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import Base from './Base.js'
import { Data, Format } from '#miao'
import { weaponData, weaponAbbr, weaponAlias, weaponType, weaponSet, weaponBuffs } from '../resources/meta/weapon/index.js'
import {
weaponData as weaponDataSR,
weaponAlias as weaponAliasSR,
weaponBuffs as weaponBuffsSR
} from '../resources/meta-sr/weapon/index.js'
import lodash from 'lodash'
class Weapon extends Base {
constructor (name, game = 'gs') {
let meta = game === 'gs' ? weaponData[name] : weaponDataSR[name]
if (!meta) {
return false
let cache = this._getCache(`weapon:${game}:${name}`)
if (cache) {
return cache
this.id = meta.id
this.name = meta.name
this.meta = meta
this.type = meta.type
this.star = meta.star
this.game = game
return this._cache()
get abbr () {
return weaponAbbr[this.name] || this.name
get title () {
return this.name
get img () {
return `${this.isGs ? 'meta' : 'meta-sr'}/weapon/${this.type}/${this.name}/icon.webp`
get imgs () {
if (this.isGs) {
return {
icon: `meta/weapon/${this.type}/${this.name}/icon.webp`,
icon2: `meta/weapon/${this.type}/${this.name}/awaken.webp`,
gacha: `meta/weapon/${this.type}/${this.name}/gacha.webp`
} else {
return {
icon: `meta-sr/weapon/${this.type}/${this.name}/icon.webp`,
icon2: `meta-sr/weapon/${this.type}/${this.name}/icon-s.webp`,
gacha: `meta-sr/weapon/${this.type}/${this.name}/splash.webp`
get icon () {
return this.img
get detail () {
return this.getDetail()
get maxLv () {
return this.star <= 2 ? 70 : 90
get maxPromote () {
return this.star <= 2 ? 4 : 6
get maxAffix () {
let datas = this.detail?.affixData?.datas || {}
return (datas['0'] && datas['0'][4]) ? 5 : 1
static isWeaponSet (name) {
return weaponSet.includes(name)
static get (name, game = 'gs', type = '') {
name = lodash.trim(name)
let alias = game === 'gs' ? weaponAlias : weaponAliasSR
if (alias[name]) {
return new Weapon(alias[name], game)
if (type && game === 'gs') {
let name2 = name + (weaponType[type] || type)
if (weaponAlias[name2]) {
return new Weapon(weaponAlias[name2])
return false
static async forEach (fn, type = '') {
for (let name in weaponData) {
let ds = weaponData[name]
let w = Weapon.get(ds.name)
if (!w || (type && type !== w.type)) {
await fn(w)
getDetail () {
if (this._detail) {
return this._detail
const path = this.isGs ? 'resources/meta/weapon' : 'resources/meta-sr/weapon'
try {
this._detail = Data.readJSON(`${path}/${this.type}/${this.name}/data.json`, 'miao')
} catch (e) {
return this._detail
calcAttr (level, promote = -1) {
let metaAttr = this.detail?.attr
if (!metaAttr) {
return false
if (this.isSr) {
let lvAttr = metaAttr[promote]
let ret = {}
lodash.forEach(lvAttr.attrs, (v, k) => {
ret[k] = v * 1
lodash.forEach(this.detail?.growAttr, (v, k) => {
ret[k] = ret[k] * 1 + v * (level - 1)
return ret
let lvLeft = 1
let lvRight = 20
let lvStep = [1, 20, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90]
let currPromote = 0
for (let idx = 0; idx < lvStep.length - 1; idx++) {
if (promote === -1 || (currPromote === promote)) {
if (level >= lvStep[idx] && level <= lvStep[idx + 1]) {
lvLeft = lvStep[idx]
lvRight = lvStep[idx + 1]
let wAttr = this?.detail?.attr || {}
let wAtk = wAttr.atk || {}
let valueLeft = wAtk[lvLeft + '+'] || wAtk[lvLeft] || {}
let valueRight = wAtk[lvRight] || {}
let atkBase = valueLeft * 1 + ((valueRight - valueLeft) * (level - lvLeft) / (lvRight - lvLeft))
let wBonus = wAttr.bonusData || {}
valueLeft = wBonus[lvLeft + '+'] || wBonus[lvLeft]
valueRight = wBonus[lvRight]
let stepCount = Math.ceil((lvRight - lvLeft) / 5)
let valueStep = (valueRight - valueLeft) / stepCount
let value = valueLeft + (stepCount - Math.ceil((lvRight - level) / 5)) * valueStep
return {
attr: {
key: wAttr.bonusKey,
// 获取精炼描述
getAffixDesc (affix = 1) {
let skill = this.detail.skill
let { name, desc, tables } = skill
let reg = /\$(\d)\[[i|f1]\](\%?)/g
let ret
while ((ret = reg.exec(desc)) !== null) {
let idx = ret[1]
let pct = ret[2]
let value = tables?.[idx]?.[affix - 1]
if (pct === '%') {
value = Format.pct(value)
} else {
value = Format.comma(value)
desc = desc.replaceAll(ret[0], value)
return {
name: skill.name,
getWeaponBuffs () {
let { isSr } = this
let wBuffs = (isSr ? weaponBuffsSR : weaponBuffs)
let buffs = wBuffs[this.id] || wBuffs[this.name]
if (!buffs) {
return false
if (lodash.isPlainObject(buffs) || lodash.isFunction(buffs)) {
buffs = [buffs]
return buffs
getWeaponAffixBuffs (affix, isStatic = true) {
let buffs = this.getWeaponBuffs()
let ret = []
let self = this
let { detail } = this
let tables = {}
lodash.forEach(detail?.skill?.tables || {}, (ds, idx) => {
tables[idx] = ds[affix - 1]
lodash.forEach(buffs, (ds) => {
if (lodash.isFunction(ds)) {
ds = ds(tables)
if (!!ds.isStatic !== !!isStatic) {
return true
// 静态属性
if (ds.isStatic) {
let tmp = {}
// 星铁武器格式
if (ds.idx && ds.key) {
if (!ds.idx || !ds.key) return true
if (!tables[ds.idx]) return true
tmp[ds.key] = tables[ds.idx]
if (ds.refine) {
lodash.forEach(ds.refine, (r, key) => {
tmp[key] = r[affix - 1] * (ds.buffCount || 1)
if (!lodash.isEmpty(tmp)) {
isStatic: true,
data: tmp
return true
// 自动拼接标题
if (!//.test(ds.title)) {
ds.title = `${self.name}${ds.title}`
ds.data = ds.data || {}
// refine
if (ds.idx && ds.key) {
if (!ds.idx || !ds.key) return true
if (!tables[ds.idx]) return true
ds.data[ds.key] = tables[ds.idx]
} else if (ds.refine) {
lodash.forEach(ds.refine, (r, key) => {
ds.data[key] = ({ refine }) => r[refine] * (ds.buffCount || 1)
return ret
export default Weapon