"""用于下载和管理角色、武器、材料等的图标""" from __future__ import annotations import asyncio import re from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from functools import cached_property, lru_cache, partial from multiprocessing import RLock as Lock from pathlib import Path from ssl import SSLZeroReturnError from typing import AsyncIterator, Awaitable, Callable, ClassVar, Dict, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, TypeVar, Union from aiofiles import open as async_open from aiofiles.os import remove as async_remove from enkanetwork import Assets as EnkaAssets from enkanetwork.model.assets import CharacterAsset as EnkaCharacterAsset from httpx import AsyncClient, HTTPError, HTTPStatusError, TransportError, URL from typing_extensions import Self from core.service import Service from metadata.genshin import AVATAR_DATA, HONEY_DATA, MATERIAL_DATA, NAMECARD_DATA, WEAPON_DATA from metadata.scripts.honey import update_honey_metadata from metadata.scripts.metadatas import update_metadata_from_ambr, update_metadata_from_github from metadata.shortname import roleToId, weaponToId from modules.wiki.base import HONEY_HOST from utils.const import AMBR_HOST, ENKA_HOST, PROJECT_ROOT from utils.log import logger from utils.typedefs import StrOrInt, StrOrURL if TYPE_CHECKING: from httpx import Response from multiprocessing.synchronize import RLock ICON_TYPE = Union[Callable[[bool], Awaitable[Optional[Path]]], Callable[..., Awaitable[Optional[Path]]]] NAME_MAP_TYPE = Dict[str, StrOrURL] ASSETS_PATH = PROJECT_ROOT.joinpath("resources/assets") ASSETS_PATH.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) DATA_MAP = {"avatar": AVATAR_DATA, "weapon": WEAPON_DATA, "material": MATERIAL_DATA} DEFAULT_EnkaAssets = EnkaAssets(lang="chs") class AssetsServiceError(Exception): pass class AssetsCouldNotFound(AssetsServiceError): def __init__(self, message: str, target: str): self.message = message self.target = target super().__init__(f"{message}: target={message}") class _AssetsService(ABC): _lock: ClassVar["RLock"] = Lock() _dir: ClassVar[Path] icon_types: ClassVar[list[str]] _client: Optional[AsyncClient] = None _links: dict[str, str] = {} id: int type: str icon: ICON_TYPE """图标""" @abstractmethod @cached_property def game_name(self) -> str: """游戏数据中的名称""" @cached_property def honey_id(self) -> str: """当前资源在 Honey Impact 所对应的 ID""" return HONEY_DATA[self.type].get(str(self.id), [""])[0] @property def path(self) -> Path: """当前资源的文件夹""" result = self._dir.joinpath(str(self.id)).resolve() result.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) return result @property def client(self) -> AsyncClient: with self._lock: if self._client is None or self._client.is_closed: self._client = AsyncClient() return self._client def __init__(self, client: Optional[AsyncClient] = None) -> None: self._client = client def __call__(self, target: int) -> Self: """用于生成与 target 对应的 assets""" result = self.__class__(self.client) result.id = target return result def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs) -> None: """初始化一些类变量""" from itertools import chain cls.icon_types = [ # 支持的图标类型 k for k, v in chain(cls.__annotations__.items(), *map(lambda x: x.__annotations__.items(), cls.__bases__)) if v in [ICON_TYPE, "ICON_TYPE"] ] cls.type = cls.__name__.lstrip("_").split("Assets")[0].lower() # 当前 assert 的类型 cls._dir = ASSETS_PATH.joinpath(cls.type) # 图标保存的文件夹 cls._dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) async def _request(self, url: str, interval: float = 0.2) -> "Response": error = None for _ in range(5): try: return await self.client.get(url, follow_redirects=False) except (TransportError, SSLZeroReturnError) as e: error = e await asyncio.sleep(interval) continue if error is not None: raise error async def _download(self, url: StrOrURL, path: Path, retry: int = 5) -> Path | None: """从 url 下载图标至 path""" logger.debug(f"正在从 {url} 下载图标至 {path}") headers = {"user-agent": "TGPaimonBot/3.0"} if URL(url).host == "enka.network" else None for time in range(retry): try: response = await self.client.get(url, follow_redirects=False, headers=headers) except Exception as error: # pylint: disable=W0703 if not isinstance(error, (HTTPError, SSLZeroReturnError)): logger.error(error) # 打印未知错误 if time != retry - 1: # 未达到重试次数 await asyncio.sleep(1) else: raise error continue if response.status_code != 200: # 判定页面是否正常 return None async with async_open(path, "wb") as file: await file.write(response.content) # 保存图标 return path.resolve() async def _get_from_ambr(self, item: str) -> AsyncIterator[str | None]: # pylint: disable=W0613,R0201 """从 ambr.top 上获取目标链接""" yield None async def _get_from_enka(self, item: str) -> AsyncIterator[str | None]: # pylint: disable=W0613,R0201 """从 enke.network 上获取目标链接""" yield None async def _get_from_honey(self, item: str) -> AsyncIterator[str | None]: """从 honey 上获取目标链接""" if (honey_name := self.honey_name_map.get(item, None)) is not None: yield HONEY_HOST.join(f"img/{honey_name}.png") yield HONEY_HOST.join(f"img/{honey_name}.webp") async def _download_url_generator(self, item: str) -> AsyncIterator[str]: # 获取当前 `AssetsService` 的所有爬虫 for func in map(lambda x: getattr(self, x), sorted(filter(lambda x: x.startswith("_get_from_"), dir(self)))): async for url in func(item): if url is not None: try: response = await self._request(url := str(url)) response.raise_for_status() yield url except HTTPStatusError: continue async def _get_download_url(self, item: str) -> str | None: """获取图标的下载链接""" async for url in self._download_url_generator(item): if url is not None: return url async def _get_img(self, overwrite: bool = False, *, item: str) -> Path | None: """获取图标""" path = next(filter(lambda x: x.stem == item, self.path.iterdir()), None) if not overwrite and path: # 如果需要下载的图标存在且不覆盖( overwrite ) return path.resolve() if path is not None and path.exists(): if overwrite: # 如果覆盖 await async_remove(path) # 删除已存在的图标 else: return path # 依次从使用当前 assets class 中的爬虫下载图标,顺序为爬虫名的字母顺序 async for url in self._download_url_generator(item): if url is not None: path = self.path.joinpath(f"{item}{Path(url).suffix}") if (result := await self._download(url, path)) is not None: return result @lru_cache async def get_link(self, item: str) -> str | None: """获取相应图标链接""" return await self._get_download_url(item) def __getattr__(self, item: str): """魔法""" if item in self.icon_types: return partial(self._get_img, item=item) else: object.__getattribute__(self, item) @abstractmethod @cached_property def game_name_map(self) -> dict[str, str]: """游戏中的图标名""" @abstractmethod @cached_property def honey_name_map(self) -> dict[str, str]: """来自honey的图标名""" class _AvatarAssets(_AssetsService): enka: EnkaCharacterAsset | None side: ICON_TYPE """侧视图图标""" card: ICON_TYPE """卡片图标""" gacha: ICON_TYPE """抽卡立绘""" gacha_card: ICON_TYPE """抽卡卡片""" @cached_property def game_name(self) -> str: icon = "UI_AvatarIcon_" if (avatar := AVATAR_DATA.get(str(self.id), None)) is not None: icon = avatar["icon"] else: for aid, avatar in AVATAR_DATA.items(): if aid.startswith(str(self.id)): icon = avatar["icon"] return re.findall(r"UI_AvatarIcon_(.*)", icon)[0] @cached_property def honey_id(self) -> str: return HONEY_DATA["avatar"].get(str(self.id), "")[0] @cached_property def enka(self) -> Optional[EnkaCharacterAsset]: api = getattr(self, "_enka_api", None) cid = getattr(self, "id", None) return None if api is None or cid is None else api.character(cid) def __init__(self, client: Optional[AsyncClient] = None, enka: Optional[EnkaAssets] = None): super().__init__(client) self._enka_api = enka or DEFAULT_EnkaAssets def __call__(self, target: StrOrInt) -> "_AvatarAssets": temp = target result = _AvatarAssets(self.client) if isinstance(target, str): try: target = int(target) except ValueError: target = roleToId(target) if isinstance(target, str) or target is None: raise AssetsCouldNotFound("找不到对应的角色", temp) result.id = target result._enka_api = self._enka_api return result async def _get_from_ambr(self, item: str) -> AsyncIterator[str | None]: if item in {"icon", "side", "gacha"}: yield str(AMBR_HOST.join(f"assets/UI/{self.game_name_map[item]}.png")) async def _get_from_enka(self, item: str) -> AsyncIterator[str | None]: if (item_id := self.game_name_map.get(item)) is not None: yield str(ENKA_HOST.join(f"ui/{item_id}.png")) @cached_property def honey_name_map(self) -> dict[str, str]: return { "icon": f"{self.honey_id}_icon", "side": f"{self.honey_id}_side_icon", "gacha": f"{self.honey_id}_gacha_splash", "gacha_card": f"{self.honey_id}_gacha_card", } @cached_property def game_name_map(self) -> dict[str, str]: return { "icon": f"UI_AvatarIcon_{self.game_name}", "card": f"UI_AvatarIcon_{self.game_name}_Card", "side": f"UI_AvatarIcon_Side_{self.game_name}", "gacha": f"UI_Gacha_AvatarImg_{self.game_name}", } class _WeaponAssets(_AssetsService): awaken: ICON_TYPE """突破后图标""" gacha: ICON_TYPE """抽卡立绘""" @cached_property def game_name(self) -> str: return re.findall(r"UI_EquipIcon_(.*)", WEAPON_DATA[str(self.id)]["icon"])[0] @cached_property def game_name_map(self) -> dict[str, str]: return { "icon": f"UI_EquipIcon_{self.game_name}", "awaken": f"UI_EquipIcon_{self.game_name}_Awaken", "gacha": f"UI_Gacha_EquipIcon_{self.game_name}", } @cached_property def honey_id(self) -> str: return f"i_n{self.id}" def __call__(self, target: StrOrInt) -> Self: temp = target result = _WeaponAssets(self.client) if isinstance(target, str): target = int(target) if target.isnumeric() else weaponToId(target) if isinstance(target, str) or target is None: raise AssetsCouldNotFound("找不到对应的武器", temp) result.id = target return result async def _get_from_ambr(self, item: str) -> AsyncIterator[str | None]: if item == "icon": yield str(AMBR_HOST.join(f"assets/UI/{self.game_name_map.get(item)}.png")) async def _get_from_enka(self, item: str) -> AsyncIterator[str | None]: if item in self.game_name_map: yield str(ENKA_HOST.join(f"ui/{self.game_name_map.get(item)}.png")) @cached_property def honey_name_map(self) -> dict[str, str]: return { "icon": f"{self.honey_id}", "awaken": f"{self.honey_id}_awaken_icon", "gacha": f"{self.honey_id}_gacha_icon", } class _MaterialAssets(_AssetsService): @cached_property def game_name(self) -> str: return str(self.id) @cached_property def game_name_map(self) -> dict[str, str]: return {"icon": f"UI_ItemIcon_{self.game_name}"} @cached_property def honey_name_map(self) -> dict[str, str]: return {"icon": self.honey_id} def __call__(self, target: StrOrInt) -> Self: temp = target result = _MaterialAssets(self.client) if isinstance(target, str): if target.isnumeric(): target = int(target) else: target = {v["name"]: int(k) for k, v in MATERIAL_DATA.items()}.get(target) if isinstance(target, str) or target is None: raise AssetsCouldNotFound("找不到对应的素材", temp) result.id = target return result async def _get_from_ambr(self, item: str) -> AsyncIterator[str | None]: if item == "icon": yield str(AMBR_HOST.join(f"assets/UI/{self.game_name_map.get(item)}.png")) async def _get_from_honey(self, item: str) -> AsyncIterator[str | None]: yield HONEY_HOST.join(f"/img/{self.honey_name_map.get(item)}.png") yield HONEY_HOST.join(f"/img/{self.honey_name_map.get(item)}.webp") class _ArtifactAssets(_AssetsService): flower: ICON_TYPE """生之花""" plume: ICON_TYPE """死之羽""" sands: ICON_TYPE """时之沙""" goblet: ICON_TYPE """空之杯""" circlet: ICON_TYPE """理之冠""" @cached_property def honey_id(self) -> str: return HONEY_DATA["artifact"][str(self.id)][0] @cached_property def game_name(self) -> str: return f"UI_RelicIcon_{self.id}" async def _get_from_enka(self, item: str) -> AsyncIterator[str | None]: if item in self.game_name_map: yield str(ENKA_HOST.join(f"ui/{self.game_name_map.get(item)}.png")) async def _get_from_ambr(self, item: str) -> AsyncIterator[str | None]: if item in self.game_name_map: yield str(AMBR_HOST.join(f"assets/UI/reliquary/{self.game_name_map[item]}.png")) @cached_property def game_name_map(self) -> dict[str, str]: return { "icon": f"UI_RelicIcon_{self.id}_4", "flower": f"UI_RelicIcon_{self.id}_4", "plume": f"UI_RelicIcon_{self.id}_2", "sands": f"UI_RelicIcon_{self.id}_5", "goblet": f"UI_RelicIcon_{self.id}_1", "circlet": f"UI_RelicIcon_{self.id}_3", } @cached_property def honey_name_map(self) -> dict[str, str]: first_id = int(re.findall(r"\d+", HONEY_DATA["artifact"][str(self.id)][-1])[0]) return { "icon": f"i_n{first_id + 30}", "flower": f"i_n{first_id + 30}", "plume": f"i_n{first_id + 10}", "sands": f"i_n{first_id + 40}", "goblet": f"i_n{first_id}", "circlet": f"i_n{first_id + 20}", } class _NamecardAssets(_AssetsService): enka: EnkaCharacterAsset | None navbar: ICON_TYPE """好友名片背景""" profile: ICON_TYPE """个人资料名片背景""" @cached_property def honey_id(self) -> str: return HONEY_DATA["namecard"][str(self.id)][0] @cached_property def game_name(self) -> str: return NAMECARD_DATA[str(self.id)]["icon"] def __call__(self, target: int) -> "_NamecardAssets": result = _NamecardAssets(self.client) result.id = target result.enka = DEFAULT_EnkaAssets.namecards(target) return result async def _get_from_ambr(self, item: str) -> AsyncIterator[str | None]: if item == "profile": yield AMBR_HOST.join(f"assets/UI/namecard/{self.game_name_map[item]}.png.png") async def _get_from_enka(self, item: str) -> AsyncIterator[str | None]: if (url := getattr(self.enka, {"profile": "banner"}.get(item, item), None)) is not None: yield url.url @cached_property def game_name_map(self) -> dict[str, str]: return { "icon": self.game_name, "navbar": NAMECARD_DATA[str(self.id)]["navbar"], "profile": NAMECARD_DATA[str(self.id)]["profile"], } @cached_property def honey_name_map(self) -> dict[str, str]: return { "icon": self.honey_id, "navbar": f"{self.honey_id}_back", "profile": f"{self.honey_id}_profile", } class AssetsService(Service): """asset服务 用于储存和管理 asset : 当对应的 asset (如某角色图标)不存在时,该服务会先查找本地。 若本地不存在,则从网络上下载;若存在,则返回其路径 """ avatar: _AvatarAssets """角色""" weapon: _WeaponAssets """武器""" material: _MaterialAssets """素材""" artifact: _ArtifactAssets """圣遗物""" namecard: _NamecardAssets """名片""" def __init__(self): for attr, assets_type_name in filter( lambda x: (not x[0].startswith("_")) and x[1].endswith("Assets"), self.__annotations__.items() ): setattr(self, attr, globals()[assets_type_name]()) async def start(self): # pylint: disable=R0201 logger.info("正在刷新元数据") await update_metadata_from_github(False) await update_metadata_from_ambr(False) await update_honey_metadata(False) logger.info("刷新元数据成功") AssetsServiceType = TypeVar("AssetsServiceType", bound=_AssetsService)