Add Base Client

This commit is contained in:
洛水居室 2023-05-01 17:30:57 +08:00
parent 8ac1d365a1
commit 90ee5725e0
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: C9DE87DA724B88FC
10 changed files with 936 additions and 0 deletions

simnet/client/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
import logging
import uuid
from types import TracebackType
from typing import AsyncContextManager, Type, Optional, Any
from httpx import AsyncClient, TimeoutException, Response, HTTPError
from simnet.client.cookies import Cookies
from simnet.client.headers import Headers
from simnet.errors import TimedOut, NetworkError, BadRequest, raise_for_ret_code
from simnet.utils.ds import generate_dynamic_secret
from simnet.utils.enum_ import Region
from simnet.utils.types import (
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger("simnet.BaseClient")
class BaseClient(AsyncContextManager["BaseClient"]):
This is the base class for simnet clients. It provides common methods and properties for simnet clients.
cookies: Optional[CookieTypes]
The cookies used for the client.
headers: Optional[HeaderTypes]
The headers used for the client.
account_id: Optional[int]
The account id used for the client.
player_id: Optional[int]
The player id used for the client.
region: Region
The region used for the client.
lang: str
The language used for the client.
cookies: Cookies
The cookies used for the client.
headers: Headers
The headers used for the client.
player_id: Optional[int]
The player id used for the client.
account_id: Optional[int]
The account id used for the client.
client: AsyncClient
The httpx async client instance.
region: Region
The region used for the client.
lang: str
The language used for the client.
_device_id = str(uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_URL, "SIMNet"))
def __init__(
cookies: Optional[CookieTypes] = None,
headers: Optional[HeaderTypes] = None,
account_id: Optional[int] = None,
player_id: Optional[int] = None,
region: Region = Region.OVERSEAS,
lang: str = "en-us",
) -> None:
"""Initialize the client with the given parameters."""
self.cookies = Cookies(cookies)
self.headers = Headers(headers)
self.player_id = player_id
self.account_id = account_id
self.client = AsyncClient(cookies=self.cookies)
self.region = region
self.lang = lang
def get_player_id(self) -> Optional[int]:
"""Get the player id used for the client."""
player_id = self.player_id or self.cookies.account_id
return player_id
def device_name(self) -> str:
"""Get the device name used for the client."""
return "SIMNet Build 114514"
def device_id(self) -> str:
"""Get the device id used for the client."""
if self.account_id is not None:
return str(uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_URL, str(self.account_id)))
return self._device_id
def app_version(self) -> str:
"""Get the app version used for the client."""
if self.region == Region.CHINESE:
return "2.46.1"
if self.region == Region.OVERSEAS:
return "1.5.0"
return "null"
def client_type(self) -> str:
"""Get the client type used for the client."""
if self.region == Region.CHINESE:
return "5"
if self.region == Region.OVERSEAS:
return "5"
return "null"
def user_agent(self) -> str:
"""Get the user agent used for the client."""
if self.region == Region.CHINESE:
return (
f"Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; {self.device_name}) "
"AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/111.0.5563.116 Mobile Safari/537.36 "
return (
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) "
"AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/111.0.5563.116 Safari/537.36"
async def __aenter__(self: RT) -> RT:
"""Enter the async context manager and initialize the client."""
await self.initialize()
return self
except Exception as exc:
await self.shutdown()
raise exc
async def __aexit__(
exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
exc_val: Optional[BaseException],
exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType],
) -> None:
"""Exit the async context manager and shutdown the client."""
await self.shutdown()
async def shutdown(self):
"""Shutdown the client."""
if self.client.is_closed:"This Client is already shut down. Returning.")
await self.client.aclose()
async def initialize(self):
"""Initialize the client."""
def get_default_header(self, header: HeaderTypes):
"""Get the default header for API requests.
header (HeaderTypes): The header to use.
Headers: The default header with added fields.
header = Headers(header)
header["user-agent"] = self.user_agent
header["x-rpc-app_version"] = self.app_version
header["x-rpc-client_type"] = self.client_type
header["x-rpc-device_id"] = self.device_id
return header
def get_lab_api_header(
header: HeaderTypes,
lang: Optional[str] = None,
ds: str = None,
ds_type: str = None,
new_ds: bool = False,
data: Any = None,
params: Optional[QueryParamTypes] = None,
"""Get the lab API header for API requests.
header (HeaderTypes): The header to use.
lang (Optional[str], optional): The language to use for overseas regions. Defaults to None.
ds (str, optional): The DS string to use. Defaults to None.
ds_type (str, optional): The DS type to use. Defaults to None.
new_ds (bool, optional): Whether to generate a new DS. Defaults to False.
data (Any, optional): The data to use. Defaults to None.
params (Optional[QueryParamTypes], optional): The query parameters to use. Defaults to None.
Headers: The lab API header with added fields.
header = Headers(header)
header["user-agent"] = self.user_agent
header["x-rpc-app_version"] = self.app_version
header["x-rpc-client_type"] = self.client_type
header["x-rpc-device_id"] = self.device_id
if self.region == Region.OVERSEAS:
header["x-rpc-language"] = self.lang or lang
if ds is None:
app_version, client_type, ds = generate_dynamic_secret(
self.region, ds_type, new_ds, data, params
header["x-rpc-app_version"] = app_version
header["x-rpc-client_type"] = client_type
header["DS"] = ds
return header
async def request(
method: str,
url: str,
data: Optional[RequestData] = None,
json: Optional[Any] = None,
params: Optional[QueryParamTypes] = None,
headers: Optional[HeaderTypes] = None,
) -> Response:
"""Make an HTTP request and return the response.
This method makes an HTTP request with the specified HTTP method, URL, request parameters, headers,
and JSON payload. It catches common HTTP errors and raises a `NetworkError` or `TimedOut` exception
if the request times out.
method (str): The HTTP method to use for the request (e.g., "GET", "POST").
url (str): The URL to send the request to.
data (Optional[RequestData]): The request data to include in the body of the request.
json (Optional[Any]): The JSON payload to include in the body of the request.
params (Optional[QueryParamTypes]): The query parameters to include in the request.
headers (Optional[HeaderTypes]): The headers to include in the request.
Response: A `Response` object representing the HTTP response.
NetworkError: If an HTTP error occurs while making the request.
TimedOut: If the request times out.
return await self.client.request(
except TimeoutException as exc:
raise TimedOut from exc
except HTTPError as exc:
raise NetworkError from exc
async def request_api(
method: str,
url: str,
json: Optional[Any] = None,
params: Optional[QueryParamTypes] = None,
headers: Optional[HeaderTypes] = None,
"""Make an API request and return the data.
This method makes an API request using the `request()` method
and returns the data from the response if it is successful.
If the response contains an error, it raises a `BadRequest` exception.
method (str): The HTTP method to use for the request (e.g., "GET", "POST").
url (str): The URL to send the request to.
json (Optional[Any]): The JSON payload to include in the body of the request.
params (Optional[QueryParamTypes]): The query parameters to include in the request.
headers (Optional[HeaderTypes]): The headers to include in the request.
Any: The data returned by the API.
NetworkError: If an HTTP error occurs while making the request.
TimedOut: If the request times out.
BadRequest: If the response contains an error.
response = await self.request(
# if "application/json" in response.headers.get("Content-Type", ""):
if not response.is_error:
data = response.json()
ret_code = data.get("retcode")
if response.is_error or ret_code != 0:
return data["data"]
raise BadRequest(status_code=response.status_code, message=response.text)
async def request_lab(
url: str,
method: Optional[str] = None,
data: Optional[Any] = None,
params: Optional[QueryParamTypes] = None,
headers: Optional[HeaderTypes] = None,
lang: Optional[str] = None,
new_ds: bool = False,
ds_type: str = None,
"""Make a request to the lab API and return the data.
This method makes a request to the lab API using the `request_api()` method
and returns the data from the response if it is successful.
It also adds headers for the lab API and handles the case where the method is not specified.
url (str): The URL to send the request to.
method (Optional[str]): The HTTP method to use for the request (e.g., "GET", "POST").
data (Optional[Any]): The JSON payload to include in the body of the request.
params (Optional[QueryParamTypes]): The query parameters to include in the request.
headers (Optional[HeaderTypes]): The headers to include in the request.
lang (Optional[str]): The language of the request (e.g., "en", "zh").
new_ds (bool): Whether to use a new dataset for the request.
ds_type (str): The type of dataset to use for the request (e.g., "news", "qa").
Any: The data returned by the lab API.
if method is None:
method = "POST" if data else "GET"
headers = self.get_lab_api_header(
headers, ds_type=ds_type, new_ds=new_ds, lang=lang, data=data, params=params
return await self.request_api(
method=method, url=url, json=data, params=params, headers=headers

simnet/client/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
from typing import Optional
from httpx import Cookies as _Cookies
class Cookies(_Cookies):
"""An extension of the `httpx.Cookies` class that includes additional functionality."""
COOKIE_USER_ID_NAMES = ("ltuid", "account_id", "ltuid_v2", "account_id_v2")
def account_id(self) -> Optional[int]:
"""Return the user account ID if present in the cookies.
If one of the user ID cookies exists in the cookies, return its integer value.
Otherwise, return `None`.
Optional[int]: The user account ID, or `None` if it is not present in the cookies.
for name in self.COOKIE_USER_ID_NAMES:
value = self.get(name)
if value is not None:
return int(value)
return None

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
from httpx import Headers as _Headers
class Headers(_Headers):
"""An extension of the `httpx.Headers` class that includes additional functionality."""

simnet/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
from typing import Any, Optional, Dict, Union, Tuple, Type, NoReturn
class ApiHelperException(Exception):
"""Base class for ApiHelper errors."""
class NetworkError(ApiHelperException):
"""Base class for exceptions due to networking errors."""
class TimedOut(NetworkError):
"""Raised when a request took too long to finish."""
class BadRequest(ApiHelperException):
"""Raised when an API request cannot be processed correctly.
status_code (int): The status code of the response.
ret_code (int): The error code of the response.
original (str): The original error message of the response.
message (str): The formatted error message of the response.
def __init__(
response: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
message: Optional[str] = None,
status_code: Optional[int] = None,
) -> None:
self.status_code = status_code or 0
self.ret_code = response.get("retcode", 0) if response else 0
self.original = response.get("message", "") if response else ""
self.message = message or self.original
display_code = self.ret_code or self.status_code
display_message = (
f"[{display_code}] {self.message}" if display_code else self.message
def __repr__(self) -> str:
response = {
"status_code": self.status_code,
"retcode": self.ret_code,
"message": self.original,
return f"{type(self).__name__}({repr(response)})"
def response(self) -> dict[str, Union[str, Any, None]]:
return {"retcode": self.ret_code, "message": self.original}
class InternalDatabaseError(BadRequest):
"""Internal database error."""
ret_code = -1
class AccountNotFound(BadRequest):
"""Tried to get data with an invalid uid."""
message = "Could not find user; uid may be invalid."
class DataNotPublic(BadRequest):
"""User hasn't set their data to public."""
message = "User's data is not public."
class CookieException(BadRequest):
"""Base error for cookies."""
class InvalidCookies(CookieException):
"""Cookies weren't valid."""
ret_code = -100
message = "Cookies are not valid."
class TooManyRequests(CookieException):
"""Made too many requests and got ratelimited."""
ret_code = 10101
message = "Cannot get data for more than 30 accounts per cookie per day."
class VisitsTooFrequently(BadRequest):
"""Visited a page too frequently.
Must be handled with exponential backoff.
ret_code = -110
message = "Visits too frequently."
class AlreadyClaimed(BadRequest):
"""Already claimed the daily reward today."""
ret_code = -5003
message = "Already claimed the daily reward today."
class AuthkeyException(BadRequest):
"""Base error for authkeys."""
class InvalidAuthkey(AuthkeyException):
"""Authkey is not valid."""
ret_code = -100
message = "Authkey is not valid."
class AuthkeyTimeout(AuthkeyException):
"""Authkey has timed out."""
ret_code = -101
message = "Authkey has timed out."
class RedemptionException(BadRequest):
"""Exception caused by redeeming a code."""
class RedemptionInvalid(RedemptionException):
"""Invalid redemption code."""
message = "Invalid redemption code."
class RedemptionCooldown(RedemptionException):
"""Redemption is on cooldown."""
message = "Redemption is on cooldown."
class RedemptionClaimed(RedemptionException):
"""Redemption code has been claimed already."""
message = "Redemption code has been claimed already."
_TBR = Type[BadRequest]
_errors: Dict[int, Union[_TBR, str, Tuple[_TBR, Optional[str]]]] = {
# misc hoyolab
-100: InvalidCookies,
-108: "Invalid language.",
-110: VisitsTooFrequently,
# game record
10001: InvalidCookies,
-10001: "Malformed request.",
-10002: "No genshin account associated with cookies.",
# database game record
10101: TooManyRequests,
10102: DataNotPublic,
10103: (
"Cookies are valid but do not have a hoyolab account bound to them.",
10104: "Cannot view real-time notes of other users.",
# calculator
-500001: "Invalid fields in calculation.",
-500004: VisitsTooFrequently,
-502001: "User does not have this character.",
-502002: "Calculator sync is not enabled.",
# mixin
-1: InternalDatabaseError,
1009: AccountNotFound,
# redemption
-1065: RedemptionInvalid,
-1071: InvalidCookies,
-1073: (AccountNotFound, "Account has no game account bound to it."),
-2001: (RedemptionInvalid, "Redemption code has expired."),
-2003: (RedemptionInvalid, "Redemption code is incorrectly formatted."),
-2004: RedemptionInvalid,
-2014: (RedemptionInvalid, "Redemption code not activated"),
-2016: RedemptionCooldown,
-2017: RedemptionClaimed,
-2018: RedemptionClaimed,
-2021: (
"Cannot claim codes for accounts with adventure rank lower than 10.",
# rewards
-5003: AlreadyClaimed,
# chinese
1008: AccountNotFound,
-1104: "This action must be done in the app.",
ERRORS: Dict[int, Tuple[_TBR, Optional[str]]] = {
ret_code: (
(exc, None)
if isinstance(exc, type)
else (BadRequest, exc)
if isinstance(exc, str)
else exc
for ret_code, exc in _errors.items()
def raise_for_ret_code(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> NoReturn:
"""Raise an equivalent error to a response.
data (dict): The response data.
InvalidAuthkey: If the authkey is invalid.
AuthkeyTimeout: If the authkey has timed out.
AuthkeyException: If there is an authkey exception.
RedemptionException: If there is a redemption exception.
BadRequest: If there is a bad request.
game record:
10001 = invalid cookie
101xx = generic errors
-100 = invalid authkey
-101 = authkey timed out
code redemption:
20xx = invalid code or state
-107x = invalid cookies
daily reward:
-500x = already claimed the daily reward
r, m = data.get("retcode", 0), data.get("message", "")
if m.startswith("authkey"):
if r == -100:
raise InvalidAuthkey(data)
if r == -101:
raise AuthkeyTimeout(data)
raise AuthkeyException(data)
if r in ERRORS:
exc_type, msg = ERRORS[r]
raise exc_type(data, msg)
if "redemption" in m:
raise RedemptionException(data)
raise BadRequest(data)

simnet/utils/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
"""A module for parsing cookies."""
from http.cookies import SimpleCookie
from typing import Dict
def parse_cookie(cookie: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
Parses a cookie or header into a dictionary of key-value pairs.
cookie (str): The cookie or header to parse.
Dict[str, str]: A dictionary of key-value pairs representing the parsed cookie.
>>> cookie = "sessionid=123456; expires=Fri, 31-Dec-2021 23:59:59 GMT; HttpOnly; Max-Age=31449600; Path=/"
>>> parse_cookie(cookie)
{'sessionid': '123456'}
cookie = SimpleCookie(cookie)
return {str(k): v.value for k, v in cookie.items()}

simnet/utils/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
import hashlib
import json
import random
import string
import time
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Optional
from simnet.utils.enum_ import Region
from simnet.utils.types import QueryParamTypes
class DSType(Enum):
Enumeration of dynamic secret types.
ANDROID (str): Android dynamic secret type.
ANDROID_NEW (str): New Android dynamic secret type.
SIGN (str): Sign dynamic secret type.
ANDROID = "android"
ANDROID_NEW = "android_new"
SIGN = "sign"
def hex_digest(text):
Computes the MD5 hash digest of the given text.
text (str): The text to hash.
str: The MD5 hash digest of the given text.
_md5 = hashlib.md5() # nosec B303
return _md5.hexdigest()
def generate_dynamic_secret(
region: Region,
ds_type: Optional[DSType] = None,
new_ds: bool = False,
data: Any = None,
params: Optional[QueryParamTypes] = None,
Generates a dynamic secret.
region (Region): The region for which to generate the dynamic secret.
ds_type (Optional[DSType], optional): The dynamic secret type. Defaults to None.
new_ds (bool, optional): Whether to generate a new or old dynamic secret. Defaults to False.
data (Any, optional): The data to include in the dynamic secret. Defaults to None.
params (Optional[QueryParamTypes], optional): The query parameters to include in the dynamic secret.
Defaults to None.
ValueError: If the region or ds_type is not recognized.
Tuple[str, str, str]: A tuple containing the app version, client type, and dynamic secret.
def new():
"""Create a new dynamic secret 2."""
t = str(int(time.time()))
r = str(random.randint(100001, 200000)) # nosec
b = json.dumps(data) if data else ""
q = "&".join(f"{k}={v}" for k, v in sorted(params.items())) if params else ""
c = hex_digest(f"salt={salt}&t={t}&r={r}&b={b}&q={q}")
return f"{t},{r},{c}"
def old():
"""Create a new dynamic secret."""
t = str(int(time.time()))
r = "".join(random.sample(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits, 6))
c = hex_digest(f"salt={salt}&t={t}&r={r}")
return f"{t},{r},{c}"
app_version = "2.46.1"
client_type = "5"
if region == Region.OVERSEAS:
salt = "6s25p5ox5y14umn1p61aqyyvbvvl3lrt"
app_version = "1.5.0"
elif region == Region.CHINESE:
if ds_type is None:
salt = "xV8v4Qu54lUKrEYFZkJhB8cuOh9Asafs"
elif ds_type == DSType.ANDROID:
salt = "KZazpG4cO2QECFDBUCxdhS8cYCsQHfzn"
client_type = "2"
elif ds_type == DSType.ANDROID_NEW:
client_type = "2"
salt = "t0qEgfub6cvueAPgR5m9aQWWVciEer7v"
raise ValueError(f"Unknown ds_type: {ds_type}")
raise ValueError(f"Unknown region: {region}")
if new_ds:
ds = new()
ds = old()
return app_version, client_type, ds

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
import enum as _enum
class Region(str, _enum.Enum):
Represents a region where a game is being played.
OVERSEAS (Region): Represents an overseas region where a game is being played.
CHINESE (Region): Represents a Chinese region where a game is being played.
CHINESE = "cn"
class Game(str, _enum.Enum):
Represents a game that can be played in different regions.
GENSHIN (Game): Represents the game "Genshin Impact".
HONKAI (Game): Represents the game "Honkai Impact 3rd".
STARRAIL (Game): Represents the game "Honkai Impact 3rd RPG".
GENSHIN = "genshin"
HONKAI = "honkai3rd"
STARRAIL = "hkrpg"

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
def create_short_lang_code(lang: str) -> str:
Create a short language code from a longer one.
This function takes a language code as input and returns a shortened version of it. If the language code contains
"zh", the function returns the original code. Otherwise, the function returns the first part of the code (before the
first hyphen, if there is one).
lang (str): The language code to be shortened.
str: The shortened language code.
return lang if "zh" in lang else lang.split("-")[0]

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@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
"""This module contains functions for recognizing servers associated with different player IDs."""
from typing import Optional, Mapping, Sequence
from simnet.utils.enum_ import Game, Region
UID_RANGE: Mapping[Game, Mapping[Region, Sequence[int]]] = {
Region.OVERSEAS: (6, 7, 8, 9),
Region.CHINESE: (1, 2, 5),
Region.OVERSEAS: (6, 7, 8, 9),
Region.CHINESE: (1, 2),
Game.HONKAI: {
Region.OVERSEAS: (1, 2),
Region.CHINESE: (3, 4),
def recognize_genshin_server(player_id: int) -> str:
"""Recognize which server a Genshin UID is from.
player_id (int): The player ID to recognize the server for.
str: The name of the server associated with the given player ID.
ValueError: If the player ID is not associated with any server.
server = {
"1": "cn_gf01",
"2": "cn_gf01",
"5": "cn_qd01",
"6": "os_usa",
"7": "os_euro",
"8": "os_asia",
"9": "os_cht",
if server:
return server
raise ValueError(f"Player id {player_id} isn't associated with any server")
def recognize_starrail_server(player_id: int) -> str:
"""Recognize which server a StarRail UID is from.
player_id (int): The player ID to recognize the server for.
str: The name of the server associated with the given player ID.
ValueError: If the player ID is not associated with any server.
server = {
"1": "prod_gf_cn",
"2": "prod_gf_cn",
"5": "",
"6": "",
"7": "",
"8": "",
"9": "",
if server:
return server
raise ValueError(f"player id {player_id} isn't associated with any server")
def recognize_region(player_id: int, game: Game) -> Optional[Region]:
Recognizes the region of a player ID for a given game.
player_id (int): The player ID to recognize the region for.
game (Game): The game the player ID belongs to.
Optional[Region]: The region the player ID belongs to if it can be recognized, None otherwise.
first = int(str(player_id)[0])
for region, digits in UID_RANGE[game].items():
if first in digits:
return region
return None
def recognize_server(player_id: int, game: Game) -> str:
Recognizes the server of a player ID for a given game.
player_id (int): The player ID to recognize the server for.
game (Game): The game the player ID belongs to.
str: The server the player ID belongs to.
ValueError: If the specified game is not supported.
if game == Game.GENSHIN:
return recognize_genshin_server(player_id)
if game == Game.STARRAIL:
return recognize_starrail_server(player_id)
raise ValueError(f"{game} is not a valid game")

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
from typing import TypeVar, Union, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Dict, List, Tuple, Any
RT = TypeVar("RT", bound="BaseClient")
CookieTypes = Union["Cookie", Dict[str, str], List[Tuple[str, str]]]
RequestData = Mapping[str, Any]
PrimitiveData = Optional[Union[str, int, float, bool]]
QueryParamTypes = Union[
Mapping[str, Union[PrimitiveData, Sequence[PrimitiveData]]],
List[Tuple[str, PrimitiveData]],
Tuple[Tuple[str, PrimitiveData], ...],
HeaderTypes = Union[
Mapping[str, str],
Mapping[bytes, bytes],
Sequence[Tuple[str, str]],
Sequence[Tuple[bytes, bytes]],