import logging import uuid from types import TracebackType from typing import AsyncContextManager, Type, Optional, Any, Union from httpx import AsyncClient, TimeoutException, Response, HTTPError, Timeout from simnet.client.cookies import Cookies from simnet.client.headers import Headers from simnet.errors import TimedOut, NetworkError, BadRequest, raise_for_ret_code, NotSupported from simnet.utils.ds import generate_dynamic_secret, DSType, hex_digest from simnet.utils.enum_ import Region, Game from simnet.utils.types import ( RT, HeaderTypes, CookieTypes, RequestData, QueryParamTypes, TimeoutTypes, URLTypes, ) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger("SIMNet.BaseClient") __all__ = ("BaseClient",) class BaseClient(AsyncContextManager["BaseClient"]): """ This is the base class for simnet clients. It provides common methods and properties for simnet clients. Args: cookies (Optional[str, CookieTypes], optional): The cookies used for the client. headers (Optional[HeaderTypes], optional): The headers used for the client. account_id (Optional[int], optional): The account id used for the client. player_id (Optional[int], optional): The player id used for the client. region (Region, optional): The region used for the client. lang (str, optional): The language used for the client. timeout (Optional[TimeoutTypes], optional): Timeout configuration for the client. Attributes: headers (HeaderTypes): The headers used for the client. account_id (Optional[int]): The account id used for the client. player_id (Optional[int]): The player id used for the client. region (Region): The region used for the client. lang (str): The language used for the client. game (Optional[Game]): The game used for the client. """ game: Optional[Game] = None __device_id = str(uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_URL, "SIMNet")) def __init__( self, cookies: Optional[Union[str, CookieTypes]] = None, headers: Optional[HeaderTypes] = None, account_id: Optional[int] = None, player_id: Optional[int] = None, region: Region = Region.OVERSEAS, lang: str = "en-us", timeout: Optional[TimeoutTypes] = None, device_id: Optional[str] = None, device_fp: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Initialize the client with the given parameters.""" if timeout is None: timeout = Timeout( connect=5.0, read=5.0, write=5.0, pool=1.0, ) cookies = Cookies(cookies) self.headers = Headers(headers) self.player_id = player_id self.account_id = account_id or cookies.account_id self.client = AsyncClient(cookies=cookies, timeout=timeout) self.region = region self.lang = lang self._device_id = device_id self._device_fp = device_fp @property def cookies(self) -> Cookies: """Get the cookies used for the client.""" return Cookies(self.client.cookies.jar) @cookies.setter def cookies(self, cookies: CookieTypes) -> None: self.client.cookies = cookies @property def device_name(self) -> str: """Get the device name used for the client.""" return "SIMNet Build 114514" @property def device_id(self) -> str: """Get the device id used for the client.""" if self._device_id: return self._device_id if self.account_id is not None: return str(uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_URL, str(self.account_id))) return self.__device_id @device_id.setter def device_id(self, device_id: str) -> None: """Set the device id used for the client.""" self._device_id = device_id @property def device_fp(self) -> str: """Get the device fingerprint used for the client.""" if self._device_fp: return self._device_fp return hex_digest(self.device_id)[:13] @device_fp.setter def device_fp(self, device_fp: str) -> None: """Set the device fingerprint used for the client.""" self._device_fp = device_fp @property def app_version(self) -> str: """Get the app version used for the client.""" if self.region == Region.CHINESE: return "2.46.1" if self.region == Region.OVERSEAS: return "1.5.0" return "null" @property def client_type(self) -> str: """Get the client type used for the client.""" if self.region == Region.CHINESE: return "5" if self.region == Region.OVERSEAS: return "5" return "null" @property def user_agent(self) -> str: """Get the user agent used for the client.""" if self.region == Region.CHINESE: return ( f"Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; {self.device_name}) " "AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/111.0.5563.116 Mobile Safari/537.36 " f"miHoYoBBS/{self.app_version}" ) return ( "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) " "AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/111.0.5563.116 Safari/537.36" ) async def __aenter__(self: RT) -> RT: """Enter the async context manager and initialize the client.""" try: await self.initialize() return self except Exception as exc: await self.shutdown() raise exc async def __aexit__( self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], exc_val: Optional[BaseException], exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType], ) -> None: """Exit the async context manager and shutdown the client.""" await self.shutdown() async def shutdown(self): """Shutdown the client.""" if self.client.is_closed:"This Client is already shut down. Returning.") return await self.client.aclose() async def initialize(self): """Initialize the client.""" def get_default_header(self, headers: HeaderTypes): """Get the default header for API requests. Args: headers (HeaderTypes): The header to use. Returns: Headers: The default header with added fields. """ headers = Headers(headers) headers["user-agent"] = self.user_agent headers["x-rpc-app_version"] = self.app_version headers["x-rpc-client_type"] = self.client_type headers["x-rpc-device_id"] = self.device_id headers["x-rpc-device_fp"] = self.device_fp return headers def get_lab_api_header( self, headers: HeaderTypes, lang: Optional[str] = None, ds: str = None, ds_type: str = None, new_ds: bool = False, data: Any = None, params: Optional[QueryParamTypes] = None, ): """Get the lab API header for API requests. Args: headers (HeaderTypes): The header to use. lang (Optional[str], optional): The language to use for overseas regions. Defaults to None. ds (str, optional): The DS string to use. Defaults to None. ds_type (Optional[DSType], optional): The DS type to use. Defaults to None. new_ds (bool, optional): Whether to generate a new DS. Defaults to False. data (Any, optional): The data to use. Defaults to None. params (Optional[QueryParamTypes], optional): The query parameters to use. Defaults to None. Returns: Headers: The lab API header with added fields. """ headers = Headers(headers) headers["user-agent"] = self.user_agent headers["x-rpc-app_version"] = self.app_version headers["x-rpc-client_type"] = self.client_type headers["x-rpc-device_id"] = self.device_id headers["x-rpc-device_fp"] = self.device_fp if self.region == Region.OVERSEAS: headers["x-rpc-language"] = self.lang or lang if ds is None: app_version, client_type, ds = generate_dynamic_secret(self.region, ds_type, new_ds, data, params) headers["x-rpc-app_version"] = app_version headers["x-rpc-client_type"] = client_type headers["DS"] = ds return headers async def request( self, method: str, url: URLTypes, data: Optional[RequestData] = None, json: Optional[Any] = None, params: Optional[QueryParamTypes] = None, headers: Optional[HeaderTypes] = None, ) -> Response: """Make an HTTP request and return the response. This method makes an HTTP request with the specified HTTP method, URL, request parameters, headers, and JSON payload. It catches common HTTP errors and raises a `NetworkError` or `TimedOut` exception if the request times out. Args: method (str): The HTTP method to use for the request (e.g., "GET", "POST"). url (URLTypes): The URL to send the request to. data (Optional[RequestData]): The request data to include in the body of the request. json (Optional[Any]): The JSON payload to include in the body of the request. params (Optional[QueryParamTypes]): The query parameters to include in the request. headers (Optional[HeaderTypes]): The headers to include in the request. Returns: Response: A `Response` object representing the HTTP response. Raises: NetworkError: If an HTTP error occurs while making the request. TimedOut: If the request times out. """ try: return await self.client.request( method, url, data=data, json=json, params=params, headers=headers, ) except TimeoutException as exc: raise TimedOut from exc except HTTPError as exc: raise NetworkError from exc async def request_api( self, method: str, url: URLTypes, json: Optional[Any] = None, params: Optional[QueryParamTypes] = None, headers: Optional[HeaderTypes] = None, ): """Make an API request and return the data. This method makes an API request using the `request()` method and returns the data from the response if it is successful. If the response contains an error, it raises a `BadRequest` exception. Args: method (str): The HTTP method to use for the request (e.g., "GET", "POST"). url (URLTypes): The URL to send the request to. json (Optional[Any]): The JSON payload to include in the body of the request. params (Optional[QueryParamTypes]): The query parameters to include in the request. headers (Optional[HeaderTypes]): The headers to include in the request. Returns: Any: The data returned by the API. Raises: NetworkError: If an HTTP error occurs while making the request. TimedOut: If the request times out. BadRequest: If the response contains an error. """ response = await self.request( method, url, json=json, params=params, headers=headers, ) # if "application/json" in response.headers.get("Content-Type", ""): if not response.is_error: data = response.json() ret_code = data.get("retcode") if response.is_error or ret_code != 0: raise_for_ret_code(data) return data["data"] if response.status_code == 404: raise NotSupported("API not supported or has been removed.") raise BadRequest(status_code=response.status_code, message=response.text) async def request_lab( self, url: URLTypes, method: Optional[str] = None, data: Optional[Any] = None, params: Optional[QueryParamTypes] = None, headers: Optional[HeaderTypes] = None, lang: Optional[str] = None, new_ds: bool = False, ds_type: Optional[DSType] = None, ): """Make a request to the lab API and return the data. This method makes a request to the lab API using the `request_api()` method and returns the data from the response if it is successful. It also adds headers for the lab API and handles the case where the method is not specified. Args: url (URLTypes): The URL to send the request to. method (Optional[str]): The HTTP method to use for the request (e.g., "GET", "POST"). data (Optional[Any]): The JSON payload to include in the body of the request. params (Optional[QueryParamTypes]): The query parameters to include in the request. headers (Optional[HeaderTypes]): The headers to include in the request. lang (Optional[str]): The language of the request (e.g., "en", "zh"). new_ds (bool): Whether to use a new dataset for the request. ds_type (Optional[DSType]): The type of dataset to use for the request (e.g., "news", "qa"). Returns: Any: The data returned by the lab API. """ if method is None: method = "POST" if data else "GET" headers = self.get_lab_api_header(headers, ds_type=ds_type, new_ds=new_ds, lang=lang, data=data, params=params) return await self.request_api(method=method, url=url, json=data, params=params, headers=headers)