Let's start by building a simple hero web API with **FastAPI**. ✨
## Install **FastAPI**
The first step is to install FastAPI.
FastAPI is the framework to create the **web API**.
But we also need another type of program to run it, it is called a "**server**". We will use **Uvicorn** for that. And we will install Uvicorn with its *standard* dependencies.
Make sure you [have a virtual environment activated](../index.md#create-a-python-virtual-environment){.internal-link target=_blank}.
There's only one change here from the code we have used before, the `check_same_thread` in the `connect_args`.
That is a configuration that SQLAlchemy passes to the low-level library in charge of communicating with the database.
`check_same_thread` is by default set to `True`, to prevent misuses in some simple cases.
But here we will make sure we don't share the same **session** in more than one request, and that's the actual **safest way** to prevent any of the problems that configuration is there for.
And we also need to disable it because in **FastAPI** each request could be handled by multiple interacting threads.
!!! info
That's enough information for now, you can read more about it in the <ahref="https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/async/"class="external-link"target="_blank">FastAPI docs for `async` and `await`</a>.
The main point is, by ensuring you **don't share** the same **session** with more than one request, the code is already safe.
## **FastAPI** App
The next step is to create the **FastAPI** app.
We will import the `FastAPI` class from `fastapi`.
And then create an `app` object that is an instance of that `FastAPI` class:
If you need a refresher on what a **Path Operation** is (an endpoint with a specific HTTP Operation) and how to work with it in FastAPI, check out the <ahref="https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/first-steps/"class="external-link"target="_blank">FastAPI First Steps docs</a>.
Let's create the **path operation** code to create a new hero.
It will be called when a user sends a request with a `POST`**operation** to the `/heroes/`**path**:
*<ahref="https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/path-params/"class="external-link"target="_blank">Path Parameters - Data Validation and Data Conversion</a>
Here we use the **same** class model to define the **request body** that will be received by our API.
Because **FastAPI** is based on Pydantic, it will use the same model (the Pydantic part) to do automatic data validation and <abbrtitle="also called serialization, marshalling">conversion</abbr> from the JSON request to an object that is an actual instance of the `Hero` class.
And then, because this same **SQLModel** object is not only a **Pydantic** model instance but also a **SQLAlchemy** model instance, we can use it directly in a **session** to create the row in the database.
So we can use intuitive standard Python **type annotations**, and we don't have to duplicate a lot of the code for the database models and the API data models. 🎉
!!! tip
We will improve this further later, but for now, it already shows the power of having **SQLModel** classes be both **SQLAlchemy** models and **Pydantic** models at the same time.
## Read Heroes *Path Operation*
Now let's add another **path operation** to read all the heroes:
When a client sends a request to the **path**`/heroes/` with a `GET` HTTP **operation**, we run this function that gets the heroes from the database and returns them.
Remember that we should use a SQLModel **session** per each group of operations and if we need other unrelated operations we should use a different session?
But we would **never want to *share* the same session** among different requests.
In this simple example, we just create the new sessions manually in the **path operation functions**.
In future examples later we will use a <ahref="https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/dependencies/"class="external-link"target="_blank">FastAPI Dependency</a> to get the **session**, being able to share it with other dependencies and being able to replace it during testing. 🤓
## Run the **FastAPI** Application
Now we are ready to run the FastAPI application.
Put all that code in a file called `main.py`.
Then run it with **Uvicorn**:
$ uvicorn main:app
<spanstyle="color: green;">INFO</span>: Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
<spanstyle="color: green;">INFO</span>: Started reloader process [28720]
<spanstyle="color: green;">INFO</span>: Started server process [28722]
<spanstyle="color: green;">INFO</span>: Waiting for application startup.
Just remember to never use `--reload` in production, as it consumes much more resources than necessary, would be more error prone, etc.
## Check the API docs UI
Now you can go to that URL in your browser ``. We didn't create a *path operation* for the root path `/`, so that URL alone will only show a "Not Found" error... that "Not Found" error is produced by your FastAPI application.
But you can go to the **automatically generated interactive API documentation** at the path `/docs`: <ahref=""class="external-link"target="_blank"></a>. ✨
You will see that this **automatic API docs <abbr title="user interface">UI</abbr>** has the *paths* that we defined above with their *operations*, and that it already knows the shape of the data that the **path operations** will receive:
<imgclass="shadow"alt="Interactive API docs UI"src="/img/tutorial/fastapi/simple-hero-api/image01.png">
## Play with the API
You can actually click the button <kbd>Try it out</kbd> and send some requests to create some heroes with the **Create Hero***path operation*.
And then you can get them back with the **Read Heroes***path operation*:
<imgclass="shadow"alt="Interactive API docs UI reading heroes"src="/img/tutorial/fastapi/simple-hero-api/image02.png">
## Check the Database
Now you can terminate that Uvicorn server by going back to the terminal and pressing <kbd>Ctrl+C</kbd>.
<imgclass="shadow"alt="DB Browser for SQLite showing the heroes"src="/img/tutorial/fastapi/simple-hero-api/db-browser-01.png">
## Recap
Good job! This is already a FastAPI **web API** application to interact with the heroes database. 🎉
There are several things we can improve and extend. For example, we want the database to decide the ID of each new hero, we don't want to allow a user to send it.