import contextlib from pathlib import Path from typing import Tuple, Optional, List, Dict import aiofiles from genshin import Client, AuthkeyTimeout, InvalidAuthkey from genshin.models import TransactionKind, BaseTransaction from modules.pay_log.error import PayLogAuthkeyTimeout, PayLogInvalidAuthkey, PayLogNotFound from modules.pay_log.models import PayLog as PayLogModel, BaseInfo from utils.const import PROJECT_ROOT try: import ujson as jsonlib except ImportError: import json as jsonlib PAY_LOG_PATH = PROJECT_ROOT.joinpath("data", "apihelper", "pay_log") PAY_LOG_PATH.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) class PayLog: def __init__(self, pay_log_path: Path = PAY_LOG_PATH): self.pay_log_path = pay_log_path @staticmethod async def load_json(path): async with, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: return jsonlib.loads(await @staticmethod async def save_json(path, data: PayLogModel): async with, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: return await f.write(data.json(ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)) def get_file_path( self, user_id: str, uid: str, bak: bool = False, ): """获取文件路径 :param user_id: 用户 ID :param uid: UID :param bak: 是否为备份文件 :return: 文件路径 """ return self.pay_log_path / f"{user_id}-{uid}.json{'.bak' if bak else ''}" async def load_history_info( self, user_id: str, uid: str, only_status: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[Optional[PayLogModel], bool]: """读取历史记录数据 :param user_id: 用户id :param uid: 原神uid :param only_status: 是否只读取状态 :return: 抽卡记录数据 """ file_path = self.get_file_path(user_id, uid) if only_status: return None, file_path.exists() if not file_path.exists(): return PayLogModel(info=BaseInfo(uid=uid), list=[]), False try: return PayLogModel.parse_obj(await self.load_json(file_path)), True except jsonlib.decoder.JSONDecodeError: return PayLogModel(info=BaseInfo(uid=uid), list=[]), False async def remove_history_info( self, user_id: str, uid: str, ) -> bool: """删除历史记录数据 :param user_id: 用户id :param uid: 原神uid :return: 是否删除成功 """ file_path = self.get_file_path(user_id, uid) file_bak_path = self.get_file_path(user_id, uid, bak=True) with contextlib.suppress(Exception): file_bak_path.unlink(missing_ok=True) if file_path.exists(): try: file_path.unlink() except PermissionError: return False return True return False async def save_pay_log_info(self, user_id: str, uid: str, info: PayLogModel) -> None: """保存日志记录数据 :param user_id: 用户id :param uid: 原神uid :param info: 记录数据 """ save_path = self.pay_log_path / f"{user_id}-{uid}.json" save_path_bak = self.pay_log_path / f"{user_id}-{uid}.json.bak" # 将旧数据备份一次 with contextlib.suppress(PermissionError): if save_path.exists(): if save_path_bak.exists(): save_path_bak.unlink() save_path.rename(save_path.parent / f"{}.bak") # 写入数据 await self.save_json(save_path, info) async def get_log_data( self, user_id: int, client: Client, authkey: str, ) -> int: """使用 authkey 获取历史记录数据,并合并旧数据 :param user_id: 用户id :param client: genshin client :param authkey: authkey :return: 更新结果 """ new_num = 0 pay_log, have_old = await self.load_history_info(str(user_id), str(client.uid)) history_ids = [ for i in pay_log.list] try: async for data in client.transaction_log(TransactionKind.CRYSTAL, authkey=authkey): if not in history_ids: pay_log.list.append(data) new_num += 1 except AuthkeyTimeout as exc: raise PayLogAuthkeyTimeout from exc except InvalidAuthkey as exc: raise PayLogInvalidAuthkey from exc if new_num > 0 or have_old: pay_log.list.sort(key=lambda x: (x.time,, reverse=True) await self.save_pay_log_info(str(user_id), str(client.uid), pay_log) return new_num @staticmethod async def get_month_data(pay_log: PayLogModel, price_data: List[Dict]) -> Tuple[int, List[Dict]]: """获取月份数据 :param pay_log: 日志数据 :param price_data: 商品数据 :return: 月份数据 """ all_amount: int = 0 months: List[int] = [] month_datas: List[Dict] = [] last_month: Optional[Dict] = None month_data: List[Optional[BaseTransaction]] = [] for i in pay_log.list: if i.amount <= 0: continue all_amount += i.amount if i.time.month not in months: months.append(i.time.month) if last_month: last_month["amount"] = sum(i.amount for i in month_data) month_data.clear() if len(months) <= 6: last_month = { "month": f"{i.time.month}月", "amount": 0, } month_datas.append(last_month) else: last_month = None for j in price_data: if i.amount in j["price"]: j["count"] += 1 break month_data.append(i) if last_month: last_month["amount"] = sum(i.amount for i in month_data) month_data.clear() if not month_datas: raise PayLogNotFound return all_amount, month_datas async def get_analysis(self, user_id: int, client: Client): """获取分析数据 :param user_id: 用户id :param client: genshin client :return: 分析数据 """ pay_log, status = await self.load_history_info(str(user_id), str(client.uid)) if not status: raise PayLogNotFound # 单双倍结晶数 price_data = [ { "price": price, "count": 0, } for price in [[680], [300], [8080, 12960], [3880, 6560], [2240, 3960], [1090, 1960], [330, 600], [60, 120]] ] price_data_name = ["大月卡", "小月卡", "648", "328", "198", "98", "30", "6"] real_price = [68, 30, 648, 328, 198, 98, 30, 6] all_amount, month_datas = await PayLog.get_month_data(pay_log, price_data) month_data = sorted(month_datas, key=lambda k: k["amount"], reverse=True) all_pay = sum((price_data[i]["count"] * real_price[i]) for i in range(len(price_data))) datas = [ {"value": f"¥{all_pay:.0f}", "name": "总消费"}, {"value": all_amount, "name": "总结晶"}, {"value": f"{month_data[0]['month']}", "name": "消费最多"}, { "value": f"¥{month_data[0]['amount'] / 10:.0f}", "name": f"{month_data[0]['month']}消费", }, *[ { "value": price_data[i]["count"] if i != 0 else "*", "name": f"{price_data_name[i]}", } for i in range(len(price_data)) ], ] pie_datas = [ { "value": f"{price_data[i]['count'] * real_price[i]:.0f}", "name": f"{price_data_name[i]}", } for i in range(len(price_data)) if price_data[i]["count"] > 0 ] return { "uid": client.uid, "datas": datas, "bar_data": month_datas, "pie_data": pie_datas, }