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synced 2025-02-08 11:35:26 +00:00
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import { Character, Avatar, MysApi } from '../../models/index.js'
import { Cfg, Common, Profile } from '../../components/index.js'
import lodash from 'lodash'
import { segment } from 'oicq'
export async function renderAvatar (e, avatar, renderType = 'card') {
// 如果传递的是名字,则获取
let uid = e.uid
if (typeof (avatar) === 'string') {
let char = Character.get(avatar)
if (!char) {
return false
let mys = await MysApi.init(e)
if (!mys) return true
uid = mys.uid
if (!char.isRelease) {
avatar = { id: char.id, name: char.name, detail: false }
} else {
let profile = Profile.get(uid, char.id, true)
if (profile && profile.hasData) {
// 优先使用Profile数据
avatar = profile
} else {
// 使用Mys数据兜底
let charData = await mys.getCharacter()
if (!charData) return true
let avatars = charData.avatars
if (char.isTraveler) {
char = await char.checkAvatars(avatars, uid)
avatars = lodash.keyBy(avatars, 'id')
avatar = avatars[char.id] || { id: char.id, name: char.name, detail: false }
return await renderCard(e, avatar, renderType)
// 渲染角色卡片
async function renderCard (e, ds, renderType = 'card') {
let char = Character.get(ds)
if (!char) {
return false
let bg = char.getCardImg(Cfg.get('char.se', false))
if (renderType === 'photo') {
e.reply(segment.image(process.cwd() + '/plugins/miao-plugin/resources/' + bg.img))
return true
let uid = e.uid || (e.targetUser && e.targetUser.uid)
let data = {}
let custom = char.isCustom
let isRelease = char.isRelease
if (isRelease) {
let mys = await MysApi.init(e)
let avatar = new Avatar(ds, uid, mys.isSelfCookie)
data = avatar.getData('id,name,sName,level,fetter,cons,weapon,elem,artis,artisSet,imgs,dataSourceName,updateTime')
data.talent = await avatar.getTalent(mys)
if (data.talent) {
data.talentMap = ['a', 'e', 'q']
// 计算皇冠个数
data.crownNum = lodash.filter(lodash.map(data.talent, (d) => d.original), (d) => d >= 10).length
} else {
data = char.getData('id,name,sName')
let width = 600
let imgCss = ''
let scale = 1.2
if (bg.mode === 'left') {
const height = 480
width = height * bg.width / bg.height
imgCss = `img.bg{width:auto;height:${height}px;}`
scale = 1.45
// 渲染图像
let msgRes = await Common.render('character/character-card', {
saveId: uid,
widthStyle: `<style>html,body,#container{width:${width}px} ${imgCss}</style>`,
mode: bg.mode,
}, { e, scale, retMsgId: true })
if (msgRes && msgRes.message_id) {
// 如果消息发送成功,就将message_id和图片路径存起来,3小时过期
await redis.set(`miao:original-picture:${msgRes.message_id}`, bg.img, { EX: 3600 * 3 })
return true
export async function getAvatarList (e, type, mys) {
let data = await mys.getCharacter()
if (!data) return false
let avatars = data.avatars
if (!avatars || avatars.length <= 0) {
return false
let list = []
for (let val of avatars) {
if (type !== false) {
if (!Character.checkWifeType(val.id, type)) {
if (val.rarity > 5) {
val.rarity = 5
if (list.length <= 0) {
return false
let sortKey = 'level,fetter,weapon_level,rarity,weapon_rarity,cons,weapon_affix_level'
list = lodash.orderBy(list, sortKey, lodash.repeat('desc,', sortKey.length).split(','))
return list