import { abbr } from '../../../../config/genshin/roleId.js' import lodash from 'lodash' let costumes = { 琴: [200301], // 琴 芭芭拉: [201401], // 芭芭拉 刻晴: [204201], // 刻晴 凝光: [202701], // 凝光 迪卢克: [201601], // 迪卢克 菲谢尔: [203101], // 菲谢尔 达达利亚: [900001], 雷电将军: [900002], 钟离: [900003] } const fixData = { 4: { id: 20000000, title: '异界的旅人', cncv: '宴宁/鹿喑', jpcv: '悠木碧/堀江瞬' }, 5: { title: '异界的旅人' }, 7: { title: '异界的旅人' } } const CharData = { getBasic ($, id, name = '', _id = id) { let ret = {} console.log(id, _id) let fix = fixData[_id || id] || {} = || 10000000 + id * 1 let basic = $('.genshin_table.main_table') let title = function (title) { return basic.find(`td:contains('${title}'):last`).next('td').text().trim() } = name || title('Name') ret.abbr = abbr[] || ret.title = fix.title || title('Title') = basic.find('td:contains(\'Rarity\')').next('td').find('.cur_icon').length ret.elem = title('Element').toLowerCase() ret.allegiance = title('Occupation') ret.weapon = title('Weapon').toLowerCase() ret.birth = title('Month of Birth') + '-' + title('Day of Birth') ret.astro = title('Constellation') ret.desc = title('Description') ret.cncv = fix.cncv || title('Chinese') ret.jpcv = fix.jpcv || title('Japanese') ret.costume = costumes[] || false ret.ver = 1 return ret }, getDetailAttr ($) { // 采集属性信息 let stat = $('.genshin_table.stat_table:first') let attrs = [] let colIdxs = {} const titleMap = { HP: 'hpBase', Atk: 'atkBase', Def: 'defBase' } const bonusMap = { Atk: 'atkPct', HP: 'hpPct', Def: 'defPct', CritDMG: 'cdmg', CritRate: 'cpct', ER: 'recharge', EM: 'mastery', Geo: 'dmg', Hydro: 'dmg', Anemo: 'dmg', Dendro: 'dmg', Pyro: 'dmg', Cryo: 'dmg', Elec: 'dmg', Heal: 'heal', Phys: 'phy' } stat.find('tr:first td:lt(8)').each(function (i) { let title = $(this).text() let titleRet = /^Bonuse?\s(\w+)%*$/.exec(title) if (titleRet && titleRet[1]) { attrs.push(bonusMap[titleRet[1]] || titleRet[1]) colIdxs[i] = true } else if (titleMap[title]) { attrs.push(titleMap[title]) colIdxs[i] = true } }) let lvs = [] let lvStat = {} stat.find('tr:gt(0)').each(function (i) { if (i === 3 || i === 4) { return } let tr = $(this) let lvl = tr.find('td:first').text() lvs.push(lvl) let data = [] tr.find('td:lt(8)').each(function (i) { if (!colIdxs[i]) { return } data.push($(this).text()) }) lvStat[lvl] = data }) return { keys: attrs, details: lvStat } }, getDetail ($, id, name, setIdx = '', elem = '') { let cont = setIdx ? $(`#skillset_${setIdx}`) : $('#char_skills') cont.imgs = $.imgs let iconPath = elem ? `${elem}/icons` : 'icons' let talent = CharData.getTalents($, cont, name, iconPath) let passive = CharData.getPassive($, cont, name, iconPath) let cons = CharData.getCons($, cont, iconPath) return { id, name, talent, cons, passive } }, // 获取正文 getDesc (dt) { dt = dt || '' dt = dt.replace(/]*>/g, '') dt = dt.replace(/<\/color=[^>]*>/g, '') dt = dt.replace(/]*>/g, '') dt = dt.replace(/<\/span>/g, '') dt = dt.split('
') let desc = [] let isEmpty = true lodash.forEach(dt, (txt, i) => { txt = lodash.trim(txt) if (!txt) { isEmpty = true return } else if (txt.length < 15 && isEmpty) { txt = `


` } desc.push(txt) isEmpty = false }) return desc }, // 获取单个天赋数据 getTalent ($, cont, imgKey, eq, onlyLv1 = false) { let info = cont.find(`.genshin_table.skill_table:eq(${eq})`) let name = info.find('tr:first td:eq(1)').text() let icon = info.find('tr:first td:first img').attr('src') let idRet = /s_(\d+)01.webp/.exec(icon) let id = 0 if (idRet && idRet[1]) { id = idRet[1] * 1 } $.imgs.add(imgKey, icon) // 说明 let desc = CharData.getDesc(info.find('tr:eq(1) td').html()) // detail let detail = cont.find(`.genshin_table.skill_dmg_table:eq(${eq})`) let lvs = [] let details = [] detail.find('tr:first td').each(function (i) { if (onlyLv1 && i > 1) { return false } if (i > 0) { lvs.push($(this).text()) } }) detail.find('tr:gt(0)').each(function () { let name = $(this).find('td:eq(0)').text() let values = [] let values2 = [] let isSame = true let unit = '' $(this).find('td:gt(0)').each(function (i) { if (onlyLv1 && i > 0) { return false } let val = lodash.trim($(this).text()) let v = val.replace(/(生命值上限|最大生命值)/, 'HP') v = v.replace(/(防御力)/, '防御') values.push(v) if (i > 0 && values[0] !== val) { isSame = false } let ur = /^(.*)(生命值上限|防御力|最大生命值|攻击力|生命值上限 \/ 层|当前生命值| \/ 层)(\s*\*\s*\d)?$/.exec(val) if (ur && ur[1] && ur[2]) { values2.push(ur[1] + (ur[3] || '')) unit = ur[2] } else { ur = /^(每点元素能量|每个猫爪|每朵|每个)(.*)$/.exec(val) if (ur && ur[1] && ur[2]) { values2.push(ur[2]) unit = ur[1] } else { ur = /^(每层)(.*)(攻击力)$/.exec(val) if (ur && ur[1] && ur[2] && ur[3]) { values2.push(ur[2]) unit = ur[1] + ' ' + ur[3] } else { unit = '' } } } }) details.push({ name, unit, isSame, values: unit ? values2 : values }) }) return { id, name, desc, tables: details } }, // 获取天赋 getTalents ($, cont, name, iconPath) { return { a: CharData.getTalent($, cont, `${iconPath}/talent-a`, 0), e: CharData.getTalent($, cont, `${iconPath}/talent-e`, 1), q: CharData.getTalent($, cont, `${iconPath}/talent-q`, name === '莫娜' || name === '神里绫华' ? 3 : 2) } }, // 获取被动天赋 getPassive ($, cont, name, iconPath) { let tables = cont.find('span.delim h3:contains("Passive Skills")').parent().nextUntil('span.delim') let ret = [] tables.each(function () { let ds = {} $.imgs.add(`${iconPath}/passive-${ret.length}`, $(this).find('img').attr('src')) = $(this).find('tr:first td:eq(1)').text() ds.desc = CharData.getDesc($(this).find('tr:eq(1) td:first').html()) ret.push(ds) }) if (name === '莫娜' || name === '神里绫华') { ret.push(CharData.getTalent($, cont, `${iconPath}/passive-${ret.length}`, 2, true)) } return ret }, // 获取命座数据 getCons ($, cont, iconPath) { let tables = cont.find('span.delim h3:contains("Constellations")').parent().nextAll('.skill_table') let ret = {} tables.each(function (idx) { let ds = {} $.imgs.add(`${iconPath}/cons-${idx + 1}`, $(this).find('img').attr('src')) = $(this).find('tr:first td:eq(1)').text() ds.desc = CharData.getDesc($(this).find('tr:eq(1) td:first').html()) ret[idx + 1] = ds }) return ret }, // 获取角色图片素材 getImgs ($) { let urls = {} $('#char_gallery a>span.gallery_cont_span').each(function () { urls[$(this).text()] = $(this).parent().attr('href') }) let img = function (title, key) { if (urls[title]) { $.imgs.add(key, urls[title]) } } img('Icon', 'imgs/face') img('Side Icon', 'imgs/side') img('Gacha Card', 'imgs/gacha') img('Gacha Splash', 'imgs/splash') if ($._nid) { $.imgs.add('imgs/banner', `img/i_${$._nid}_back.webp`) $.imgs.add('imgs/card', `img/i_${$._nid}_profile.webp`) } }, // 获取命座加成天赋 getConsTalent (talent, cons) { if (!talent || !cons) { return { e: 3, q: 5 } } let e = let q = let c3 = (cons['3']?.desc || []).join('') let c5 = (cons['5']?.desc || []).join('') return { e: c3.includes(e) ? 3 : 5, q: c5.includes(q) ? 5 : 3 } }, // 获取素材 getMaterials ($, mData) { let basic = $('.genshin_table.main_table') let ret = {} lodash.forEach([{ title: 'Character Ascension Materials', keys: 'gem,gem,gem,gem,boss,specialty,normal,normal,normal', group: { gem: 3, normal: 8 } }, { title: 'Skill Ascension Materials', keys: 'talent,talent,talent,weekly', group: { talent: 2 } }], ({ title, keys, group }) => { let imgs = basic.find(`td:contains('${title}')`).next('td').find('a') keys = keys.split(',') let temp = {} imgs.each(function (idx) { let key = keys[idx] if (key) { let a = $(this) let img = $(this).find('img') let name = img.attr('alt') let idRet = /i_([n\d]+)\//.exec(a.attr('href')) || [] let starRet = /rar_bg_(\d)/.exec(a.find('>div').attr('class')) let id = idRet[1] || 0 id = id[0] === 'n' ? id : id * 1 let star = starRet[1] * 1 || 0 if (id) { $.imgs.add2(name, key, `img/i_${id}.webp`) } else { console.log('fail', a.attr('href')) } ret[key] = name let ds = { id, name, type: key, star } if (group[key]) { temp[name] = ds if (group[key] === idx) { mData[name] = { id, name, type: key, star, items: temp } temp = {} } } else { mData[name] = ds } } }) }) return ret } } export default CharData