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import lodash from 'lodash'
import moment from 'moment'
import { Cfg, Common, Data, Version } from '#miao'
export default class ProfileRank {
constructor(data) {
this.groupId = data.groupId || data.groupId || ''
if (!this.groupId || this.groupId === 'undefined') {
return false
this.qq = data.qq
this.uid = data.uid + ''
this.allowRank = false
static async create(data) {
let rank = new ProfileRank(data)
rank.allowRank = await ProfileRank.checkRankLimit(rank.uid)
return rank
* 获取群排行UID
* @param groupId
* @param charId
* @param type
* @returns {Promise<string|boolean>}
static async getGroupMaxUid(groupId, charId, type = 'mark') {
let uids = await redis.zRange(`miao:rank:${groupId}:${type}:${charId}`, -1, -1)
return uids ? uids[0] : false
static async getGroupMaxUidList(groupId, type = 'mark') {
let keys = await redis.keys(`miao:rank:${groupId}:${type}:*`)
let ret = []
for (let key of keys) {
let keyRet = /^miao:rank:[\w-]+:(?:mark|dmg|crit|valid):(\d{8})$/.exec(key)
if (keyRet && keyRet[1]) {
let charId = keyRet[1]
let uid = await ProfileRank.getGroupMaxUid(groupId, charId, type)
if (uid) {
return ret
* 获取排行榜
* @param groupId
* @param charId
* @param type
* @returns {Promise<ConvertArgumentType<ZMember, string>[]|boolean>}
static async getGroupUidList(groupId, charId, type = 'mark') {
let number = Cfg.get('rankNumber', 15)
let uids = await redis.zRangeWithScores(`miao:rank:${groupId}:${type}:${charId}`, -`${number}`, -1)
return uids ? uids.reverse() : false
* 重置群排行
* @param groupId
* @param charId
* @returns {Promise<void>}
static async resetRank(groupId, charId = '', game = 'gs') {
let keys = await redis.keys(`miao:rank:${groupId}:*`)
for (let key of keys) {
let charRet = game === 'gs' ? /^miao:rank:\d+:(?:mark|dmg|crit|valid):(\d{8})$/.exec(key) : /^miao:rank:\d+:(?:mark|dmg|crit|valid):(\d{4})$/.exec(key)
if (charRet) {
if (charId === '' || charId * 1 === charRet[1] * 1) {
await redis.del(key)
if (charId === '') {
await redis.del(`miao:rank:${groupId}:cfg`)
static async getGroupCfg(groupId) {
const rankLimitTxt = {
1: '无限制',
2: '绑定有CK的用户',
3: '绑定CK或列表有16个角色数据',
4: '绑定CK或列表有安柏&凯亚&丽莎的数据',
5: '绑定CK或列表有16个角色数据且包含安柏&凯亚&丽莎'
let rankLimit = Common.cfg('groupRankLimit') * 1 || 1
let ret = await Data.redisGet(`miao:rank:${groupId}:cfg`, {
timestamp: (new Date()) * 1,
status: 0
await Data.redisSet(`miao:rank:${groupId}:cfg`, ret, 3600 * 24 * 365)
ret.limitTxt = rankLimitTxt[rankLimit]
ret.time = moment(new Date(ret.timestamp)).format('MM-DD HH:mm')
ret.number = Cfg.get('rankNumber', 15)
return ret
* 设置群开关状态
* @param groupId
* @param status0开启1关闭
* @returns {Promise<void>}
static async setGroupStatus(groupId, status = 0) {
let cfg = await Data.redisGet(`miao:rank:${groupId}:cfg`, {
timestamp: (new Date()) * 1,
cfg.status = status
await Data.redisSet(`miao:rank:${groupId}:cfg`, cfg, 3600 * 24 * 365)
static async setUidInfo({ uid, qq, profiles, uidType = 'bind' }) {
if (!uid) {
return false
let basicCount = 0
let totalCount = 0
for (let charId in profiles) {
let profile = profiles[charId]
if (!profile || !profile.hasData) {
if (['安柏', '凯亚', '丽莎'].includes(profile.name)) {
let data = {}
try {
let uData = await redis.get(`miao:rank:uid-info:${uid}`)
if (uData) {
data = JSON.parse(uData)
} catch (e) {
data = {}
data.totalCount = totalCount
data.basicCount = basicCount
if (data.isSelfUid) {
delete data.isSelfUid
data.uidType = 'ck'
if (uidType === 'ck') {
data.uidType = 'ck'
data.qq = qq || data.qq || ''
} else {
data.uidType = data.uidType || 'bind'
if (data.uidType === 'bind') {
data.qq = data.qq || qq || ''
} else {
data.qq = qq || data.qq || ''
await redis.set(`miao:rank:uid-info:${uid}`, JSON.stringify(data), { EX: 3600 * 24 * 365 })
static async delUidInfo(uid) {
let keys = await redis.keys('miao:rank:*')
uid = uid + ''
if (!/\d{9,10}/.test(uid)) {
return false
for (let key of keys) {
let charRet = /^miao:rank:\d+:(?:mark|dmg|crit|valid):(\d{8})$/.exec(key)
if (charRet) {
await redis.zRem(key, uid)
static async getUidInfo(uid) {
try {
let data = await redis.get(`miao:rank:uid-info:${uid}`)
return JSON.parse(data)
} catch (e) {
return false
static async getUserUidMap(e, game = 'gs') {
let rn = e.runtime
let groupMemMap = await e.group?.getMemberMap() || []
let users = {}
for (let [qq] of groupMemMap) {
users[qq] = true
let uidMap = {}
let qqMap = {}
let add = (qq, uid, type) => {
uidMap[uid] = { uid, qq, type: type === 'ck' ? 'ck' : 'bind' }
qqMap[qq] = true
let keys = await redis.keys('miao:rank:uid-info:*')
for (let key of keys) {
let data = await Data.redisGet(key)
let { qq, uidType } = data
if (!users[qq]) continue
let uidRet = /miao:rank:uid-info:(\d{9,10})/.exec(key)
if (qq && uidType && uidRet?.[1]) {
add(qq, uidRet[1], uidType === 'ck' ? 'ck' : 'bind')
if (rn.NoteUser) {
// Miao-Yunzai
await rn.NoteUser.forEach(async (user) => {
if (!users[user.qq]) return true
let uids = user.getUidList(game)
lodash.forEach(uids, (ds) => {
let { uid, type } = ds
add(user.qq, uid, type)
} else {
if (rn?.gsCfg?.getBingCk) {
// Yunzai-V3
let noteCks = await rn.gsCfg.getBingCk(game) || {}
lodash.forEach(noteCks.ck, (ck, _qq) => {
let qq = ck.qq || _qq
let uid = ck.uid
if (!users[qq]) return true
add(qq, uid, 'ck')
for (let qq in users) {
if (qqMap[qq]) continue
let uid = await redis.get(Version.isV3 ? `Yz:genshin:mys:qq-uid:${qq}` : `genshin:id-uid:${qq}`)
if (uid) {
add(qq, uid, 'bind')
return uidMap
* 1: '无限制',
* 2: '绑定有CK的用户',
* 3: '面板列表有16个角色数据或绑定CK',
* 4: '面板列表有安柏&凯亚&丽莎的数据或绑定CK',
* 5: '面板列表有16个角色数据且包含安柏&凯亚&丽莎或绑定CK'
* @param uid
* @returns {Promise<boolean>}
static async checkRankLimit(uid) {
if (!uid) {
return false
// 预设面板不参与排名
if (uid * 1 < 100000006) {
return false
try {
let rankLimit = Common.cfg('groupRankLimit') * 1 || 1
if (rankLimit === 1) {
return true
let data = await redis.get(`miao:rank:uid-info:${uid}`)
data = JSON.parse(data)
if (data.isSelfUid || data.uidType === 'ck') {
return true
if (rankLimit === 2) {
return false
if ((data.totalCount || 0) < 16 && [3, 5].includes(rankLimit)) {
return false
if ((data.basicCount || 0) < 3 && [4, 5].includes(rankLimit)) {
return false
return true
} catch (e) {
return false
key(profile, type) {
return `miao:rank:${this.groupId}:${type}:${profile.id}`
* 获取排行信息
* @param profile
* @param force
* @returns {Promise<{}|boolean>}
async getRank(profile, force = false) {
if (!profile || !this.groupId || !this.allowRank || !profile.hasData) {
return false
let ret = {}
for (let typeKey of ['mark', 'dmg', 'crit', 'valid']) {
let typeRank = await this.getTypeRank(profile, typeKey, force)
if (['mark', 'dmg'].includes(typeKey)) {
ret[typeKey] = typeRank
if (!ret.rank || ret.rank >= typeRank.rank) {
ret.rank = typeRank.rank
ret.rankType = typeKey
return ret
async getTypeRank(profile, type, force) {
if (!profile || !profile.hasData || !type) {
return false
if (type === 'dmg' && !profile.hasDmg) {
return false
const typeKey = this.key(profile, type)
let value
let rank
if (force) {
value = await this.getTypeValue(profile, type)
} else {
rank = await redis.zRevRank(typeKey, this.uid)
if (!lodash.isNumber(rank)) {
value = await this.getTypeValue(profile, type)
if (value && !lodash.isUndefined(value.score)) {
await redis.zAdd(typeKey, { score: value.score, value: this.uid })
if (!lodash.isNumber(rank)) {
rank = await redis.zRevRank(typeKey, this.uid)
if (rank === null) {
rank = 99
if (force) {
return {
rank: rank + 1,
value: value.score,
data: value.data
return {
rank: rank + 1
async getTypeValue(profile, type) {
if (!profile || !profile.hasData) {
return false
if (type === 'mark') {
if (!profile?.artis?.hasArtis) {
return false
let mark = profile.getArtisMark(false)
if (mark && mark._mark) {
return {
score: mark.mark * 1,
data: mark
if (type === 'crit') {
if (!profile?.artis?.hasArtis) {
return false
let mark = profile.getArtisMark(false)
if (mark && mark._crit) {
return {
score: mark._crit * 1,
data: mark
if (type === 'valid') {
if (!profile?.artis?.hasArtis) {
return false
let mark = profile.getArtisMark(false)
if (mark && mark._valid) {
return {
score: mark._valid * 1,
data: mark
if (type === 'dmg' && profile.hasDmg) {
let enemyLv = profile.game === 'gs' ? 91 : 80
let dmg = await profile.calcDmg({ enemyLv, mode: 'single' })
if (dmg && dmg.avg) {
return {
score: dmg.avg,
data: dmg
return false