Let's now add a *path operation* to read a single model to our **FastAPI** application.
## Path Operation for One Hero
Let's add a new *path operation* to read one single hero.
We want to get the hero based on the `id`, so we will use a **path parameter**`hero_id`.
!!! info
If you need to refresh how *path parameters* work, including their data validation, check the <ahref="https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/path-params/"class="external-link"target="_blank">FastAPI docs about Path Parameters</a>.
For example, to get the hero with ID `2` we would send a `GET` request to:
## Handling Errors
Then, because FastAPI already takes care of making sure that the `hero_id` is an actual integer, we can use it directly with `Hero.get()` to try and get one hero by that ID.
But if the integer is not the ID of any hero in the database, it will not find anything, and the variable `hero` will be `None`.
So, we check it in an `if` block, if it's `None`, we raise an `HTTPException` with a `404` status code.