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* 伤害计算 - 属性计算
* */
import { attrMap, eleMap } from './calc-meta.js'
import lodash from 'lodash'
import DmgMastery from './DmgMastery.js'
import { Format } from '../../components/index.js'
let DmgAttr = {
// 计算并返回指定属性值
getAttrValue (ds) {
return (ds.base || 0) + (ds.plus || 0) + ((ds.base || 0) * (ds.pct || 0) / 100)
// 获取profile对应attr属性值
getAttr ({ id, attr, weapon, char }) {
let ret = {}
// 基础属性
lodash.forEach('atk,def,hp'.split(','), (key) => {
ret[key] = {
base: attr[`${key}Base`] * 1 || 0,
plus: attr[key] * 1 - attr[`${key}Base`] * 1 || 0,
pct: 0
lodash.forEach('mastery,recharge,cpct,cdmg,heal,dmg,phy'.split(','), (key) => {
ret[key] = {
base: attr[key] * 1 || 0, // 基础值
plus: 0, // 加成值
pct: 0, // 百分比加成
inc: 0 // 提高:护盾增效&治疗增效
// 技能属性记录
lodash.forEach('a,a2,a3,e,q'.split(','), (key) => {
ret[key] = {
pct: 0, // 倍率加成
multi: 0, // 独立倍率乘区加成宵宫E等
plus: 0, // 伤害值提高
dmg: 0, // 伤害提高
cpct: 0, // 暴击提高
cdmg: 0, // 爆伤提高
def: 0, // 防御降低
ignore: 0 // 无视防御
ret.enemy = {
def: 0, // 降低防御
ignore: 0, // 无视防御
phy: 0 // 物理防御
ret.shield = {
base: 100, // 基础
plus: 0, // 护盾强效
inc: 100 // 吸收倍率
ret.weapon = weapon // 武器
ret.weaponType = char.weaponType // 武器类型
ret.element = eleMap[char.elem.toLowerCase()] // 元素类型
ret.refine = ((weapon.affix || ret.refine || 1) * 1 - 1) || 0 // 武器精炼
ret.multi = 0 // 倍率独立乘区
ret.zf = 0 // 蒸发
ret.rh = 0 // 融化
ret.gd = 0 // 感电
ret.ks = 0 // 扩散
ret.kx = 0 // 敌人抗性降低
ret.fykx = 0 // 敌人反应抗性降低
return ret
// 获取数据集
getDs (attr, meta, params) {
return {
refine: attr.refine,
weaponType: attr.weaponType,
weapon: attr.weapon,
element: eleMap[attr.element] || attr.element,
// 计算属性
calc: DmgAttr.getAttrValue
// 计算属性
calcAttr ({ originalAttr, buffs, meta, params = {}, incAttr = '', reduceAttr = '', talent = '' }) {
let attr = lodash.merge({}, originalAttr)
let msg = []
if (incAttr && attrMap[incAttr]) {
let aCfg = attrMap[incAttr]
attr[incAttr][aCfg.type] += aCfg.val
if (reduceAttr && attrMap[reduceAttr]) {
let aCfg = attrMap[reduceAttr]
attr[reduceAttr][aCfg.type] -= aCfg.val
lodash.forEach(buffs, (buff) => {
let ds = DmgAttr.getDs(attr, meta, params)
ds.currentTalent = talent
let mKey = {
zf: '蒸发',
rh: '融化',
ks: '扩散'
if (lodash.isString(buff) && mKey[buff]) {
buff = {
zf: {
title: `元素精通:${mKey[buff]}伤害提高[${buff}]%`,
mastery: buff
// 如果存在rule则进行计算
if (buff.check && !buff.check(ds)) {
if (buff.cons) {
if (ds.cons * 1 < buff.cons * 1) {
let title = buff.title
if (buff.mastery) {
let mastery = Math.max(0, attr.mastery.base + attr.mastery.plus)
// let masteryNum = 2.78 * mastery / (mastery + 1400) * 100;
buff.data = buff.data || {}
lodash.forEach(buff.mastery.split(','), (key) => {
buff.data[key] = DmgMastery.getMultiple(key, mastery)
lodash.forEach(buff.data, (val, key) => {
if (lodash.isFunction(val)) {
val = val(ds)
title = title.replace(`[${key}]`, Format.comma(val, 1))
// 技能提高
let tRet = /^(a|a2|a3|e|q)(Def|Ignore|Dmg|Plus|Pct|Cpct|Cdmg|Multi)$/.exec(key)
if (tRet) {
attr[tRet[1]][tRet[2].toLowerCase()] += val * 1 || 0
let aRet = /^(hp|def|atk|mastery|cpct|cdmg|heal|recharge|dmg|phy|shield)(Plus|Pct|Inc)?$/.exec(key)
if (aRet) {
attr[aRet[1]][aRet[2] ? aRet[2].toLowerCase() : 'plus'] += val * 1 || 0
if (key === 'enemyDef') {
attr.enemy.def += val * 1 || 0
if (['zf', 'rh', 'kx', 'gd', 'ks', 'fykx'].includes(key)) {
attr[key] += val * 1 || 0
return {
attr, msg
export default DmgAttr