text-neutral-400") class RenderTemplate: def __init__( self, uid: Union[int, str], character: Avatar, template_service: TemplateService, assets_service: AssetsService, wiki_service: WikiService, client: PlayerCardsClient, ): self.uid = uid self.template_service = template_service self.character = character self.assets_service = assets_service self.wiki_service = wiki_service self.client = client async def render(self): images = await self.cache_images() artifacts = self.find_artifacts() artifact_total_score: float = sum(artifact.score for artifact in artifacts) artifact_total_score = round(artifact_total_score, 1) artifact_total_score_label: str = "E" for r in ( ("D", 10.0), ("C", 16.5), ("B", 23.1), ("A", 29.7), ("S", 36.3), ("SS", 42.9), ("SSS", 49.5), ("ACE", 56.1), ("ACE²", 66.0), ): if artifact_total_score / 5 >= r[1]: artifact_total_score_label = r[0] weapon = None weapon_detail = None if and weapon = weapon_detail = self.wiki_service.light_cone.get_by_id( skills = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] for index in range(5): skills[index] = self.character.skillTreeList[index].level data = { "uid": mask_number(self.uid), "character": self.character, "character_detail": self.wiki_service.character.get_by_id(self.character.avatarId), "weapon": weapon, "weapon_detail": weapon_detail, # 圣遗物评分 "artifact_total_score": artifact_total_score, # 圣遗物评级 "artifact_total_score_label": artifact_total_score_label, # 圣遗物评级颜色 "artifact_total_score_class": Artifact.get_score_class(artifact_total_score_label), "artifacts": artifacts, "skills": skills, "images": images, } return await self.template_service.render( "starrail/player_card/player_card.html", data, {"width": 1000, "height": 1200}, full_page=True, query_selector=".text-neutral-200", ttl=7 * 24 * 60 * 60, ) async def cache_images(self): c = self.character cid = c.avatarId data = { "banner_url": self.assets_service.avatar.gacha(cid).as_uri(), "skills": [i.as_uri() for i in self.assets_service.avatar.skills(cid)][:-1], "constellations": [i.as_uri() for i in self.assets_service.avatar.eidolons(cid)], "equipment": "", } if and data["equipment"] = self.assets_service.light_cone.icon( return data def find_artifacts(self) -> List[Artifact]: """在 equipments 数组中找到圣遗物,并转换成带有分数的 model。equipments 数组包含圣遗物和武器""" stats = ArtifactStatsTheory(idToRole(self.character.avatarId)) def substat_score(s: EquipmentsStats) -> float: return stats.theory(s) def fix_equipment(e: Relic) -> Dict: rid = e.tid affix = self.client.get_affix_by_id(rid) relic_set = self.wiki_service.relic.get_by_id(affix.set_id) try: icon = relic_set.image_list[affix.type.num] except IndexError: icon = relic_set.icon return { "id": rid, "name":, "icon": icon, "level": e.level, "rank": affix.rarity, "main_sub": self.client.get_affix(e, True, False)[0], "sub": self.client.get_affix(e, False, True), } relic_list = self.character.relicList or [] return [ Artifact( equipment=fix_equipment(e), # 圣遗物单行属性评分 substat_scores=[substat_score(s) for s in self.client.get_affix(e, False)], ) for e in relic_list if self.client.get_affix_by_id(e.tid) is not None ]