import lodash from 'lodash' import { Data } from '#miao' import { Character, Weapon } from '#miao.models' import { poolDetail, mixPoolDetail } from '../../resources/meta-gs/info/index.js' import { poolDetailSr } from '../../resources/meta-sr/info/index.js' import moment from 'moment' let poolVersion = [] lodash.forEach(poolDetail, (ds) => { poolVersion.push({ ...ds, start: new Date(ds.from), end: new Date( }) }) let last = poolVersion[poolVersion.length - 1] // 为未知卡池做兼容 poolVersion.push({ version: '新版本', half: '?', from:, to: '2025-12-31 23:59:59', start: last.end, end: new Date('2025-12-31 23:59:59') }) let poolVersionSr = [] lodash.forEach(poolDetailSr, (ds) => { poolVersionSr.push({ ...ds, start: new Date(ds.from), end: new Date( }) }) let lastSr = poolVersionSr[poolVersionSr.length - 1] poolVersionSr.push({ version: '新版本', half: '?', from:, to: '2025-12-31 23:59:59', start: lastSr.end, end: new Date('2025-12-31 23:59:59') }) let mixPoolVersion = [] lodash.forEach(mixPoolDetail, (ds) => { mixPoolVersion.push({ ...ds, start: new Date(ds.from), end: new Date( }) }) let mixLast = mixPoolVersion[mixPoolVersion.length - 1] mixPoolVersion.push({ version: '新版本', half: '?', from:, to: '2025-12-31 23:59:59', start: mixLast.end, end: new Date('2025-12-31 23:59:59') }) let GachaData = { // 获取JSON数据 readJSON (qq, uid, type, game) { let logJson = [] // 获取本地数据 进行数据合并 game === 'gs' ? logJson = Data.readJSON(`/data/gachaJson/${qq}/${uid}/${type}.json`, 'root') : logJson = Data.readJSON(`/data/srJson/${qq}/${uid}/${type}.json`, 'root') let itemMap = {} let nameMap = {} let items = [] let ids = {} lodash.forEach(logJson, (ds) => { if (!nameMap[]) { if (ds.item_type === '武器' || ds.item_type === '光锥') { let weapon = Weapon.get(, game) if (weapon) { nameMap[] = itemMap[] = { type: 'weapon', count: 0, ...weapon.getData('star,name,abbr,img') } } else { nameMap[] = 403 itemMap[403] = { type: 'weapon', count: 0, star: 3, name: '未知', abbr: '未知', img: '' } } } else if (ds.item_type === '角色') { let char = Character.get(, game) if (char) { nameMap[] = itemMap[] = { type: 'char', count: 0, ...char.getData('star,name,abbr,img:face') } } else { nameMap[] = 404 itemMap[404] = { type: 'char', count: 0, star: 4, name: '未知', abbr: '未知', img: '' } } } } let id = nameMap[] if (!id || !itemMap[id] || ( && ids[])) { return true } ids[] = true items.push({ id, logId:, time: new Date(ds.time) }) }) items = items.sort((a, b) => b.time - a.time) return { items, itemMap } }, // 卡池分析 analyse (qq, uid, type, game) { let logData = GachaData.readJSON(qq, uid, type, game) let fiveLog = [] let fourLog = [] let fiveNum = 0 let fourNum = 0 let fiveLogNum = 0 let fourLogNum = 0 let noFiveNum = 0 let noFourNum = 0 let wai = 0 // 歪 let weaponNum = 0 let weaponFourNum = 0 let bigNum = 0 let allNum = 0 let isMix = false if (type === 500) { isMix = true } let itemMap = logData.itemMap if (logData.items.length === 0) { return false } let currVersion lodash.forEach(logData.items, (item) => { if (!currVersion || (item.time < currVersion.start)) { currVersion = GachaData.getVersion(item.time, true, isMix, game) } allNum++ let ds = itemMap[] let { star, type } = ds ds.count++ if (star === 4) { fourNum++ if (noFourNum === 0) { noFourNum = fourLogNum } fourLogNum = 0 if (fourLog[]) { fourLog[]++ } else { fourLog[] = 1 } if (type === 'weapon') { weaponFourNum++ } } fourLogNum++ if (star === 5) { fiveNum++ if (fiveLog.length > 0) { fiveLog[fiveLog.length - 1].count = fiveLogNum } else { noFiveNum = fiveLogNum } fiveLogNum = 0 let isUp = false // 歪了多少个 if (type === 'char') { if (currVersion.char5?.includes( { isUp = true } else { wai++ } } else { if (currVersion.weapon5?.includes( { isUp = true } else { wai++ } } fiveLog.push({ id:, isUp, date: moment(item.time).format('MM-DD') }) } fiveLogNum++ }) if (fiveLog.length > 0) { fiveLog[fiveLog.length - 1].count = fiveLogNum } else { // 没有五星 noFiveNum = allNum } // 四星最多 let fourItem = lodash.filter(lodash.values(itemMap), (ds) => === 4) fourItem.push({ name: '无', count: 0 }) fourItem = fourItem.sort((a, b) => b.count - a.count) // 平均5星 let fiveAvg = 0 let fourAvg = 0 if (fiveNum > 0) { fiveAvg = ((allNum - noFiveNum) / fiveNum).toFixed(2) } // 平均四星 if (fourNum > 0) { fourAvg = ((allNum - noFourNum) / fourNum).toFixed(2) } // 有效抽卡 let isvalidNum = 0 if (fiveNum > 0 && fiveNum > wai) { if (fiveLog.length > 0 && !fiveLog[0].isUp) { isvalidNum = (allNum - noFiveNum - fiveLog[0].count) / (fiveNum - wai) } else { isvalidNum = (allNum - noFiveNum) / (fiveNum - wai) } isvalidNum = isvalidNum.toFixed(2) } let upYs = isvalidNum * 160 if (upYs >= 10000) { upYs = (upYs / 10000).toFixed(2) + 'w' } else { upYs = upYs.toFixed(0) } // 小保底不歪概率 let noWaiRate = 0 if (fiveNum > 0) { noWaiRate = (fiveNum - bigNum - wai) / (fiveNum - bigNum) noWaiRate = (noWaiRate * 100).toFixed(1) } if (noFiveNum > 0) { fiveLog.unshift({ id: 888, isUp: true, count: noFiveNum, date: moment().format('MM-DD') }) itemMap['888'] = { name: '已抽', star: 5, abbr: '已抽', img: 'gacha/imgs/no-avatar.webp' } } return { stat: { allNum, noFiveNum, noFourNum, fiveNum, fourNum, fiveAvg, fourAvg, wai, isvalidNum, weaponNum, weaponFourNum, upYs }, maxFour: fourItem[0], fiveLog, noWaiRate, items: itemMap } }, // 卡池统计 stat (qq, uid, type, game) { let items = [] let itemMap = {} let hasVersion = true let isMix = false let isSr = game === 'sr' let loadData = function (poolId) { let gachaData = GachaData.readJSON(qq, uid, poolId, game) items = items.concat(gachaData.items) lodash.extend(itemMap, gachaData.itemMap || {}) } if (['up', 'char', 'all'].includes(type)) { isSr ? loadData(11) : loadData(301) } if (['up', 'weapon', 'all'].includes(type)) { isSr ? loadData(12) : loadData(302) } if (['all', 'normal'].includes(type)) { hasVersion = false isSr ? loadData(1) : loadData(200) } if (['mix'].includes(type)) { isMix = true loadData(500) } if (['all'].includes(type) && !isSr) { loadData(500) } items = items.sort((a, b) => b.time - a.time) let versionData = [] let currVersion if (lodash.isEmpty(items)) { return false } let getCurr = function () { if (currVersion && !lodash.isEmpty(currVersion)) { let cv = currVersion let temp = { version: cv.version, half: cv.half, from: hasVersion ? moment(new Date(cv.from)).format('YY-MM-DD') : '', to: hasVersion ? moment(new Date('YY-MM-DD') : '', upIds: {} } let upName = {} let items = [] let poolNames = [] lodash.forEach(cv.char5, (name) => { upName[name] = true let char = Character.get(name) poolNames.push(char.abbr) }) lodash.forEach(cv.weapon5, (name) => { upName[name] = true }) let w5Num = 0 let w5UpNum = 0 let c5Num = 0 let c5UpNum = 0 let c4Num = 0 let w4Num = 0 let w3Num = 0 lodash.forEach(cv.items, (num, id) => { let item = itemMap[id] let isUp = upName[] let star = if (isUp) { temp.upIds[id] = } items.push({ id, num, star:, isUp: temp.upIds[id] ? 1 : 0 }) if (item.type === 'char') { if (star === 5) { c5Num += num isUp && (c5UpNum += num) } else { c4Num += num } } if (item.type === 'weapon') { if (star === 5) { w5Num += num isUp && (w5UpNum += num) } else { star === 4 ? (w4Num += num) : (w3Num += num) } } }) = poolNames.join(' / ') temp.items = lodash.sortBy(items, ['star', 'num', 'isUp']).reverse() temp.stats = { w5Num, w5UpNum, c5Num, c5UpNum, c4Num, w4Num, w3Num, upNum: w5UpNum + c5UpNum, star5Num: w5Num + c5Num, star4Num: w4Num + c4Num, totalNum: w5Num + w4Num + w3Num + c5Num + c4Num } return temp } } lodash.forEach(items, (ds) => { if (!currVersion || (ds.time < currVersion.start && hasVersion)) { if (currVersion) { versionData.push(getCurr()) } let v = GachaData.getVersion(ds.time, hasVersion, isMix, game) if (!hasVersion) { v.version = type === 'all' ? '全部统计' : '常驻池' } if (!v) { return true } currVersion = { ...v, items: {} } } if (!currVersion.items[]) { currVersion.items[] = 1 } else { currVersion.items[]++ } }) versionData.push(getCurr()) let stat = {} lodash.forEach(versionData, (ds) => { lodash.forEach(ds.stats, (num, key) => { if (!stat[key]) { stat[key] = num } else { stat[key] += num } }) }) stat.avgUpNum = stat.upNum === 0 ? 0 : ((stat.totalNum / stat.upNum).toFixed(1)) return { versionData, itemMap, totalStat: stat, isMix } }, getVersion (time, hasVersion = true, isMix = false, game) { if (isMix) { for (let ds of mixPoolVersion) { if (time > ds.start && time < ds.end) { return ds } } } if (hasVersion && game === 'gs') { for (let ds of poolVersion) { if (time > ds.start && time < ds.end) { return ds } } } else if (hasVersion && game === 'sr') { for (let ds of poolVersionSr) { if (time > ds.start && time < ds.end) { return ds } } } return { version: hasVersion === false ? '全部' : '未知', half: '', char5: [], char4: [], weapon5: [], weapon4: [] } }, getItem (ds) { if (ds.item_type === '武器') { let weapon = Weapon.get( return { type: 'weapon', count: 0, ...weapon.getData('id,star,name,abbr,img') } } else if (ds.item_type === '角色') { let char = Character.get( return { type: 'char', count: 0, ...char.getData('id,star,name,abbr,face') } } } } export default GachaData