2022-04-10 05:33:21 +08:00

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import fs from "fs";
import lodash from "lodash";
import common from "../../../lib/common.js";
import { segment } from "oicq";
export async function talentList(e, { render }) {
let cacheCd = 6;
let msg = e.msg.replace("#", "").trim();
if (msg === "角色统计" || msg === "武器统计") {
return false;
let MysApi = await getMysApi(e);
if (!MysApi) return true;
let uid = MysApi.targetUid;
if (skillLoading[e.user_id]) {
setTimeout(() => {
if (skillLoading[e.user_id]) delete skillLoading[e.user_id];
}, 60000);
const displayMode = /(角色|武器|练度)/.test(e.msg) ? "weapon" : "talent";
let star = 0;
if (/(四|4)/.test(msg)) star = 4;
if (/(五|5)/.test(msg)) star = 5;
// 技能查询缓存
let cachePath = `./data/cache/`;
if (!fs.existsSync(cachePath)) {
cachePath += "talentList/";
if (!fs.existsSync(cachePath)) {
let avatarRet = [];
let hasCache = await redis.get(`cache:uid-talent-new:${uid}`); // 由于数据结构改变,临时修改一下键值,防止命中历史缓存导致展示错误
if (hasCache && !/force/.test(e.msg)) {
// 有缓存优先使用缓存
let jsonRet = fs.readFileSync(cachePath + `${uid}.json`, "utf8");
avatarRet = JSON.parse(jsonRet);
} else {
skillLoading[e.user_id] = true;
let resIndex = await MysApi.getCharacter();
if (!resIndex) {
delete skillLoading[e.user_id];
return true;
let avatarData = resIndex && resIndex.avatars || [];
// let skillRet = [], skill = [];
// if (NoteCookie[e.user_id]) {
let skillRet = [], skill = [];
if (NoteCookie[e.user_id] && NoteCookie[e.user_id].cookie.includes("cookie_token")) {
let num = 10, ms = 100;
let avatarArr = lodash.chunk(avatarData, num);
for (let val of avatarArr) {
for (let avatar of val) {
skillRet.push(getSkill(e, uid, avatar, MysApi));
skillRet = await Promise.all(skillRet);
skillRet.filter(item => item.a);
skillRet = skillRet.filter(item => item.a);
await common.sleep(ms);
skill = lodash.keyBy(skillRet, "id");
// 天赋等级背景
const talentLvMap = '0,1,1,1,2,2,3,3,3,4,5'.split(',')
// 根据每日素材构建 角色->素材的映射关系
let charTalentMap = {};
daily.forEach((weekCfg, week) => {
lodash.forIn(weekCfg[0], (talentCfg, talentName) => {
talentCfg[1].forEach((charName) => {
charTalentMap[charName] = { name: talentName, week: [3, 1, 2][week] };
for (let idx in avatarData) {
let curr = avatarData[idx];
let avatar = lodash.pick(curr, "id,name,rarity,level,rarity,fetter".split(","));
// 埃洛伊rarity是105...
avatar.rarity = avatar.rarity > 5 ? 5 : avatar.rarity;
let weapon = curr.weapon || {};
"name,level,rarity,affix_level".split(",").forEach((idx) => {
avatar[`weapon_${idx}`] = curr.weapon[idx];
avatar.cons = curr.actived_constellation_num;
if (avatar.id == 10000007) {
avatar.name = "荧";
} else if (avatar.id == 10000005) {
avatar.name = "空";
} else {
let talent = charTalentMap[avatar.name] || {};
avatar.talent = talent.name;
avatar.talentWeek = talent.week; //`${talent.week}${talent.week + 3}`;
let skillRet = skill[avatar.id] || {};
const talentConsCfg = { a: 0, e: 3, q: 5 };
lodash.forIn(talentConsCfg, (consLevel, key) => {
let talent = skillRet[key] || {};
// 天赋等级
avatar[key] = talent.level_current || '-';
// 是否有命座加成
avatar[`${key}_plus`] = talent.level_current > talent.level_original;
// 天赋书星级
avatar[`${key}_lvl`] = talentLvMap[talent.level_original * 1];
avatar[`${key}_original`] = talent.level_original * 1;
avatar.aeq = avatar.a * 1 + avatar.e + avatar.q;
fs.writeFileSync(cachePath + `${uid}.json`, JSON.stringify(avatarRet));
await redis.set(`cache:uid-talent-new:${uid}`, uid, { EX: 3600 * cacheCd });
delete skillLoading[e.user_id];
// }
if (star >= 4 && avatarRet.length > 8) {
avatarRet = avatarRet.filter(item => item.rarity == star);
let sortKey = ({
talent: "aeq,rarity,level,star,fetter,talentWeek",
weapon: "level,rarity,aeq,cons,weapon_level,weapon_rarity,weapon_affix_level,fetter"
avatarRet = lodash.orderBy(avatarRet, sortKey, lodash.repeat("desc,", sortKey.length).split(","));
let noTalent = avatarRet.length == 0 || /^\-+$/.test(avatarRet.map((d) => d.a).join(""));
let talentNotice = `技能列表每${cacheCd}小时更新一次`;
if (noTalent) {
talentNotice = "未绑定体力Cookie无法获取天赋列表。请回复 #体力 获取配置教程";
let week = new Date().getDay();
if (new Date().getHours() < 4) {
let base64 = await render("genshin", "talentList", {
save_id: uid,
uid: uid,
avatars: avatarRet,
bgType: Math.ceil(Math.random() * 3),
abbr: genshin.abbr,
isSelf: e.isSelf,
week: [3, 1, 2][week % 3],
if (base64) {
let msg = [];
if (e.isGroup) {
let name = lodash.truncate(e.sender.card, { length: 8 });
msg.push(segment.at(e.user_id, name));
return true; //事件结束不再往下