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synced 2025-02-01 16:05:53 +00:00
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293 lines
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import lodash from 'lodash'
import fs from 'fs'
const _path = process.cwd()
const getRoot = (root = '') => {
if (!root) {
root = `${_path}/`
} else if (root === 'root' || root === 'yunzai') {
root = `${_path}/`
} else if (root === 'miao') {
root = `${_path}/plugins/miao-plugin/`
} else {
root = `${_path}/plugins/${root}/`
return root
let Data = {
* 根据指定的path依次检查与创建目录
* */
createDir (path = '', root = '', includeFile = false) {
root = getRoot(root)
let pathList = path.split('/')
let nowPath = root
pathList.forEach((name, idx) => {
name = name.trim()
if (!includeFile && idx <= pathList.length - 1) {
nowPath += name + '/'
if (name) {
if (!fs.existsSync(nowPath)) {
* 读取json
* */
readJSON (file = '', root = '') {
root = getRoot(root)
if (fs.existsSync(`${root}/${file}`)) {
try {
return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(`${root}/${file}`, 'utf8'))
} catch (e) {
return {}
* */
writeJSON (cfg, data, root = '', space = 2) {
if (arguments.length > 1) {
return Data.writeJSON({
name: cfg,
// 检查并创建目录
let name = cfg.path ? (cfg.path + '/' + cfg.name) : cfg.name
Data.createDir(name, cfg.root, true)
root = getRoot(cfg.root)
data = cfg.data
delete data._res
data = JSON.stringify(data, null, cfg.space || 2)
if (cfg.rn) {
data = data.replaceAll('\n', '\r\n')
return fs.writeFileSync(`${root}/${name}`, data)
delFile (file, root = '') {
root = getRoot(root)
try {
if (fs.existsSync(`${root}/${file}`)) {
return true
} catch (error) {
return false
async getCacheJSON (key) {
try {
let txt = await redis.get(key)
if (txt) {
return JSON.parse(txt)
} catch (e) {
return {}
async setCacheJSON (key, data, EX = 3600 * 24 * 90) {
await redis.set(key, JSON.stringify(data), { EX })
async redisGet (key, def = {}) {
try {
let txt = await redis.get(key)
if (txt) {
return JSON.parse(txt)
} catch (e) {
return def
async redisSet (key, data, EX = 3600 * 24 * 90) {
await redis.set(key, JSON.stringify(data), { EX })
async importModule (file, root = '') {
root = getRoot(root)
if (!/\.js$/.test(file)) {
file = file + '.js'
if (fs.existsSync(`${root}/${file}`)) {
try {
let data = await import(`file://${root}/${file}?t=${new Date() * 1}`)
return data || {}
} catch (e) {
return {}
async importDefault (file, root) {
let ret = await Data.importModule(file, root)
return ret.default || {}
async importCfg (key) {
let sysCfg = await Data.importModule(`config/system/${key}_system.js`, 'miao')
let diyCfg = await Data.importModule(`config/${key}.js`, 'miao')
if (diyCfg.isSys) {
console.error(`miao-plugin: config/${key}.js无效,已忽略`)
diyCfg = {}
return {
* 返回一个从 target 中选中的属性的对象
* keyList : 获取字段列表,逗号分割字符串
* key1, key2, toKey1:fromKey1, toKey2:fromObj.key
* defaultData: 当某个字段为空时会选取defaultData的对应内容
* toKeyPrefix:返回数据的字段前缀,默认为空。defaultData中的键值无需包含toKeyPrefix
* */
getData (target, keyList = '', cfg = {}) {
target = target || {}
let defaultData = cfg.defaultData || {}
let ret = {}
// 分割逗号
if (typeof (keyList) === 'string') {
keyList = keyList.split(',')
lodash.forEach(keyList, (keyCfg) => {
// 处理通过:指定 toKey & fromKey
let _keyCfg = keyCfg.split(':')
let keyTo = _keyCfg[0].trim()
let keyFrom = (_keyCfg[1] || _keyCfg[0]).trim()
let keyRet = keyTo
if (cfg.lowerFirstKey) {
keyRet = lodash.lowerFirst(keyRet)
if (cfg.keyPrefix) {
keyRet = cfg.keyPrefix + keyRet
// 通过Data.getVal获取数据
ret[keyRet] = Data.getVal(target, keyFrom, defaultData[keyTo], cfg)
return ret
getVal (target, keyFrom, defaultValue) {
return lodash.get(target, keyFrom, defaultValue)
// 异步池,聚合请求
async asyncPool (poolLimit, array, iteratorFn) {
const ret = [] // 存储所有的异步任务
const executing = [] // 存储正在执行的异步任务
for (const item of array) {
// 调用iteratorFn函数创建异步任务
const p = Promise.resolve().then(() => iteratorFn(item, array))
// 保存新的异步任务
// 当poolLimit值小于或等于总任务个数时,进行并发控制
if (poolLimit <= array.length) {
// 当任务完成后,从正在执行的任务数组中移除已完成的任务
const e = p.then(() => executing.splice(executing.indexOf(e), 1))
executing.push(e) // 保存正在执行的异步任务
if (executing.length >= poolLimit) {
// 等待较快的任务执行完成
await Promise.race(executing)
return Promise.all(ret)
// sleep
sleep (ms) {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms))
// 获取默认值
def () {
for (let idx in arguments) {
if (!lodash.isUndefined(arguments[idx])) {
return arguments[idx]
async forEach (data, fn) {
if (lodash.isArray(data)) {
for (let idx = 0; idx < data.length; idx++) {
let ret = fn(data[idx], idx)
if (ret instanceof Promise) {
ret = await ret
if (ret === false) {
} else if (lodash.isPlainObject(data)) {
for (const idx in data) {
let ret = fn(data[idx], idx)
if (ret instanceof Promise) {
ret = await ret
if (ret === false) {
// 循环字符串回调
eachStr: (arr, fn) => {
if (lodash.isString(arr)) {
arr = arr.replace(/\s*(;|;|、|,)\s*/, ',')
arr = arr.split(',')
} else if (lodash.isNumber(arr)) {
arr = [arr.toString()]
lodash.forEach(arr, (str, idx) => {
if (!lodash.isUndefined(str)) {
fn(str.trim ? str.trim() : str, idx)
regRet (reg, txt, idx) {
if (reg && txt) {
let ret = reg.exec(txt)
if (ret && ret[idx]) {
return ret[idx]
return false
export default Data