# Remove Data Connections We currently have a `team` table:
1PreventersSharp Tower
2Z-ForceSister Margaret’s Bar
And a `hero` table:
1DeadpondDive Wilsonnull2
2Rusty-ManTommy Sharp481
3Spider-BoyPedro Parqueadornull1
Let's see how to **remove** connections between rows in tables. We will continue with the code from the previous chapter.
πŸ‘€ Full file preview ```Python {!./docs_src/tutorial/connect/update/tutorial001.py!} ```
## Break a Connection We don't really have to delete anyting to break a connection. We can just assign `None` to the foreign key, in this case, to the `team_id`. Let's say **Spider-Boy** is tired of the lack of friendly neighbors and wants to get out of the **Preventers**. We can simply set the `team_id` to `None`, and now it doesn't have a connection with the team: ```Python hl_lines="8" # Code above omitted πŸ‘† {!./docs_src/tutorial/connect/delete/tutorial001.py[ln:31-32]!} # Previous code here omitted πŸ‘ˆ {!./docs_src/tutorial/connect/delete/tutorial001.py[ln:68-72]!} # Code below omitted πŸ‘‡ ```
πŸ‘€ Full file preview ```Python {!./docs_src/tutorial/connect/delete/tutorial001.py!} ```
Again, we just **assign** a value to that field attribute `team_id`, now the value is `None`, which means `NULL` in the database. Then we `add()` the hero to the session, and then `commit()`. Next we `refresh()` it to get the recent data, and we print it. Running that in the command line will output:
```console $ python app.py // Previous output omitted πŸ˜‰ // Update the hero INFO Engine UPDATE hero SET team_id=? WHERE hero.id = ? INFO Engine [cached since 0.07753s ago] (None, 3) // Commit the session INFO Engine COMMIT // Automatically start a new transaction INFO Engine BEGIN (implicit) // Refresh the hero INFO Engine SELECT hero.id, hero.name, hero.secret_name, hero.age, hero.team_id FROM hero WHERE hero.id = ? INFO Engine [cached since 0.1661s ago] (3,) // Print the hero without a team No longer Preventer: id=3 secret_name='Pedro Parqueador' team_id=None name='Spider-Boy' age=None ```
That's it, we now removed a connection between rows in different tables by unsetting the foreign key column. πŸ’₯