import asyncio import logging import os import json import sys from dotenv import load_dotenv # Load .env file load_dotenv() from utils import ( request, download_json, push_to_github, load_commit_local, save_commit_local, save_data ) # API GitHub GITHUB_SITE = "{PATH}" GITHUB = "{PATH}" RAW_GITHUB = "{PATH}" # Logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) # GITHUB USERNAME = os.getenv('GITHUB_USERNAME') REPOSITORY = os.getenv('GITHUB_REPOSITORY') # Check is DEV_MODE DEVMODE = sys.argv[1] == "dev" if len(sys.argv) > 1 else False BYPASS = sys.argv[2] == "bypass" if len(sys.argv) > 2 else False SKIP_DOWNLOAD = sys.argv[3] == "skip_download" if len(sys.argv) > 3 else False # ENV ENVKEY = [ "AVATAR", "SKILLDEPOT", "SKILLS", "TALENTS", "ARTIFACTS", "WEAPONS", "FIGHT_PROPS", "NAMECARDS", "ARTIFACTS_SETS", "COSTUME", "PROPS_MAP", "ARTIFACT_PROPS_MAIN", "ARTIFACT_PROPS_SUB" ] SKIP_HASH = ["artifact_props"] LANGS = {} DATA = {} SKILLS_DEPOT = {} async def create_lang(data: dict, filename: str = "", has_key_name_hash: bool = True): DATA = {} for key in data: hash_map = str(data[key]["nameTextMapHash"]) hashKey = key if not has_key_name_hash else hash_map for lang in LANGS: if hash_map in LANGS[lang]: if hashKey not in DATA: DATA[hashKey] = {} DATA[hashKey][lang] = LANGS[lang][hash_map] else: if hash_map not in DATA: DATA[hashKey] = {} DATA[hashKey][lang] = "" with open(os.path.join("exports", "langs", filename), "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(json.dumps(DATA, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)) async def main(): EXPORT_DATA = {} LOGGER.debug(f"Fetching commits from GitHub [{USERNAME}/{REPOSITORY}]") response = await request(GITHUB.format(PATH=f"repos/{USERNAME}/{REPOSITORY}/commits")) # Check SHA of last commit LOGGER.debug(f"Checking last commit on GitHub...") if len(response) > 0: last_commit = response[0]["sha"] last_message = response[0]["commit"]["message"] LOGGER.debug(f"Last commit on GitHub: {last_commit}") else: LOGGER.debug("No commits found on GitHub...") last_commit = "" LOGGER.debug(f"Checking last commit on local...") last_commit_local = await load_commit_local() if last_commit_local == last_commit and not BYPASS : LOGGER.debug(f"Not updated... exiting...") return LOGGER.debug(f"New commit found on GitHub") if not SKIP_DOWNLOAD: for key in ENVKEY: print(key) filename = os.getenv(key) if not filename: LOGGER.error(f"{key} not found in .env") continue await download_json( url=RAW_GITHUB.format(PATH=f"{USERNAME}/{REPOSITORY}/master/{os.getenv('FOLDER')}/{filename}"), filename=filename, path=os.path.join("raw", "data") ) await asyncio.sleep(1) if not SKIP_DOWNLOAD: langPath = await request(GITHUB.format(PATH=f"repos/{USERNAME}/{REPOSITORY}/contents/{os.getenv('LANG_FOLDER')}")) for lang in langPath: await download_json( url=lang["download_url"], filename=lang["name"], path=os.path.join("raw", "langs") ) # Load langs for lang in os.listdir(os.path.join("raw", "langs")): if lang.endswith(".json"): with open(os.path.join("raw", "langs", lang), "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: _lang = lang.split(".")[0].replace("TextMap", "") LOGGER.debug(f"Loading lang ({_lang})...") LANGS[_lang] = json.loads( # Load data for data in os.listdir(os.path.join("raw", "data")): if data.endswith(".json"): with open(os.path.join("raw", "data", data), "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: _key = data.split(".")[0] LOGGER.debug(f"Loading data ({_key})...") DATA[data.split(".")[0]] = json.loads( # Load skills data for skillData in DATA["AvatarSkillExcelConfigData"]: LOGGER.debug(f"Getting skill data {skillData['id']}...") if skillData["skillIcon"] == "": LOGGER.debug(f"Skill {skillData['id']} has no icon... Skipping...") continue if not "skills" in EXPORT_DATA: EXPORT_DATA["skills"] = {} EXPORT_DATA["skills"][skillData["id"]] = { "nameTextMapHash": skillData["nameTextMapHash"], "skillIcon": skillData["skillIcon"], "forceCanDoSkill": skillData.get("forceCanDoSkill", None), "costElemType": skillData.get("costElemType", ""), "proudSkillGroupId": skillData.get("proudSkillGroupId","") } # Load constellations for talent in DATA["AvatarTalentExcelConfigData"]: LOGGER.debug(f"Getting constellations {talent['talentId']}...") if not "constellations" in EXPORT_DATA: EXPORT_DATA["constellations"] = {} EXPORT_DATA["constellations"][talent["talentId"]] = { "nameTextMapHash": talent["nameTextMapHash"], "icon": talent["icon"] } # Load artifacts for artifact in DATA["ReliquaryExcelConfigData"]: LOGGER.debug(f"Getting artifact {artifact['id']}...") if not "artifacts" in EXPORT_DATA: EXPORT_DATA["artifacts"] = {} EXPORT_DATA["artifacts"][artifact["id"]] = { "nameTextMapHash": artifact["nameTextMapHash"], "itemType": artifact["itemType"], "equipType": artifact["equipType"], "icon": artifact["icon"], "rankLevel": artifact["rankLevel"], "mainPropDepotId": artifact["mainPropDepotId"], "appendPropDepotId": artifact["appendPropDepotId"], } # Load artifacts sets for artifactSet in DATA["EquipAffixExcelConfigData"]: LOGGER.debug(f"Getting artifact set {artifactSet['affixId']}...") if not "artifact_sets" in EXPORT_DATA: EXPORT_DATA["artifact_sets"] = {} if artifactSet["openConfig"].startswith("Relic_") or \ artifactSet["openConfig"].startswith("Relci_"): EXPORT_DATA["artifact_sets"][artifactSet["affixId"]] = { "affixId": artifactSet["affixId"], "nameTextMapHash": artifactSet["nameTextMapHash"], } # Load artifact props (Main & Sub) ARTIFACT_PROPS = [] ARTIFACT_PROPS.extend(DATA["ReliquaryMainPropExcelConfigData"]) ARTIFACT_PROPS.extend(DATA["ReliquaryAffixExcelConfigData"]) PERCENT = ['HURT','CRITICAL','EFFICIENCY','PERCENT','ADD'] for artifactProps in ARTIFACT_PROPS: if not "artifact_props" in EXPORT_DATA: EXPORT_DATA["artifact_props"] = {} # Check percent and get raw value ISPERCENT = artifactProps['propType'].split("_")[-1] in PERCENT RAW = artifactProps.get("propValue", 0) EXPORT_DATA["artifact_props"][artifactProps["id"]] = { 'propType': artifactProps['propType'], 'propDigit': 'PERCENT' if ISPERCENT else 'DIGIT', 'propValue': round(RAW * 100, 1) if ISPERCENT else round(RAW) } # Load weapons for weapon in DATA["WeaponExcelConfigData"]: LOGGER.debug(f"Getting weapon {weapon['id']}...") if not "weapons" in EXPORT_DATA: EXPORT_DATA["weapons"] = {} EXPORT_DATA["weapons"][weapon["id"]] = { "nameTextMapHash": weapon["nameTextMapHash"], "icon": weapon["icon"], "awakenIcon": weapon["awakenIcon"], "rankLevel": weapon["rankLevel"] } # Load namecard for namecard in filter(lambda a: "materialType" in a and a["materialType"] == "MATERIAL_NAMECARD", DATA["MaterialExcelConfigData"]): LOGGER.debug(f"Getting namecard {namecard['id']}...") if not "namecards" in EXPORT_DATA: EXPORT_DATA["namecards"] = {} EXPORT_DATA["namecards"][namecard["id"]] = { "nameTextMapHash": namecard["nameTextMapHash"], "icon": namecard["icon"], "picPath": namecard["picPath"], "rankLevel": namecard["rankLevel"], "materialType": namecard["materialType"], } # Load fight props for fight_prop in filter(lambda a: a['textMapId'].startswith("FIGHT_PROP"), DATA["ManualTextMapConfigData"]): LOGGER.debug(f"Getting FIGHT_PROP {fight_prop['textMapId']}...") if not "fight_props" in EXPORT_DATA: EXPORT_DATA["fight_props"] = {} EXPORT_DATA["fight_props"][fight_prop["textMapId"]] = { "nameTextMapHash": fight_prop["textMapContentTextMapHash"], } # Prepare data (Create language) for skillDepot in DATA["AvatarSkillDepotExcelConfigData"]: LOGGER.debug(f"Getting skill depot: {skillDepot['id']}...") SKILLS_DEPOT[skillDepot["id"]] = skillDepot # Characters costumes _key = { "costumeId": "", "iconName": "" } for costume in DATA["AvatarCostumeExcelConfigData"]: if _key["costumeId"] == "" or _key["iconName"] == "": # Find key costumeId LOGGER.debug("Find key 'costumeId' and 'iconName'") for key in costume: _valstr = str(costume[key]) if _valstr.startswith("2") and len(_valstr) == 6: LOGGER.debug(f"Get key 'costumeId' is: {key}") _key["costumeId"] = key continue if _valstr.startswith("UI_AvatarIcon_") and \ not _valstr.startswith("UI_AvatarIcon_Side_"): LOGGER.debug(f"Get key 'iconName' is: {key}") _key["iconName"] = key continue LOGGER.debug(f"Getting character costume: {costume[_key['costumeId']]}...") if not "costumes" in EXPORT_DATA: EXPORT_DATA["costumes"] = {} if not _key['iconName'] in costume or costume[_key['iconName']] == "": LOGGER.debug(f"Character costume {costume[_key['costumeId']]} has no data... Skpping...") continue EXPORT_DATA["costumes"][costume[_key['costumeId']]] = { "iconName": costume[_key['iconName']], "sideIconName": costume["sideIconName"], "nameTextMapHash": costume["nameTextMapHash"], } # Link data (Avatar) for avatar in DATA["AvatarExcelConfigData"]: AVATAR = {} LOGGER.debug(f"Processing {avatar['id']}...") if avatar["skillDepotId"] == 101 or \ avatar["iconName"].endswith("_Kate") or \ str(avatar['id'])[:2] == "11": # 11 is test character mode LOGGER.debug(f"Skipping {avatar['id']}...") continue if not "characters" in EXPORT_DATA: EXPORT_DATA["characters"] = {} AVATAR.update({ "nameTextMapHash": avatar["nameTextMapHash"], "iconName": avatar["iconName"], "sideIconName": avatar["sideIconName"], "qualityType": avatar["qualityType"], "costElemType": "", "skills": [], "talents": [] }) if avatar["iconName"].endswith("_PlayerBoy") or \ avatar["iconName"].endswith("_PlayerGirl"): LOGGER.debug("Getting skill (candSkillDepotIds): {}...".format(avatar["candSkillDepotIds"])) for cand_depot in avatar["candSkillDepotIds"]: AVATAR.update({ "skills": [], "talents": [] }) depot = SKILLS_DEPOT.get(cand_depot) if depot and depot["id"] != 101: for skill in depot["skills"]: if skill <= 0: continue AVATAR["skills"].append(skill) energry = EXPORT_DATA["skills"].get(depot.get("energySkill")) if energry: LOGGER.debug(f"Getting skills element {depot.get('energySkill')}") AVATAR.update({ "costElemType": energry["costElemType"] }) AVATAR["skills"].append(int(depot.get('energySkill'))) AVATAR.update({ "talents": [x for x in depot["talents"] if x > 0], }) EXPORT_DATA["characters"][str(avatar["id"]) + "-" + str(depot["id"])] = AVATAR.copy() AVATAR.update({ "skills": [], "talents": [] }) EXPORT_DATA["characters"][str(avatar["id"])] = AVATAR.copy() else: LOGGER.debug(f"Getting skills {avatar['skillDepotId']}") depot = SKILLS_DEPOT.get(avatar["skillDepotId"]) if depot and depot["id"] != 101: for skill in depot["skills"]: if skill <= 0: continue # Check if skill is alternative skill_info = EXPORT_DATA["skills"].get(int(skill)) if not skill_info["forceCanDoSkill"] is None: continue AVATAR["skills"].append(skill) energry = EXPORT_DATA["skills"].get(depot.get("energySkill")) if energry: LOGGER.debug(f"Getting skills element {depot.get('energySkill')}") AVATAR.update({ "costElemType": energry["costElemType"] }) AVATAR["skills"].append(int(depot.get('energySkill'))) AVATAR.update({ "talents": [x for x in depot["talents"] if x > 0], }) EXPORT_DATA["characters"][avatar["id"]] = AVATAR LOGGER.debug("Exporting data...") for key in EXPORT_DATA: _delKey = [] if key == "skills": _delKey.append("costElemType") _delKey.append("forceCanDoSkill") LOGGER.debug(f"Exporting {key}...") await save_data(EXPORT_DATA[key], f"{key}.json", _delKey) if not key in SKIP_HASH: await create_lang(EXPORT_DATA[key], f"{key}.json", False if key in ["fight_props"] else True) # Push to github if not DEVMODE: await push_to_github(f"""{last_message} - SHA: *********{last_commit[10:15]}************ - URL: [private] """) # Save lastest commit LOGGER.debug(f"Saving lastest commit...") await save_commit_local(last_commit) LOGGER.debug(f"Done!") if __name__ == "__main__": loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(main())