But we don't want them to be able to set a `limit` of something like `9999`, that's over `9000`! 😱
So, to prevent it, we add additional validation to the `limit` query parameter, declaring that it has to be **l**ess **t**han or **e**qual to `100` with `lte=100`.
*<ahref="https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/query-params-str-validations/"class="external-link"target="_blank">Query Parameters and String Validations</a>
*<ahref="https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/path-params-numeric-validations/"class="external-link"target="_blank">Path Parameters and Numeric Validations</a>
## Check the Docs UI
Now we can see that the docs UI shows the new parameters to control **limit** and **offset** of our data.
<imgclass="shadow"alt="Interactive API docs UI"src="/img/tutorial/fastapi/limit-and-offset/image01.png">
## Recap
You can use **FastAPI**'s automatic data validation to get the parameters for `limit` and `offset`, and then use them with the **session** to control ranges of data to be sent in responses.