from http.cookiejar import CookieJar from http.cookies import SimpleCookie from typing import Optional from httpx import Cookies as _Cookies from simnet.utils.types import CookieTypes __all__ = ("Cookies",) class Cookies(_Cookies): """A wrapper around `httpx.Cookies` that provides additional functionality.""" jar: CookieJar def __init__(self, cookies: Optional[CookieTypes] = None): # skipcq: PYL-W0231 self.jar = CookieJar() if cookies is None or isinstance(cookies, dict): if isinstance(cookies, dict): for key, value in cookies.items(): if isinstance(value, str): self.set(key, value) else: self.set(key, str(value)) elif isinstance(cookies, list): for key, value in cookies: self.set(key, value) elif isinstance(cookies, Cookies): for cookie in cookies.jar: self.jar.set_cookie(cookie) elif isinstance(cookies, str): cookie = SimpleCookie(cookies) for key, value in cookie.items(): self.set(key, value.value) else: self.jar = cookies # type: ignore COOKIE_USER_ID_NAMES = ("ltuid", "account_id", "stuid", "ltuid_v2", "account_id_v2") @property def account_id(self) -> Optional[int]: """Return the user account ID if present in the cookies. If one of the user ID cookies exists in the cookies, return its integer value. Otherwise, return `None`. Returns: Optional[int]: The user account ID, or `None` if it is not present in the cookies. """ for name in self.COOKIE_USER_ID_NAMES: value = self.get(name) if value is not None: return int(value) return None def get( self, name: str, default: Optional[str] = None, domain: Optional[str] = None, path: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Optional[str]: """ Get a cookie by name. May optionally include domain and path in order to specify exactly which cookie to retrieve. """ value = None for cookie in self.jar: if ( == name and domain is None or cookie.domain == domain and path is None or cookie.path == path and cookie.value ): value = cookie.value if value is None: return default return value