Now that you know how these tables work underneath and how the model classes represent them, it's time to add a little convenience that will make many operations in code simpler.
## Declare Relationship Attributes
Up to now, we have only used the `team_id` column to connect the tables when querying with `select()`:
These new attributes are not the same as fields, they **don't represent a column** directly in the database, and their value is not a singular value like an integer. Their value is the actual **entire object** that is related.
So, in the case of a `Hero` instance, if you call ``, you will get the entire `Team` instance object that this hero belongs to. ✨
For example, you could check if a `hero` belongs to any `team` (if `.team` is not `None`) and then print the team's `name`:
## Optional Relationship Attributes
Notice that in the `Hero` class, the type annotation for `team` is `Optional[Team]`.
This means that this attribute could be `None`, or it could be a full `Team` object.
This is because the related **`team_id` could also be `None`** (or `NULL` in the database).
If it was required for a `Hero` instance to belong to a `Team`, then the `team_id` would be `int` instead of `Optional[int]`.
And the `team` attribute would be a `Team` instead of `Optional[Team]`.
## Relationship Attributes With Lists
And in the `Team` class, the `heroes` attribute is annotated as a list of `Hero` objects, because that's what it will have.
**SQLModel** (actually SQLAlchemy) is smart enough to know that the relationship is established by the `team_id`, as that's the foreign key that points from the `hero` table to the `team` table, so we don't have to specify that explicitly here.
!!! tip
There's a couple of things we'll check again in some of the next chapters, about the `List["Hero"]` and the `back_populates`.
But for now, let's first see how to use these relationship attributes.
## Next Steps
Now let's see some real examples of how to use these new **relationship attributes** in the next chapters. ✨