125 lines
4.9 KiB
125 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2016 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "modules/audio_processing/include/audio_processing.h"
#include "rtc_base/strings/string_builder.h"
#include "rtc_base/system/arch.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace {
std::string NoiseSuppressionLevelToString(
const AudioProcessing::Config::NoiseSuppression::Level& level) {
switch (level) {
case AudioProcessing::Config::NoiseSuppression::Level::kLow:
return "Low";
case AudioProcessing::Config::NoiseSuppression::Level::kModerate:
return "Moderate";
case AudioProcessing::Config::NoiseSuppression::Level::kHigh:
return "High";
case AudioProcessing::Config::NoiseSuppression::Level::kVeryHigh:
return "VeryHigh";
std::string GainController1ModeToString(
const AudioProcessing::Config::GainController1::Mode& mode) {
switch (mode) {
case AudioProcessing::Config::GainController1::Mode::kAdaptiveAnalog:
return "AdaptiveAnalog";
case AudioProcessing::Config::GainController1::Mode::kAdaptiveDigital:
return "AdaptiveDigital";
case AudioProcessing::Config::GainController1::Mode::kFixedDigital:
return "FixedDigital";
std::string GainController2LevelEstimatorToString(
const AudioProcessing::Config::GainController2::LevelEstimator& level) {
switch (level) {
case AudioProcessing::Config::GainController2::LevelEstimator::kRms:
return "Rms";
case AudioProcessing::Config::GainController2::LevelEstimator::kPeak:
return "Peak";
int GetDefaultMaxInternalRate() {
return 32000;
return 48000;
} // namespace
constexpr int AudioProcessing::kNativeSampleRatesHz[];
void CustomProcessing::SetRuntimeSetting(
AudioProcessing::RuntimeSetting setting) {}
: maximum_internal_processing_rate(GetDefaultMaxInternalRate()) {}
std::string AudioProcessing::Config::ToString() const {
char buf[1024];
rtc::SimpleStringBuilder builder(buf);
builder << "AudioProcessing::Config{ "
"pipeline: {"
"maximum_internal_processing_rate: "
<< pipeline.maximum_internal_processing_rate
<< ", multi_channel_render: " << pipeline.multi_channel_render
<< ", "
", multi_channel_capture: "
<< pipeline.multi_channel_capture
<< "}, "
"pre_amplifier: { enabled: "
<< pre_amplifier.enabled
<< ", fixed_gain_factor: " << pre_amplifier.fixed_gain_factor
<< " }, high_pass_filter: { enabled: " << high_pass_filter.enabled
<< " }, echo_canceller: { enabled: " << echo_canceller.enabled
<< ", mobile_mode: " << echo_canceller.mobile_mode
<< ", enforce_high_pass_filtering: "
<< echo_canceller.enforce_high_pass_filtering
<< " }, noise_suppression: { enabled: " << noise_suppression.enabled
<< ", level: "
<< NoiseSuppressionLevelToString(noise_suppression.level)
<< " }, transient_suppression: { enabled: "
<< transient_suppression.enabled
<< " }, voice_detection: { enabled: " << voice_detection.enabled
<< " }, gain_controller1: { enabled: " << gain_controller1.enabled
<< ", mode: " << GainController1ModeToString(gain_controller1.mode)
<< ", target_level_dbfs: " << gain_controller1.target_level_dbfs
<< ", compression_gain_db: " << gain_controller1.compression_gain_db
<< ", enable_limiter: " << gain_controller1.enable_limiter
<< ", analog_level_minimum: " << gain_controller1.analog_level_minimum
<< ", analog_level_maximum: " << gain_controller1.analog_level_maximum
<< " }, gain_controller2: { enabled: " << gain_controller2.enabled
<< ", fixed_digital: { gain_db: "
<< gain_controller2.fixed_digital.gain_db
<< " }, adaptive_digital: { enabled: "
<< gain_controller2.adaptive_digital.enabled << ", level_estimator: "
<< GainController2LevelEstimatorToString(
<< ", use_saturation_protector: "
<< gain_controller2.adaptive_digital.use_saturation_protector
<< ", extra_saturation_margin_db: "
<< gain_controller2.adaptive_digital.extra_saturation_margin_db
<< " } }, residual_echo_detector: { enabled: "
<< residual_echo_detector.enabled
<< " }, level_estimation: { enabled: " << level_estimation.enabled
<< " } }";
return builder.str();
} // namespace webrtc