import asyncio import inspect import os from asyncio import CancelledError from importlib import import_module from multiprocessing import RLock as Lock from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Callable, ClassVar, Dict, Iterator, List, NoReturn, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, Type, TypeVar import genshin import pytz from async_timeout import timeout from telegram.error import NetworkError, TimedOut from telegram.ext import ( AIORateLimiter, Application as TgApplication, CallbackContext, Defaults, JobQueue, MessageHandler, filters, ) from telegram.ext.filters import StatusUpdate from core.config import BotConfig, config # pylint: disable=W0611 from core.error import ServiceNotFoundError # noinspection PyProtectedMember from core.plugin import Plugin, _Plugin from core.service import Service from metadata.scripts.metadatas import make_github_fast from utils.const import PLUGIN_DIR, PROJECT_ROOT from utils.log import logger if TYPE_CHECKING: from telegram import Update __all__ = ["bot"] T = TypeVar("T") PluginType = TypeVar("PluginType", bound=_Plugin) class Bot: _lock: ClassVar[Lock] = Lock() _instance: ClassVar[Optional["Bot"]] = None def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> "Bot": """实现单例""" with cls._lock: # 使线程、进程安全 if cls._instance is None: cls._instance = object.__new__(cls) return cls._instance app: Optional[TgApplication] = None _config: BotConfig = config _services: Dict[Type[T], T] = {} _running: bool = False def _inject(self, signature: inspect.Signature, target: Callable[..., T]) -> T: kwargs = {} for name, parameter in signature.parameters.items(): if name != "self" and parameter.annotation != inspect.Parameter.empty: if value := self._services.get(parameter.annotation): kwargs[name] = value return target(**kwargs) def init_inject(self, target: Callable[..., T]) -> T: """用于实例化Plugin的方法。用于给插件传入一些必要组件,如 MySQL、Redis等""" if isinstance(target, type): signature = inspect.signature(target.__init__) else: signature = inspect.signature(target) return self._inject(signature, target) async def async_inject(self, target: Callable[..., T]) -> T: return await self._inject(inspect.signature(target), target) def _gen_pkg(self, root: Path) -> Iterator[str]: """生成可以用于 import_module 导入的字符串""" for path in root.iterdir(): if not"_"): if path.is_dir(): yield from self._gen_pkg(path) elif path.suffix == ".py": yield str(path.relative_to(PROJECT_ROOT).with_suffix("")).replace(os.sep, ".") async def install_plugins(self): """安装插件""" for pkg in self._gen_pkg(PLUGIN_DIR): try: import_module(pkg) # 导入插件 except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=W0703 logger.exception( f'在导入文件 "{pkg}" 的过程中遇到了错误: \n[red bold]{type(e).__name__}: {e}[/]', extra={"markup": True} ) continue # 如有错误则继续 callback_dict: Dict[int, List[Callable]] = {} for plugin_cls in {*Plugin.__subclasses__(), *Plugin.Conversation.__subclasses__()}: path = f"{plugin_cls.__module__}.{plugin_cls.__name__}" try: plugin: PluginType = self.init_inject(plugin_cls) if hasattr(plugin, "__async_init__"): await self.async_inject(plugin.__async_init__) handlers = plugin.handlers if handlers: logger.debug(f'插件 "{path}" 添加了 {len(handlers)} 个 handler ') # noinspection PyProtectedMember for priority, callback in plugin._new_chat_members_handler_funcs(): # pylint: disable=W0212 if not callback_dict.get(priority): callback_dict[priority] = [] callback_dict[priority].append(callback) error_handlers = plugin.error_handlers for callback, block in error_handlers.items():, block) if error_handlers: logger.debug(f'插件 "{path}" 添加了 {len(error_handlers)} 个 error handler') if jobs := logger.debug(f'插件 "{path}" 添加了 {len(jobs)} 个任务') logger.success(f'插件 "{path}" 载入成功') except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=W0703 logger.exception( f'在安装插件 "{path}" 的过程中遇到了错误: \n[red bold]{type(e).__name__}: {e}[/]', extra={"markup": True} ) if callback_dict: num = sum(len(callback_dict[i]) for i in callback_dict) async def _new_chat_member_callback(update: "Update", context: "CallbackContext"): nonlocal callback for _, value in callback_dict.items(): for callback in value: await callback(update, context) MessageHandler(callback=_new_chat_member_callback, filters=StatusUpdate.NEW_CHAT_MEMBERS, block=False) ) logger.success( f"成功添加了 {num} 个针对 [blue]{StatusUpdate.NEW_CHAT_MEMBERS}[/] 的 [blue]MessageHandler[/]", extra={"markup": True}, ) # special handler from plugins.system.start import StartPlugin MessageHandler( callback=StartPlugin.unknown_command, filters=filters.COMMAND & filters.ChatType.PRIVATE, block=False ) ) async def _start_base_services(self): for pkg in self._gen_pkg(PROJECT_ROOT / "core/base"): try: import_module(pkg) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=W0703 logger.exception( f'在导入文件 "{pkg}" 的过程中遇到了错误: \n[red bold]{type(e).__name__}: {e}[/]', extra={"markup": True} ) continue for base_service_cls in Service.__subclasses__(): try: if hasattr(base_service_cls, "from_config"): instance = base_service_cls.from_config(self._config) else: instance = self.init_inject(base_service_cls) await instance.start() logger.success(f'服务 "{base_service_cls.__name__}" 初始化成功') self._services.update({base_service_cls: instance}) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=W0703 logger.exception(f'服务 "{base_service_cls.__name__}" 初始化失败: {e}') continue async def start_services(self): """启动服务""" await self._start_base_services() for path in (PROJECT_ROOT / "core").iterdir(): if not"_") and path.is_dir() and != "base": pkg = str(path.relative_to(PROJECT_ROOT).with_suffix("")).replace(os.sep, ".") try: import_module(pkg) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=W0703 logger.exception( f'在导入文件 "{pkg}" 的过程中遇到了错误: \n[red bold]{type(e).__name__}: {e}[/]', extra={"markup": True} ) continue async def stop_services(self): """关闭服务""" if not self._services: return"正在关闭服务") for _, service in filter(lambda x: not isinstance(x[1], TgApplication), self._services.items()): async with timeout(5): try: if hasattr(service, "stop"): if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(service.stop): await service.stop() else: service.stop() logger.success(f'服务 "{service.__class__.__name__}" 关闭成功') except CancelledError: logger.warning(f'服务 "{service.__class__.__name__}" 关闭超时') except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=W0703 logger.exception(f'服务 "{service.__class__.__name__}" 关闭失败: \n{type(e).__name__}: {e}') async def _post_init(self, context: CallbackContext) -> NoReturn:"开始初始化 相关资源") try: # 替换为 fastgit 镜像源 for i in dir(genshin.utility.extdb): if "_URL" in i: setattr( genshin.utility.extdb, i, make_github_fast(getattr(genshin.utility.extdb, i)), ) await genshin.utility.update_characters_enka() except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=W0703 logger.error("初始化 相关资源失败") logger.exception(exc) else: logger.success("初始化 相关资源成功") self._services.update({CallbackContext: context})"开始初始化服务") await self.start_services()"开始安装插件") await self.install_plugins()"BOT 初始化成功") def launch(self) -> NoReturn: """启动机器人""" self._running = True"正在初始化BOT") = ( TgApplication.builder() .rate_limiter(AIORateLimiter()) .defaults(Defaults(tzinfo=pytz.timezone("Asia/Shanghai"))) .token(self._config.bot_token) .post_init(self._post_init) .build() ) try: for _ in range(5): try: close_loop=False, timeout=self.config.timeout, read_timeout=self.config.read_timeout, write_timeout=self.config.write_timeout, connect_timeout=self.config.connect_timeout, pool_timeout=self.config.pool_timeout, ) break except TimedOut: logger.warning("连接至 [blue]telegram[/] 服务器失败,正在重试", extra={"markup": True}) continue except NetworkError as e: logger.exception() if "SSLZeroReturnError" in str(e): logger.error("代理服务出现异常, 请检查您的代理服务是否配置成功.") else: logger.error("网络连接出现问题, 请检查您的网络状况.") break except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt): pass except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=W0703 logger.exception(f"BOT 执行过程中出现错误: {e}") finally: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(self.stop_services()) loop.close()"BOT 已经关闭") self._running = False def find_service(self, target: Type[T]) -> T: """查找服务。若没找到则抛出 ServiceNotFoundError""" if (result := self._services.get(target)) is None: raise ServiceNotFoundError(target) return result def add_service(self, service: T) -> NoReturn: """添加服务。若已经有同类型的服务,则会抛出异常""" if type(service) in self._services: raise ValueError(f'Service "{type(service)}" is already existed.') self.update_service(service) def update_service(self, service: T): """更新服务。若服务不存在,则添加;若存在,则更新""" self._services.update({type(service): service}) def contain_service(self, service: Any) -> bool: """判断服务是否存在""" if isinstance(service, type): return service in self._services else: return service in self._services.values() @property def job_queue(self) -> JobQueue: return @property def services(self) -> Dict[Type[T], T]: return self._services @property def config(self) -> BotConfig: return self._config @property def is_running(self) -> bool: return self._running bot = Bot()