1. #角色面板初步增加伤害计算功能,目前支持:雷电将军

This commit is contained in:
yoimiya-kokomi 2022-04-24 05:16:37 +08:00
parent 5ea9e5b7f8
commit 1ae6546099
11 changed files with 895 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ export async function updateRes(e) {
} else {
command = `git clone https://gitee.com/yoimiya-kokomi/miao-res-plus.git ${resPath}/miao-res-plus/`;
command = `git clone https://gitee.com/yoimiya-kokomi/miao-res-plus.git '${resPath}/miao-res-plus/'`;
exec(command, function (error, stdout, stderr) {
if (error) {

View File

@ -5,8 +5,9 @@ import { Cfg } from "../components/index.js";
import Profile from "../components/Profile.js";
import Format from "../components/Format.js"
import Reliquaries from "../components/models/Reliquaries.js";
import Calc from "../components/Calc.js";
import fs from "fs";
import sizeOf from "image-size";
@ -603,7 +604,6 @@ export async function renderProfile(e, char, render) {
let reliquaries = [], totalMark = 0, totalMaxMark = 0;
const maxMark = Reliquaries.getMaxMark(char.name);
let { titles: usefulTitles, mark: usefulMark } = Reliquaries.getUseful(avatar.name);
lodash.forEach(avatar.reliquaries, (ds) => {
@ -620,7 +620,8 @@ export async function renderProfile(e, char, render) {
ds.attrs = Profile.formatArti(arti.attrs);
posIdx[pos].data = ds;
lodash.forEach(posIdx, (ds) => {
if (ds && ds.data) {
@ -629,6 +630,16 @@ export async function renderProfile(e, char, render) {
let dmgMsg = [], dmgData = [];
let dmgCalc = await Calc.calcData(profile, char, avatar);
if (dmgCalc && dmgCalc.ret) {
lodash.forEach(dmgCalc.ret, (ds) => {
ds.dmg = Format.comma(ds.dmg, 1);
ds.avg = Format.comma(ds.avg, 1);
dmgMsg = dmgCalc.msg;
let base64 = await render("character", "detail", {
save_id: uid,
@ -640,6 +651,8 @@ export async function renderProfile(e, char, render) {
cons: char.cons,
name: char.name,
elem: char.elem,
totalMark: c(totalMark, 1),

components/Calc.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
import fs from "fs";
import lodash from "lodash";
import Format from "./Format.js";
import { buffs } from "../resources/meta/reliquaries/calc.js";
let Calc = {
async getCharCalcRule(name) {
const _path = process.cwd();
const cfgPath = `${_path}/plugins/miao-plugin/resources/meta/character/${name}/calc.js`;
let details, buffs = [], defParams = {};
if (fs.existsSync(cfgPath)) {
let fileData = await import (`file://${cfgPath}`);
details = fileData.details || false;
buffs = fileData.buffs || [];
defParams = fileData.defParams || {};
if (details) {
return { details, buffs, defParams }
return false;
// 获取基础属性
attr(profile, avatar) {
let ret = {},
{ attr } = profile;
// 基础属性
lodash.forEach("atk,def,hp".split(","), (key) => {
ret[key] = {
base: attr[`${key}Base`] * 1 || 0,
plus: attr[key] * 1 - attr[`${key}Base`] * 1 || 0,
pct: 0
lodash.forEach("mastery,recharge".split(","), (key) => {
ret[key] = {
base: attr[key] * 1 || 0,
plus: 0,
pct: 0
lodash.forEach({ cRate: "cpct", cDmg: "cdmg", hInc: "heal" }, (val, key) => {
ret[val] = {
base: attr[key] * 1 || 0,
plus: 0,
pct: 0
lodash.forEach("dmg,phy".split(","), (key) => {
ret[key] = {
base: attr[key + "Bonus"] * 1 || 0,
plus: 0,
pct: 0
// a
lodash.forEach("a,a2,a3,e,q".split(","), (key) => {
ret[key] = {
pct: 0, // 倍率加成
def: 0, // 防御降低
ignore: 0, // 无视防御
plus: 0, // 伤害值提高
dmg: 0, // 伤害提高
cpct: 0,// 暴击提高
cdmg: 0 //爆伤提高
ret.enemy = {
def: 0, // 降低防御
ignore: 0, // 无视防御
phy: 0 // 物理防御
ret.weaponType = avatar.weapon.type_name;
ret.element = avatar.element;
ret.refine = (profile.weapon.refine * 1 - 1) || 0;
return ret;
// 获取天赋数据
talent(profile, char) {
let ret = {};
lodash.forEach(['a', 'e', 'q'], (key) => {
let lv = profile.talent[key] * 1 || 1,
lvKey = `Lv${lv}`;
let map = {};
lodash.forEach(char.talent[key].tables, (tr) => {
let val = tr.values[lv - 1];
val = val.replace(/[^\x00-\xff]/g, "").trim();
let valArr = [];
lodash.forEach(val.split("/"), (v, idx) => {
let valNum = 0;
lodash.forEach(v.split("+"), (v) => {
valNum += v.replace("%", "").trim() * 1;
if (isNaN(valArr[0])) {
map[tr.name] = false;
} else if (valArr.length === 1) {
map[tr.name] = valArr[0];
} else {
map[tr.name] = valArr;
ret[key] = map;
return ret;
calcAttr(originalAttr, buffs, meta, params = {}) {
let attr = lodash.merge({}, originalAttr);
let msg = [];
lodash.forEach(buffs, (buff) => {
let ds = {
refine: attr.refine
// 如果存在rule则进行计算
if (buff.rule && !buff.rule(ds)) {
let title = buff.title;
lodash.forEach(buff.data, (val, key) => {
if (lodash.isFunction(val)) {
val = val(ds);
title = title.replace(`[${key}]`, Format.comma(val, 1));
// 技能提高
let tRet = /^(a|a2|a3|e|q)(Def|Ignore|Dmg|Plus|Pct|Cpct|Cdmg)$/.exec(key);
if (tRet) {
attr[tRet[1]][tRet[2].toLowerCase()] += val * 1 || 0;
let aRet = /^(hp|def|atk|mastery|cpct|cdmg|heal|recharge|dmg|phy)(Plus|Pct)?$/.exec(key);
if (aRet) {
attr[aRet[1]][aRet[2] ? aRet[2].toLowerCase() : "plus"] += val * 1 || 0;
if (key === "enemyDef") {
attr.enemy.def += val * 1 || 0;
return {
attr, msg
async weapon(weaponName) {
const _path = process.cwd();
const cfgPath = `${_path}/plugins/miao-plugin/resources/meta/weapons/calc.js`;
let weapons = {};
if (fs.existsSync(cfgPath)) {
let fileData = await import (`file://${cfgPath}`);
weapons = fileData.weapons || {};
let weaponCfg = weapons[weaponName] || [];
if (lodash.isPlainObject(weaponCfg)) {
weaponCfg = [weaponCfg];
lodash.forEach(weaponCfg, (ds) => {
ds.title = `${weaponName}${ds.title}`;
if (ds.refine) {
ds.data = ds.data || {};
lodash.forEach(ds.refine, (r, key) => {
ds.data[key] = ({ refine }) => r[refine] * (ds.buffCount || 1);
return weaponCfg;
async reliquaries(sets) {
const _path = process.cwd();
const cfgPath = `${_path}/plugins/miao-plugin/resources/meta/reliquaries/calc.js`;
let buffs = {};
if (fs.existsSync(cfgPath)) {
let fileData = await import (`file://${cfgPath}`);
buffs = fileData.buffs || {};
let setMap = {};
lodash.forEach(sets, (set) => {
if (set && set.set) {
let name = set.set.name
setMap[name] = (setMap[name] || 0) + 1
let retBuffs = [];
lodash.forEach(setMap, (count, setName) => {
if (count >= 2 && buffs[setName + 2]) {
retBuffs.push(buffs[setName + 2])
if (count >= 4 && buffs[setName + 4]) {
retBuffs.push(buffs[setName + 4])
return retBuffs;
async calcData(profile, char, avatar) {
let charCalcData = await Calc.getCharCalcRule(char.name);
if (!charCalcData) {
return false;
let talent = Calc.talent(profile, char);
let meta = {
cons: profile.cons * 1,
let { buffs, details, defParams } = charCalcData;
defParams = defParams || {};
let originalAttr = Calc.attr(profile, avatar);
let weaponBuffs = await Calc.weapon(profile.weapon.name);
let reliBuffs = await Calc.reliquaries(avatar.reliquaries);
buffs = lodash.concat(buffs, weaponBuffs, reliBuffs);
lodash.forEach(buffs, (buff) => {
buff.sort = lodash.isUndefined(buff.sort) ? 1 : buff.sort
buffs = lodash.sortBy(buffs, ["sort"]);
let { msg } = Calc.calcAttr(originalAttr, buffs, meta, defParams || {});
let ret = [];
lodash.forEach(details, (detail) => {
let params = lodash.merge({}, defParams, detail.params || {});
let { attr } = Calc.calcAttr(originalAttr, buffs, meta, params);
let dmg = function (pctNum = 0, talent = false) {
let { atk, dmg, cdmg, cpct } = attr;
// 攻击区
let atkNum = (atk.base + atk.plus + atk.base * atk.pct / 100);
// 增伤区
let dmgNum = (1 + dmg.base + dmg.plus / 100);
//console.log({ base: Format.comma(dmg.base, 2), plus: Format.comma(dmg.plus, 2) })
let cpctNum = cpct.base / 100 + cpct.plus / 100;
// 爆伤区
let cdmgNum = cdmg.base / 100 + cdmg.plus / 100;
let enemyDef = attr.enemy.def / 100;
let enemyIgnore = attr.enemy.ignore / 100;
pctNum = pctNum / 100;
if (talent && attr[talent]) {
let ds = attr[talent];
pctNum += ds.pct / 100;
dmgNum += ds.dmg / 100;
cpctNum += ds.cpct / 100;
cdmgNum += ds.cdmg / 100;
enemyDef += ds.def / 100;
enemyIgnore += ds.ignore / 100;
// 防御区
let enemyLv = 86, lv = 90;
let defNum = (lv + 100) / ((lv + 100) + (enemyLv + 100) * (1 - enemyDef) * (1 - enemyIgnore));
// 抗性区
let kNum = 0.9;
// 计算最终伤害
return {
dmg: atkNum * pctNum * dmgNum * (1 + cdmgNum) * defNum * kNum,
avg: atkNum * pctNum * dmgNum * (1 + cpctNum * cdmgNum) * defNum * kNum
if (detail.dmg) {
let dmgRet = detail.dmg({ attr, talent }, dmg);
title: detail.title,
return {
export default Calc;

View File

@ -69,6 +69,24 @@ const artifactMap = {
let posIdx = {
"生之花": {
idx: 1
"死之羽": {
idx: 2
"时之沙": {
idx: 3
"空之杯": {
idx: 4
"理之冠": {
idx: 5
let Data = {
getData(uid, data) {
let ret = {
@ -238,6 +256,8 @@ let Profile = {
e.reply(`请求失败:${data.msg || "未知错误"}`);
return false;
// 请求成功Bot侧对该uid冷却10分钟
// 请勿将时间改短10分钟之内若发起请求会命中服务侧的uid缓存返回之前的数据并导致服务侧重新计时
await redis.set(`miao:role-all:${uid}`, 'pending', { EX: 600 });
data = data.data;
let userData = {};
@ -262,6 +282,7 @@ let Profile = {
fs.writeFileSync(userFile, JSON.stringify(userData), "", " ");
return data;
get(uid, charId) {
const userFile = `${userPath}/${uid}.json`;
let userData = {};
@ -273,6 +294,19 @@ let Profile = {
return false;
getAll(uid) {
const userFile = `${userPath}/${uid}.json`;
let userData = {};
if (fs.existsSync(userFile)) {
userData = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(userFile, "utf8")) || {};
if (userData && userData.chars) {
return userData.chars;
return false;
formatArti(ds) {
if (lodash.isArray(ds[0])) {
let ret = [];
@ -301,6 +335,7 @@ let Profile = {
return [title, val];
getArtiMark(data, ds) {
let total = 0;
@ -313,6 +348,43 @@ let Profile = {
total += 20;
return total;
getArtiDetail(profile, avatar) {
let reliquaries = [],
totalMark = 0,
totalMaxMark = 0;
lodash.forEach(avatar.reliquaries, (ds) => {
let pos = ds.pos_name;
let arti = profile.artis[`arti${posIdx[pos].idx}`];
if (arti) {
let mark = Reliquaries.getMark(avatar.name, arti.attrs);
let maxMark = Reliquaries.getMaxMark(avatar.name, arti.main[0] || "");
totalMark += mark;
totalMaxMark += maxMark;
ds.mark = Format.comma(mark, 1);
ds.markType = Reliquaries.getMarkScore(mark, maxMark);
ds.main = Profile.formatArti(arti.main);
ds.attrs = Profile.formatArti(arti.attrs);
posIdx[pos].data = ds;
lodash.forEach(posIdx, (ds) => {
if (ds && ds.data) {
} else {
return {
markScore: Reliquaries.getMarkScore(totalMark * 1.05, totalMaxMark)
export default Profile;

View File

@ -10,13 +10,19 @@ body {
overflow: hidden;
.container:after {
.basic {
position: relative;
margin-bottom: 10px;
.basic:after {
content: "";
display: block;
position: absolute;
left: 8px;
top: 115px;
height: 410px;
bottom: 0;
right: 8px;
box-shadow: 0 0 2px 0 #fff;
border-radius: 5px;
@ -63,11 +69,13 @@ body {
.detail li {
width: 300px;
font-size: 18px;
font-size: 17px;
list-style: none;
padding: 5px 100px 5px 35px;
padding: 0 100px 0 35px;
position: relative;
font-family: YS;
height: 32px;
line-height: 32px;
font-weight: 400;
text-shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .5);
@ -213,14 +221,14 @@ body {
.char-talents {
display: flex;
width: 300px;
margin-bottom: 15px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
.char-cons {
display: flex;
width: 250px;
position: absolute;
top: 465px;
bottom: 5px;
left: 20px;
@ -295,13 +303,87 @@ body {
/*** dmg ***/
.dmg-cont {
border-radius: 10px;
background: url("../common/cont/card-bg.png") top left repeat-x;
background-size: auto 100%;
margin: 5px 15px 5px 10px;
position: relative;
box-shadow: 0 0 1px 0 #ccc, 2px 2px 4px 0 rgba(50, 50, 50, .8);
overflow: hidden;
display: table;
width: calc(100% - 25px);
color: #fff;
font-size: 14px;
.dmg-cont .tr {
display: table-row;
.dmg-cont .tr:nth-child(even) {
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .4);
.dmg-cont .tr:nth-child(odd) {
background: rgba(50, 50, 50, .4);
.dmg-cont .tr > div {
display: table-cell;
box-shadow: 0 0 1px 0 #fff;
.dmg-cont .th {
text-align: center;
.dmg-cont .th > div {
font-family: YS;
color: #d3bc8e;
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .4);
line-height: 40px;
height: 40px;
.dmg-cont .title {
font-family: YS;
color: #d3bc8e;
padding-right: 15px;
text-align: right;
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .4);
.dmg .value {
text-align: center;
color: #fff;
display: block;
height: 40px;
font-size: 18px;
font-family: Number;
line-height: 40px;
width: 33.333%
.dmg-notice {
font-size: 12px;
text-align: right;
color: #eee;
margin-right: 15px;
/*** artis***/
.artis {
display: flex;
width: 600px;
flex-wrap: wrap;
margin-bottom: 5px;
padding: 5px;
margin-top: 40px;
.artis .item {
@ -365,7 +447,7 @@ body {
.mark-ACE² {
color: #e85656;
font-weight: bold;
@ -396,11 +478,13 @@ body {
.artis ul.detail li {
padding: 3px;
padding: 0 3px;
font-size: 14px;
position: initial;
width: 100%;
display: table;
line-height: 26px;
height: 26px;
@ -410,7 +494,7 @@ body {
.artis ul.detail li.arti-main {
font-size: 16px;
padding: 8px 3px;
padding: 3px 3px;
font-weight: bold;
@ -479,7 +563,8 @@ body {
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background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7));
@ -566,9 +651,11 @@ body {
.char-优菈 .main-pic {
margin-left: -175px;
.char-烟绯 .main-pic {
margin-left: -135px;
.char-香菱 .main-pic {
margin-left: -195px;

View File

@ -48,6 +48,23 @@
{{if dmgData.length > 0}}
<div class="dmg-cont cont">
<div class="tr th">
<div class="title">伤害类型</div>
{{each dmgData dmg idx}}
<div class="dmg tr">
<div class="title">{{dmg.title}}</div>
<div class="value">{{dmg.dmg}}</div>
<div class="value">{{dmg.avg}}</div>
<div class="dmg-notice">伤害计算功能完善中,结果可能不准确,计算数据仅供参考</div>
<div class="artis">
@ -61,7 +78,7 @@
<div class="item stat">
<div ><strong class="mark-{{markScore}}">{{markScore}}</strong><span>圣遗物评级</span></div>
<div><strong class="mark-{{markScore}}">{{markScore}}</strong><span>圣遗物评级</span></div>

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
@font-face {
font-family: "YS";
src: url("../common/font/HYWenHei-55W.ttf");
src: url("../common/font/HYWH-85W.ttf");
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
export const details = [{
title: "零愿力Q首刀",
params: {
type: 1,
num: 0
dmg: ({ talent, attr }, dmg) => dmg(talent.q["梦想一刀基础伤害"], "q")
}, {
title: "满愿力Q首刀",
params: {
type: 0,
num: 60
dmg: ({ talent, attr }, dmg) => dmg(talent.q["梦想一刀基础伤害"], "q")
}, {
title: "满愿力Q后重击",
params: {
type: 1,
num: 60
dmg: ({ talent, attr }, dmg) => dmg(talent.q["重击伤害"], "q")
export const defParams = {
num: 60,
type: 0
export const buffs = [
title: `E被动元素爆发伤害提升[qDmg]%`,
data: {
"qDmg": ({ talent }) => talent.e["元素爆发伤害提高"] * 90
}, {
rule: ({ cons }) => cons >= 2,
title: "2命效果大招无视敌人[qDef]%防御力",
data: {
"qIgnore": 60
}, {
title: "Q被动满愿力获得[qPct]%大招倍率加成",
data: {
"qPct": ({ talent, params }) => talent.q["愿力加成"][params.type || 0] * params.num
}, {
title: "基于元素充能获得[dmg]%雷伤加成",
data: {
dmg: ({ attr }) => Math.max(attr.recharge.base + attr.recharge.plus - 100, 0) * 0.4

View File

@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
export const buffs = {
"行者之心4": {
title: "行者4重击的暴击率提高30%",
data: {
a2Cpct: 30
"勇士之心4": {
title: "勇士4对生命值高于50%的敌人造成的伤害增加30%",
data: {
dmg: 30
"武人2": {
title: "武人2: 普攻与重击造成的伤害提高15%",
data: {
aDmg: 15,
a2Dmg: 15
"武人4": {
title: "武人4施放元素战技后的8秒内普攻和重击伤害提升25%",
data: {
aDmg: 25,
a2Dmg: 25
"战狂4": {
title: "战狂4生命值低于70%时暴击率提升24%",
data: {
cpct: 24
"染血的骑士道4": {
title: "染血4击败敌人后的10秒内重击造成的伤害提升50%",
data: {
a2Dmg: 50
"角斗士的终幕礼4": {
check: ({ weaponType }) => ['单手剑', '双手剑', '长柄武器'].includes(weaponType),
title: "角斗4角色普通攻击造成的伤害提高35%",
data: {
aDmg: 35
"流浪大地的乐团4": {
check: ({ weaponType }) => ['法器', '弓箭'].includes(weaponType),
title: "乐团4角色重击造成的伤害提高35%",
data: {
a2Dmg: 35
"苍白之火4": {
title: "苍白42层提高18%攻击力物理伤害额外提高25%",
data: {
atkPct: 18,
phy: 25
"赌徒2": {
title: "赌徒2元素战技造成的伤害提升20%",
data: {
eDmg: 20
"悠古的磐岩4": {
title: "磐岩4获得元素反应晶片对应元素伤害提高35%",
data: {
dmg: 35
"炽烈的炎之魔女4": {
title: "魔女4蒸发、融化伤害提高15%2层获得15%火元素伤害加成",
data: {
zf: 15,
rh: 15,
dmg: 15
"昔日宗室之仪2": {
title: "宗室2元素爆发造成的伤害提升20%",
data: {
qDmg: 20
"昔日宗室之仪4": {
title: "宗室4施放元素爆发后攻击力提升20%",
data: {
atkPct: 20
"冰风迷途的勇士4": {
title: "冰套4攻击处于冰元素影响下的敌人时暴击率提高20%",
data: {
cpct: 20
"沉沦之心4": {
title: "水套4施放元素战技后普攻与重击伤害提高30%",
data: {
aDmg: 30,
a2Dmg: 30
"冰之川与雪之砂4": {
title: "冰雪4融化加成提高15%释放元素爆发后冰伤提高30%",
data: {
rh: 15,
dmg: 30
"追忆之注连4": {
title: "追忆4施放元素战技后普通攻击、重击、下落攻击造成的伤害提高50%",
data: {
aDmg: 50,
a2Dmg: 50,
a3Dmg: 50
"逆飞的流星4": {
title: "逆飞4处于护盾庇护下时获得40%普攻和重击伤害加成",
data: {
aDmg: 40,
a2Dmg: 40
"平息鸣雷的尊者4": {
title: "平雷4对处于雷元素影响下的敌人造成的伤害提升35%",
data: {
dmg: 35
"渡过烈火的贤人4": {
title: "渡火4对处于火元素影响下的敌人造成的伤害提升35%",
data: {
dmg: 35
"教官4": {
title: "教官4触发元素反应后队伍中所有角色的元素精通提高120点",
data: {
mastery: 120
"少女4": {
title: "少女4施放元素战技或元素爆发受治疗效果加成提高20%",
data: {
heal: 20
"千岩牢固4": {
title: "千岩4元素战技命中敌人后攻击力提升20%",
data: {
atkPct: 20
"绝缘之旗印4": {
title: "绝缘4基于元素充能效率提高元素爆发[qDmg]%伤害",
data: {
qDmg: ({ attr }) => Math.min(75, (attr.recharge.base + attr.recharge.plus) * 0.25)
"华馆梦醒形骸记4": {
title: "华馆4满层获得24%防御及24%岩伤加成",
data: {
defPct: 24,
dmg: 24
"辰砂往生录4": {
title: "辰砂4满层提高48%攻击力",
data: {
atkPct: 48
"来歆余响4": {
title: "余响4触发提高普攻[aPlus]伤害",
data: {
aPlus: ({ attr }) => (attr.atk.base + attr.atk.plus + attr.atk.pct * attr.atk.base / 100) * 0.7

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@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
let polearm = {
"白缨枪": {
title: "白缨枪普通攻击伤害提高[aDmg]%",
refine: { aDmg: [24, 30, 36, 42, 48] }
"黑岩刺枪": {
title: "黑岩刺枪满层攻击力加成[atkPct]%",
data: {
atkPct: ({ refine }) => [12, 15, 18, 21, 24][refine] * 3
"决斗之枪": {
title: "身边敌人少于2个时获得[atkPct]%的攻击力提升",
refine: {
atkPct: [24, 30, 36, 42, 48]
"匣里灭辰": {
title: "对于水或或元素影响的敌人造成伤害提高[dmgPct]%",
refine: {
dmgPct: [20, 24, 28, 32, 36]
"千岩长枪": {
title: "四璃月队伍提高[atkPct]%攻击力及[cpct]%的暴击率提高",
refine: {
atkPct: [7, 8, 9, 10, 11],
cpct: [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
"试作星镰": {
title: "释放元素战技后2层Buff普攻与重击造成伤害提高[aDmg]%",
buffCount: 2,
refine: {
aDmg: [8, 10, 12, 14, 16],
a2Dmg: [8, 10, 12, 14, 16]
"宗室猎枪": {
title: "3层Buff暴击提高[cpct]%",
buffCount: 3,
refine: {
cpct: [8, 10, 12, 14, 16]
"喜多院十文字": {
title: "元素战技伤害提升[eDmg]%",
refine: {
eDmg: [6, 7.5, 9, 10.5, 12]
"渔获": {
title: "元素爆发造成伤害提高[qDmg]%,元素爆发的暴击率提高[qCpct]%",
refine: {
qDmg: [16, 20, 24, 28, 32],
qCpct: [6, 7.5, 9, 10.5, 12]
"断浪长鳍": {
title: "满层元素爆发伤害提高[qDmg]%",
refine: { qDmg: [40, 50, 60, 70, 80] }
"贯虹之槊": {
title: "护盾满层状态提高攻击力[atkPct]%",
buffCount: 10,
refine: {
atkPct: [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
"和璞鸢": {
title: "满层攻击力提高[atkPct]%,伤害提升[dmgPct]%",
refine: {
atkPct: [3.2 * 7, 3.9 * 7, 4.6 * 7, 5.3 * 7, 6 * 7],
dmgPct: [12, 15, 18, 21, 24]
"天空之脊": {
title: "暴击率提升[cpct]%",
refine: {
cpct: [8, 10, 12, 14, 16]
"护摩之杖": {
title: "角色生命低于50%时获得攻击力提升[atkPlus]",
data: {
atkPlus: ({ attr, refine }) => {
let { hp } = attr,
totalHp = hp.base + hp.plus + hp.pct * hp.base / 100;
return totalHp * [1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8][refine] / 100
"薙草之稻光": [{
title: "元素爆发12秒内元素充能提高[rechargePlus]%",
sort: 0,
refine: {
rechargePlus: [30, 35, 40, 45, 50]
}, {
title: "攻击力基于元素充能提升[atkPct]%",
sort: 10,
data: {
atkPct: ({ attr, refine }) => {
let recharge = attr.recharge.base + attr.recharge.plus - 100
return Math.min(recharge * [28, 35, 42, 49, 56][refine] / 100, [80, 90, 100, 110, 120][refine])
export const weapons = { ...polearm };