chore: 屏蔽部分代码

This commit is contained in:
手瓜一十雪 2024-08-09 15:30:04 +08:00
parent 7178095aef
commit 245eabe85f

View File

@ -75,69 +75,69 @@ export class NTQQFileApi {
async downloadMediaByUuid() {
async downloadMedia(msgId: string, chatType: ChatType, peerUid: string, elementId: string, thumbPath: string, sourcePath: string, timeout = 1000 * 60 * 2, force: boolean = false) {
//logDebug('receive downloadMedia task', msgId, chatType, peerUid, elementId, thumbPath, sourcePath, timeout, force);
// 用于下载收到的消息中的图片等
if (sourcePath && fs.existsSync(sourcePath)) {
if (force) {
try {
await fsPromises.unlink(sourcePath);
} catch (e) {
} else {
return sourcePath;
const data = await this.core.eventWrapper.CallNormalEvent<
params: {
fileModelId: string,
downloadSourceType: number,
triggerType: number,
msgId: string,
chatType: ChatType,
peerUid: string,
elementId: string,
thumbSize: number,
downloadType: number,
filePath: string
}) => Promise<unknown>,
(fileTransNotifyInfo: OnRichMediaDownloadCompleteParams) => void
(arg: OnRichMediaDownloadCompleteParams) => {
if (arg.msgId === msgId) {
return true;
return false;
fileModelId: '0',
downloadSourceType: 0,
triggerType: 1,
msgId: msgId,
chatType: chatType,
peerUid: peerUid,
elementId: elementId,
thumbSize: 0,
downloadType: 1,
filePath: thumbPath
let filePath = data[1].filePath;
if (filePath.startsWith('\\')) {
// log('filePath start with \\');
const downloadPath = sessionConfig.defaultFileDownloadPath;
//logDebug('downloadPath', downloadPath);
filePath = path.join(downloadPath, filePath);
// 下载路径是下载文件夹的相对路径
return filePath;
// async downloadMedia(msgId: string, chatType: ChatType, peerUid: string, elementId: string, thumbPath: string, sourcePath: string, timeout = 1000 * 60 * 2, force: boolean = false) {
// //logDebug('receive downloadMedia task', msgId, chatType, peerUid, elementId, thumbPath, sourcePath, timeout, force);
// // 用于下载收到的消息中的图片等
// if (sourcePath && fs.existsSync(sourcePath)) {
// if (force) {
// try {
// await fsPromises.unlink(sourcePath);
// } catch (e) {
// //
// }
// } else {
// return sourcePath;
// }
// }
// const data = await this.core.eventWrapper.CallNormalEvent<
// (
// params: {
// fileModelId: string,
// downloadSourceType: number,
// triggerType: number,
// msgId: string,
// chatType: ChatType,
// peerUid: string,
// elementId: string,
// thumbSize: number,
// downloadType: number,
// filePath: string
// }) => Promise<unknown>,
// (fileTransNotifyInfo: OnRichMediaDownloadCompleteParams) => void
// >(
// 'NodeIKernelMsgService/downloadRichMedia',
// 'NodeIKernelMsgListener/onRichMediaDownloadComplete',
// 1,
// timeout,
// (arg: OnRichMediaDownloadCompleteParams) => {
// if (arg.msgId === msgId) {
// return true;
// }
// return false;
// },
// {
// fileModelId: '0',
// downloadSourceType: 0,
// triggerType: 1,
// msgId: msgId,
// chatType: chatType,
// peerUid: peerUid,
// elementId: elementId,
// thumbSize: 0,
// downloadType: 1,
// filePath: thumbPath
// }
// );
// let filePath = data[1].filePath;
// if (filePath.startsWith('\\')) {
// // log('filePath start with \\');
// const downloadPath = sessionConfig.defaultFileDownloadPath;
// //logDebug('downloadPath', downloadPath);
// filePath = path.join(downloadPath, filePath);
// // 下载路径是下载文件夹的相对路径
// }
// return filePath;
// }
async getImageSize(filePath: string): Promise<ISizeCalculationResult | undefined> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {