2024-08-11 15:45:49 +08:00

123 lines
4.0 KiB

# 检查当前会话是否具有管理员权限
function Test-Administrator {
$user = [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()
(New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal $user).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltinRole]::Administrator)
if (-not (Test-Administrator)) {
# 如果不是管理员,则重新启动脚本以管理员模式运行
$scriptPath = $myInvocation.MyCommand.Path
if (-not $scriptPath) {
$scriptPath = $PSCommandPath
$newProcess = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo "powershell";
$newProcess.Arguments = "-File `"$scriptPath`" $args"
$newProcess.Verb = "runas";
function Get-QQpath {
try {
$key = Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\QQ"
$uninstallString = $key.UninstallString
return [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($uninstallString) + "\QQ.exe"
catch {
throw "get QQ path error: $_"
function Select-QQPath {
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
$dialogTitle = "Select QQ.exe"
$filePicker = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog
$filePicker.Title = $dialogTitle
$filePicker.Filter = "Executable Files (*.exe)|*.exe|All Files (*.*)|*.*"
$filePicker.FilterIndex = 1
$null = $filePicker.ShowDialog()
if (-not ($filePicker.FileName)) {
throw "User did not select an .exe file."
return $filePicker.FileName
# 设置当前工作目录
$scriptDirectory = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent
Set-Location $scriptDirectory
# 获取当前目录路径
$currentPath = Get-Location
# 替换\为/
$currentPath = $currentPath -replace '\\', '/'
# 生成JavaScript代码
$jsCode = @"
(async () => {
await import('file:///$currentPath/napcat.mjs');
# 将JavaScript代码保存到文件中
$jsFilePath = Join-Path $currentPath "loadScript.js"
$jsCode | Out-File -FilePath $jsFilePath -Encoding UTF8
Write-Output "JavaScript code has been generated and saved to $jsFilePath"
# 设置NAPCAT_PATH环境变量为 当前目录的loadScript.js地址
$env:NAPCAT_PATH = $jsFilePath
$params = $args -join " "
Try {
$QQpath = Get-QQpath
Catch {
$QQpath = Select-QQPath
# 拿不到QQ路径则退出
if (!(Test-Path $QQpath)) {
Write-Output "provided QQ path is invalid: $QQpath"
Read-Host "Press any key to continue..."
$commandInfo = Get-Command $QQpath -ErrorAction Stop
# 收集dbghelp.dll路径和HASH信息
$QQpath = Split-Path $QQpath
$oldDllPath = Join-Path $QQpath "dbghelp.dll"
$oldDllHash = Get-FileHash $oldDllPath -Algorithm MD5
$newDllPath = Join-Path $currentPath "dbghelp.dll"
$newDllHash = Get-FileHash $newDllPath -Algorithm MD5
# 如果文件一致则跳过
if ($oldDllHash.Hash -ne $newDllHash.Hash) {
$processes = Get-Process -Name QQ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($processes) {
# 文件占用则退出
Write-Output "dbghelp.dll is in use by the following processes:"
$processes | ForEach-Object { Write-Output "$($_.Id) $($_.Name) $($_.Path)" }
Write-Output "dbghelp.dll is in use, cannot continue."
Read-Host "Press any key to continue..."
} else {
# 文件未占用则尝试覆盖
try {
Copy-Item -Path "$newDllPath" -Destination "$oldDllPath" -Force
Write-Output "dbghelp.dll has been copied to $QQpath"
} catch {
Write-Output "Failed to copy dbghelp.dll: $_"
Read-Host "Press any key to continue..."
# 带参数启动QQ
try {
Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList '-noexit', '-noprofile', "-command &{& chcp 65001;& '$($commandInfo.Path)' --enable-logging $params}" -NoNewWindow -ErrorAction Stop
} catch {
Write-Output "Failed to start process as administrator: $_"
Read-Host "Press any key to continue..."