import Base from './Base.js' import lodash from 'lodash' import { Data, Common, Profile } from '../components/index.js' import { Avatar, MysApi } from './index.js' export default class AvatarList extends Base { constructor (uid, datas = [], withProfile = false) { super() if (!uid) { return false } this.uid = uid let avatars = {} let profiles = {} if (withProfile) { profiles = Profile.getAll(uid) } lodash.forEach(datas, (ds) => { let avatar = new Avatar(ds, profiles[] || false) if (avatar) { avatars[] = avatar } }) // 使用面板数据补全 lodash.forEach(profiles, (profile) => { if (!avatars[]) { let avatar = new Avatar(profile) if (avatar) { avatars[] = avatar } } }) this.avatars = avatars } getData (ids, keys = '') { let rets = {} keys = keys || 'id,name,level,star,cons,fetter,elem,face,side,abbr,weapon,artisSet' let avatars = this.avatars lodash.forEach(ids, (id) => { rets[id] = avatars[id].getData(keys) || {} }) return rets } getAvatar (id) { return this.avatars[id] } getProfile (id) { return this.avatars[id]?.profile } getIds () { let rets = [] lodash.forEach(this.avatars, (ds) => { rets.push( }) return rets } async getTalentData (ids = '', mys = false, keys = '') { if (!ids) { ids = this.getIds() } mys = mys || this._mys let avatarTalent = await Data.getCacheJSON(`miao:avatar-talent:${this.uid}`) let needReq = {} lodash.forEach(ids, (id) => { if (!avatarTalent[id]) { needReq[id] = true } }) let avatars = this.avatars let needReqIds = lodash.keys(needReq) if (needReqIds.length > 0) { if (needReqIds.length > 8) { this.e && this.e.reply('正在获取角色信息,请稍候...') } let num = 10 let ms = 100 let skillRet = [] let avatarArr = lodash.chunk(needReqIds, num) for (let val of avatarArr) { for (let id of val) { let avatar = avatars[id] skillRet.push(await avatar.getTalent(mys)) } skillRet = await Promise.all(skillRet) skillRet = skillRet.filter(item => await Common.sleep(ms) } lodash.forEach(skillRet, (talent) => { avatarTalent[] = talent }) await Data.setCacheJSON(`miao:avatar-talent:${this.uid}`, avatarTalent, 3600 * 2) } let ret = this.getData(ids, keys) lodash.forEach(ret, (avatar, id) => { avatar.talent = avatarTalent[id] || {} }) return ret } async getAvatarTalent (id, mys) { let avatar = this.avatars[id] return await avatar.getTalent(mys) } get isSelfCookie () { return !!this._mys?.isSelfCookie } } AvatarList.hasTalentCache = async function (uid) { return !!await redis.get(`miao:avatar-talent:${uid}`) } AvatarList.getAll = async function (e, mys = false) { if (!mys) { mys = await MysApi.init(e) } if (!mys || !mys.uid) return false let uid = mys.uid let data = await mys.getCharacter() if (!data) { return false } let ret = new AvatarList(uid, data.avatars, true) ret.e = e ret._mys = mys return ret }