yoimiya-kokomi 312b8bd728 增加#深渊使用率命令,数据源自SG团队胡桃API
2022-07-09 05:49:29 +08:00

270 lines
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import { segment } from "oicq";
import fs from "fs";
import lodash from "lodash";
import { createRequire } from "module";
import { exec } from "child_process";
import { Cfg } from "../components/index.js";
import Common from "../components/Common.js";
const require = createRequire(import.meta.url);
let cfgMap = {
"角色": "char.char",
"面板": "char.profile-data",
"老婆": "char.wife",
"戳一戳": "char.poke",
"小清新": "char.se",
"查他人": "char.queryOther",
"图鉴": "wiki.wiki",
"图片": "wiki.pic",
"深渊": "wiki.abyss",
"渲染": "sys.scale",
"帮助": "sys.help",
let sysCfgReg = `^#喵喵设置\s*(${lodash.keys(cfgMap).join("|")})?\s*(.*)$`;
export const rule = {
updateRes: {
hashMark: true,
reg: "^#喵喵(更新图像|图像更新)$",
describe: "【#管理】更新素材",
updateMiaoPlugin: {
hashMark: true,
reg: "^#喵喵(强制)?更新",
describe: "【#管理】喵喵更新",
sysCfg: {
hashMark: true,
reg: sysCfgReg,
describe: "【#管理】系统设置"
profileCfg: {
hashMark: true,
reg: "^#喵喵面板(?:设置)?.*",
describe: "【#管理】面板设置"
const _path = process.cwd();
const resPath = `${_path}/plugins/miao-plugin/resources/`;
const plusPath = `${resPath}/miao-res-plus/`;
const checkAuth = async function (e) {
return await e.checkAuth({
auth: "master",
replyMsg: `只有主人才能命令喵喵哦~
export async function sysCfg(e, { render }) {
if (!await checkAuth(e)) {
return true;
let cfgReg = new RegExp(sysCfgReg);
let regRet = cfgReg.exec(e.msg);
if (!regRet) {
return true;
if (regRet[1]) {
// 设置模式
let val = regRet[2] || "";
let cfgKey = cfgMap[regRet[1]];
if (cfgKey === "sys.scale") {
val = Math.min(200, Math.max(50, val * 1 || 100));
} else {
val = !/关闭/.test(val);
if (cfgKey) {
Cfg.set(cfgKey, val);
let cfg = {
chars: getStatus("char.char"),
profile: getStatus("char.profile-data"),
wife: getStatus("char.wife"),
poke: getStatus("char.poke"),
se: getStatus("char.se", false),
other: getStatus("char.queryOther"),
wiki: getStatus("wiki.wiki"),
pic: getStatus("wiki.pic"),
abyss: getStatus("wiki.abyss"),
imgPlus: fs.existsSync(plusPath),
help: getStatus("sys.help", false),
scale: Cfg.get("sys.scale", 100)
return await Common.render("admin/index", {
}, { e, render, scale: 1.4 });
const getStatus = function (rote, def = true) {
if (Cfg.get(rote, def)) {
return `<div class="cfg-status" >已开启</div>`;
} else {
return `<div class="cfg-status status-off">已关闭</div>`;
export async function updateRes(e) {
if (!await checkAuth(e)) {
return true;
let command = "";
if (fs.existsSync(`${resPath}/miao-res-plus/`)) {
command = `git pull`;
exec(command, { cwd: `${resPath}/miao-res-plus/` }, function (error, stdout, stderr) {
if (/(Already up[ -]to[ -]date|已经是最新的)/.test(stdout)) {
return true;
let numRet = /(\d*) files changed,/.exec(stdout);
if (numRet && numRet[1]) {
return true;
if (error) {
e.reply("更新失败!\nError code: " + error.code + "\n" + error.stack + "\n 请稍后重试。");
} else {
} else {
command = `git clone https://gitee.com/yoimiya-kokomi/miao-res-plus.git "${resPath}/miao-res-plus/"`;
exec(command, function (error, stdout, stderr) {
if (error) {
e.reply("角色图片加量包安装失败!\nError code: " + error.code + "\n" + error.stack + "\n 请稍后重试。");
} else {
e.reply("角色图片加量包安装成功!您后续也可以通过 #喵喵更新图像 命令来更新图像");
return true;
let timer;
export async function updateMiaoPlugin(e) {
if (!await checkAuth(e)) {
return true;
let isForce = e.msg.includes("强制");
let command = "git pull";
if (isForce) {
command = "git checkout . && git pull";
} else {
exec(command, { cwd: `${_path}/plugins/miao-plugin/` }, function (error, stdout, stderr) {
if (/(Already up[ -]to[ -]date|已经是最新的)/.test(stdout)) {
return true;
if (error) {
e.reply("喵喵更新失败!\nError code: " + error.code + "\n" + error.stack + "\n 请稍后重试。");
return true;
timer && clearTimeout(timer);
redis.set("miao:restart-msg", JSON.stringify({
msg: "重启成功,新版喵喵已经生效",
qq: e.user_id
}), { EX: 30 });
timer = setTimeout(function () {
let command = `npm run start`;
if (process.argv[1].includes("pm2")) {
command = `npm run restart`;
exec(command, function (error, stdout, stderr) {
if (error) {
e.reply("自动重启失败,请手动重启以应用新版喵喵。\nError code: " + error.code + "\n" + error.stack + "\n");
return true;
} else if (stdout) {
Bot.logger.mark("重启成功运行已转为后台查看日志请用命令npm run log");
Bot.logger.mark("停止后台运行命令npm stop");
}, 1000);
return true;
export async function profileCfg(e, { render }) {
if (!await checkAuth(e)) {
return true;
let keyMap = {
"好友": "friend",
"群": "group",
"陌生人": "stranger"
let regRet = /喵喵面板(?:设置)?\s*(好友|群|群聊|陌生人)?\s*(\d*)\s*(开启|关闭|删除)?\s*$/.exec(e.msg);
if (!regRet) {
let [, target, groupId, actionType] = regRet;
if (target === "群聊") {
target = "群";
if (target) {
if (groupId && (target === "群" || !target)) {
if (actionType === "删除") {
} else {
Cfg.set(`profile.groups.群${groupId}.status`, actionType !== "关闭");
} else {
Cfg.set(`profile.${keyMap[target]}.status`, actionType !== "关闭");
let cfg = {
groups: []
lodash.forEach(['friend', 'group', 'stranger'], (key) => {
cfg[key] = getStatus(`profile.${key}.status`, true)
let groups = Cfg.get('profile-data.groups', {});
lodash.forEach(lodash.keys(groups), (group, idx) => {
if (lodash.isUndefined(groups[group])) {
idx: idx + 1,
status: getStatus(`profile.groups.${group}.status`, true)
return await Common.render("admin/profile", {
}, { e, render, scale: 1.4 });