2024-04-03 20:09:32 +08:00

195 lines
5.8 KiB
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

import lodash from 'lodash'
import { getTargetUid } from './ProfileCommon.js'
import { Common, Data } from '#miao'
import { Button, ProfileRank, Player, Character } from '#miao.models'
const ProfileList = {
* 刷新面板
* @param e
* @returns {Promise<boolean|*>}
async refresh (e) {
let uid = await getTargetUid(e)
if (!uid) {
e._replyNeedUid || e.reply(['请先发送【#绑定+你的UID】来绑定查询目标\n星铁请使用【#星铁绑定+UID】', new Button(e).bindUid()])
return true
// 数据更新
let player = Player.create(e)
await player.refreshProfile(2)
if (!player?._update?.length) {
e._isReplyed || e.reply(['获取角色面板数据失败请确认角色已在游戏内橱窗展示并开放了查看详情。设置完毕后请5分钟后再进行请求~', new Button(e).profileList(uid)])
e._isReplyed = true
} else {
let ret = {}
lodash.forEach(player._update, (id) => {
let char = Character.get(id)
if (char) {
ret[char.name] = true
if (lodash.isEmpty(ret)) {
e._isReplyed || e.reply(['获取角色面板数据失败未能请求到角色数据。请确认角色已在游戏内橱窗展示并开放了查看详情。设置完毕后请5分钟后再进行请求~', new Button(e).profileList(uid)])
e._isReplyed = true
} else {
e.newChar = ret
return await ProfileList.render(e)
return true
* 渲染面板
* @param e
* @returns {Promise<boolean|*>}
async render (e) {
let uid = await getTargetUid(e)
if (!uid) {
e._replyNeedUid || e.reply(['请先发送【#绑定+你的UID】来绑定查询目标\n星铁请使用【#星铁绑定+UID】', new Button(e).bindUid()])
return true
let isSelfUid = false
if (e.runtime && e.runtime?.user) {
let uids = []
let user = e.runtime.user
if (typeof user.getCkUidList === 'function') {
uids = user.getCkUidList(e.game).map(i => i.uid) || []
} else {
uids = user.ckUids || []
isSelfUid = uids.some(ds => ds === uid + '')
let rank = false
let hasNew = false
let newCount = 0
let chars = []
let msg = ''
let newChar = {}
if (e.newChar) {
msg = '获取角色面板数据成功'
newChar = e.newChar
const cfg = await Data.importCfg('cfg')
// 获取面板数据
let player = Player.create(e)
let servName = Player.getProfileServName(uid, player.game)
if (!player.hasProfile) {
await player.refresh({ profile: true })
if (!player.hasProfile) {
e.reply([`本地暂无uid${uid}[${player.game}]的面板数据...`, new Button(e).profileList(uid)])
return true
let profiles = player.getProfiles()
// 检测标志位
let qq = (e.at && !e.atBot) ? e.at : e.user_id
await ProfileRank.setUidInfo({ uid, profiles, qq, uidType: isSelfUid ? 'ck' : 'bind' })
let groupId = e.group_id
if (groupId) {
rank = await ProfileRank.create({ groupId, uid, qq: e.user_id })
const rankCfg = await ProfileRank.getGroupCfg(groupId)
const groupRank = rank && (cfg?.diyCfg?.groupRank || false) && rankCfg.status !== 1
for (let id in profiles) {
let profile = profiles[id]
let char = profile.char
let tmp = char.getData('id,face,name,abbr,element,star')
let imgs = char.getImgs(profile.costume)
tmp.face = imgs.qFace || imgs.face
tmp.level = profile.level || 1
tmp.cons = profile.cons
tmp.isNew = 0
if (newChar[char.name]) {
tmp.isNew = 1
if (rank) {
tmp.groupRank = await rank.getRank(profile, !!tmp.isNew)
if (newCount > 0) {
hasNew = newCount <= 8
chars = lodash.sortBy(chars, ['isNew', 'star', 'level', 'id'])
chars = chars.reverse()
// 渲染图像
return e.reply([await Common.render('character/profile-list', {
save_id: uid,
updateTime: player.getUpdateTime(),
allowRank: rank && rank.allowRank,
elem: player.isGs ? 'hydro' : 'sr'
}, { e, scale: 1.6, retType: 'base64' }), new Button(e).profileList(uid, newChar)])
* 删除面板数据
* @param e
* @returns {Promise<boolean>}
async del (e) {
let ret = /^#(星铁)?(删除全部面板|删除面板|删除面板数据)\s*(\d{9,10})?$/.exec(e.msg)
let uid = await getTargetUid(e)
if (!uid) {
return true
let targetUid = ret[3]
let user = e?.runtime?.user || {}
if (!user.hasCk && !e.isMaster) {
return true
if (!targetUid) {
e.reply([`你确认要删除面板数据吗? 请回复 #删除面板${uid} 以删除面板数据`, new Button(e).profileList(uid)])
return true
const game = /星铁/.test(e.msg) ? 'sr' : 'gs'
let uidList = user?.getCkUidList(game)
let ckUids = (lodash.map(uidList, (ds) => ds.uid) || []).join(',').split(',')
if (!ckUids.includes(targetUid) && !e.isMaster) {
e.reply([`仅允许删除自己的UID数据[${ckUids.join(',')}]`, new Button(e).profileList(uid)])
return true
Player.delByUid(targetUid, game)
e.reply([`UID${targetUid}的本地数据已删除,排名数据已清除...`, new Button(e).profileList(uid)])
return true
async reload (e) {
let uid = await getTargetUid(e)
if (!uid) {
return true
let player = Player.create(e)
return ProfileList.render(e)
export default ProfileList