diff --git a/v2.25.py b/v2.25.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b682266 --- /dev/null +++ b/v2.25.py @@ -0,0 +1,620 @@ +{ + # region General + "settings_lists": [ + "All Settings (Please refer to docs to learn more about):\n%s", + "所有设置(具体数值含义请自行查看文档):\n%s" + ], + "cmd_err_run": [ + f"Error occurred when running command: {code('%s')}: {code('%s')}\n{code('%s')}", + f"运行指令 {code('%s')} 时发生错误: {code('%s')}\n{code('%s')}", + ], + "no_cmd_given": [ + "Please use this command in private chat, or add parameters to execute.", + "请在私聊时使用此命令,或添加参数执行。" + ], + "invalid_user_id": [ + "Invalid User ID", + "未知用户或无效的用户 ID" + ], + "invalid_param": [ + "Invalid Parameter", + "无效的参数" + ], + "enabled": [ + "Enabled", + "开启" + ], + "disabled": [ + "Disabled", + "关闭" + ], + "none": [ + "None", + "无" + ], + "tip_edit": [ + f"You can edit this by using {code('%s')}", + f"如需编辑,请使用 {code('%s')}" + ], + "tip_run_in_pm": [ + "You can only run this command in private chat, or by adding parameters.", + "请在私聊使用此命令,或添加参数执行。" + ], + # endregion + + # region Plugin + "plugin_desc": [ + "Captcha for PM", + "私聊人机验证插件" + ], + "check_usage": [ + "Please use %s to see available commands.", + "请使用 %s 查看可用命令" + ], + "curr_version": [ + f"Current {code('PMCaptcha')} Version: %s", + f"{code('PMCaptcha')} 当前版本:%s" + ], + "unknown_version": [ + italic("Unknown"), + italic("未知") + ], + # endregion + + # region Vocabs + "vocab_msg": [ + "Message", + "消息" + ], + "vocab_array": [ + "List", + "列表" + ], + "vocab_bool": [ + "Boolean", + "y / n" + ], + "vocab_int": [ + "Integer", + "整数" + ], + "vocab_cmd": [ + "Command", + "指令" + ], + "vocab_rule": [ + "Rule", + "规则" + ], + "vocab_action": [ + "Action", + "操作" + ], + # endregion + + # region Captcha Challenge + "verify_verified": [ + "Verified user", + "已验证用户" + ], + "verify_unverified": [ + "Unverified user", + "未验证用户" + ], + "verify_blocked": [ + "You were blocked.", + "您已被封禁" + ], + "verify_log_punished": [ + "User %s has been %s.", + "已对用户 %s 执行`%s`操作" + ], + "verify_log_passed": [ + "User %s has passed the %s captcha.", + "用户 %s 已通过`%s`验证" + ], + "verify_challenge": [ + "Please answer this question to prove you are human (1 chance)", + "请回答这个问题证明您不是机器人 (一次机会)" + ], + "verify_challenge_timed": [ + "You have %i seconds.", + "您有 %i 秒来回答这个问题" + ], + "verify_passed": [ + "Verification passed.", + "验证通过" + ], + "verify_failed": [ + "Verification failed.", + "验证失败" + ], + "verify_timeout": [ + "Verification timeout.", + "验证超时" + ], + # Image + "verify_complete_image": [ + "Please complete the following image captcha.", + "请完成以下图像辨识验证" + ], + # Sticker + "verify_send_sticker": [ + "Please send a sticker to me.", + "请发送一个贴纸给我" + ], + # endregion + + # region Help + "cmd_param": [ + "Parameter", + "参数" + ], + "cmd_param_optional": [ + "Optional", + "可选" + ], + "cmd_alias": [ + "Alias", + "别名/快捷命令" + ], + "cmd_detail": [ + f"Do {code(f',{user_cmd_name} h ')}[command ] for details", + f"详细指令请输入 {code(f',{user_cmd_name} h ')}[指令名称 ]", + ], + "cmd_not_found": [ + "Command Not Found", + "指令不存在" + ], + "cmd_list": [ + "Command List", + "指令列表" + ], + "priority": [ + "Priority", + "优先级" + ], + "cmd_search_result": [ + f"Search Result for `%s`", + f"`%s` 的搜索结果" + ], + "cmd_search_docs": [ + "Documentation", + "文档" + ], + "cmd_search_cmds": [ + "Commands", + "指令" + ], + "cmd_search_none": [ + "No result found.", + "未找到结果" + ], + # endregion + + # region Check + "user_verified": [ + f"User {code('%i')} {italic('verified')}", + f"用户 {code('%i')} {italic('已验证')}" + ], + "user_unverified": [ + f"User {code('%i')} {bold('unverified')}", + f"用户 {code('%i')} {bold('未验证')}" + ], + # endregion + + # region Add / Delete + "add_whitelist_success": [ + f"User {code('%i')} added to whitelist", + f"用户 {code('%i')} 已添加到白名单" + ], + "add_whitelist_failed": [ + f"Failed to add iser {code('%i')} to whitelist", + f"无法添加用户 {code('%i')} 到白名单" + ], + "remove_verify_log_success": [ + f"Removed User {code('%i')}'s verify record", + f"已删除用户 {code('%i')} 的验证记录" + ], + "remove_verify_log_failed": [ + f"Failed to remove User {code('%i')}'s verify record.", + f"删除用户 {code('%i')} 的验证记录失败" + ], + "remove_verify_log_not_found": [ + f"Verify record not found for User {code('%i')}", + f"未找到用户 {code('%i')} 的验证记录" + ], + # endregion + + # region Unstuck + "unstuck_success": [ + f"User {code('%i')} has removed from challenge mode", + f"用户 {code('%i')} 已解除验证状态" + ], + "not_stuck": [ + f"User {code('%i')} is not stuck", + f"用户 {code('%i')} 未在验证状态" + ], + # endregion + + # region Welcome + "welcome_curr_rule": [ + "Current welcome rule", + "当前验证通过时消息规则" + ], + "welcome_set": [ + "Welcome message set.", + "已设置验证通过消息" + ], + "welcome_reset": [ + "Welcome message reset.", + "已重置验证通过消息" + ], + # endregion + + # region Whitelist + "whitelist_curr_rule": [ + "Current whitelist rule", + "当前白名单规则" + ], + "whitelist_set": [ + "Keywords whitelist set.", + "已设置关键词白名单" + ], + "whitelist_reset": [ + "Keywords whitelist reset.", + "已重置关键词白名单" + ], + # endregion + + # region Blacklist + "blacklist_curr_rule": [ + "Current blacklist rule", + "当前黑名单规则" + ], + "blacklist_set": [ + "Keywords blacklist set.", + "已设置关键词黑名单" + ], + "blacklist_reset": [ + "Keywords blacklist reset.", + "已重置关键词黑名单" + ], + "blacklist_triggered": [ + "Blacklist rule triggered", + "您触发了黑名单规则" + ], + # endregion + + # region Timeout + "timeout_curr_rule": [ + "Current timeout: %i second(s)", + "当前超时时间: %i 秒" + ], + "timeout_set": [ + "Verification timeout has been set to %i seconds.", + "已设置验证超时时间为 %i 秒" + ], + "timeout_off": [ + "Verification timeout disabled.", + "已关闭验证超时时间" + ], + "timeout_exceeded": [ + "Verification timeout.", + "验证超时" + ], + # endregion + + # region Disable PM + "disable_pm_curr_rule": [ + "Current disable PM status: %s", + "当前禁止私聊状态: 已%s" + ], + "disable_pm_tip_exception": [ + "This feature will automatically allow contents and whitelist users.", + "此功能会自动放行联系人与白名单用户" + ], + "disable_set": [ + f"Disable private chat has been set to {bold('%s')}.", + f"已设置禁止私聊为{bold('%s')}" + ], + "disable_pm_enabled": [ + "Owner has private chat disabled.", + "对方已禁止私聊。" + ], + # endregion + + # region Stats + "stats_display": [ + f"has verified {bold('%i')} users in total.\nSuccess: {bold('%i')}\nBlocked: {bold('%i')}\n\nCurrent Status:\nVerifing: {bold('%i')}\nBanning: {bold('%i')}\nBoom Times: {bold('%i')}", + f"已进行验证 {bold('%i')} 次\n验证通过: {bold('%i')} 次\n拦截: {bold('%i')} 次\n\n目前状态:\n正在验证: {bold('%i')} 人\n正在封禁: {bold('%i')} 人\n被轰炸次数: {bold('%i')} 次" + ], + "stats_reset": [ + "Statistics has been reset.", + "已重置统计" + ], + "stats_flooding": [ + bold(f"This account is being flooding, count: {code('%i')}"), + bold(f"此账号正在被轰炸, 轰炸人数: {code('%i')}") + ], + # endregion + + # region Action + "action_curr_rule": [ + "Current action rule", + "当前验证失败规则" + ], + "action_set": [ + f"Action has been set to {bold('%s')}.", + f"验证失败后将执行{bold('%s')}操作" + ], + "action_set_none": [ + "Action has been set to none.", + "验证失败后将不执行任何操作" + ], + "action_ban": [ + "Ban", + "封禁" + ], + "action_delete": [ + "Ban and delete", + "封禁并删除对话" + ], + "action_archive": [ + "Ban and archive", + "封禁并归档" + ], + # endregion + + # region Report + "report_curr_rule": [ + "Current report state: %s", + "当前举报状态为: %s" + ], + "report_set": [ + f"Report has been set to {bold('%s')}.", + f"已设置举报状态为{bold('%s')}" + ], + # endregion + + # region Premium + "premium_curr_rule": [ + "Current premium user rule", + "当前 Premium 用户规则" + ], + "premium_set_allow": [ + f"Telegram Premium users will be allowed to {bold('bypass')} the captcha.", + f"将{bold('不对')} Telegram Premium 用户{bold('发起验证')}" + ], + "premium_set_ban": [ + f"Telegram Premium users will be {bold('banned')} from private chat.", + f"将{bold('禁止')} Telegram Premium 用户私聊" + ], + "premium_set_only": [ + f"{bold('Only allowed')} Telegram Premium users to private chat.", + f"将{bold('仅允许')} Telegram Premium 用户私聊" + ], + "premium_set_none": [ + "Nothing will do to Telegram Premium", + "将不对 Telegram Premium 用户执行额外操作" + ], + "premium_only": [ + "Owner only allows Telegram Premium users to private chat.", + "对方只允许 Telegram Premium 用户私聊" + ], + "premium_ban": [ + "Owner bans Telegram Premium users from private chat.", + "对方禁止 Telegram Premium 用户私聊" + ], + # endregion + + # region Groups In Common + "groups_in_common_curr_rule": [ + "Current groups in common rule", + "当前共同群规则" + ], + "groups_in_common_set": [ + f"Groups in common larger than {bold('%i')} will be whitelisted.", + f"共同群数量大于 {bold('%i')} 时将自动添加到白名单" + ], + "groups_in_common_disabled": [ + "Group in command is not enabled", + "未开启共同群数量检测" + ], + "groups_in_common_disable": [ + "Groups in common disabled.", + "已关闭共同群检查" + ], + # endregion + + # region Chat History + "chat_history_curr_rule": [ + f"Chat history equal or larger than {bold('%i')} will be whitelisted.", + f"聊天记录数量大于 {bold('%i')} 时将自动添加到白名单" + ], + "chat_history_disabled": [ + "Chat history check is not enabled", + "未开启聊天记录数量检测" + ], + # endregion + + # region Initiative + "initiative_curr_rule": [ + "Current initiative status: %s", + "当前对主动进行对话的用户添加白名单状态为: %s" + ], + "initiative_set": [ + f"Initiative has been set to {bold('%s')}.", + f"已设置对主动进行对话的用户添加白名单状态为{bold('%s')}" + ], + # endregion + + # region Silent + "silent_curr_rule": [ + "Current silent status: %s", + "当前静音状态: 已%s" + ], + "silent_set": [ + f"Silent has been set to {bold('%s')}.", + f"已设置静音模式为{bold('%s')}" + ], + # endregion + + # region Flood + "flood_curr_rule": [ + "Current flood detect limit was set to %i user(s)", + "当前轰炸人数已设置为 %i 人" + ], + # Username + "flood_username_curr_rule": [ + "Current flood username option was set to %s", + "当前轰炸时切换用户名选项已设置为 %s" + ], + "flood_username_set_confirm": [ + (f"The feature may lose your username, are you sure you want to enable this feature?\n" + f"Please enter {code(f',{cmd_name} flood_username y')} again to confirm."), + f"此功能有可能会导致您的用户名丢失,您是否确定要开启此功能?\n请再次输入 {code(f',{cmd_name} flood_username y')} 来确认" + ], + "flood_username_set": [ + f"Change username in flood preiod has been %s.", + f"轰炸时切换用户名已%s" + ], + "flood_channel_desc": [ + ("This channel is a placeholder of username, which the owner is being flooded.\n" + "Please content him later after this channel is gone."), + "这是一个用于临时设置用户名的频道,该群主正在被私聊轰炸\n请在此频道消失后再联系他。" + ], + # Action + "flood_act_curr_rule": [ + "Current flood action was set to %s", + "当前轰炸操作已设置为 %s" + ], + "flood_act_set_asis": [ + f"All users in flood period will be {bold('treat as verify failed')}.", + f"所有在轰炸期间的用户将会{bold('与验证失败的处理方式一致')}" + ], + "flood_act_set_captcha": [ + f"All users in flood period will be {bold('asked for captcha')}.", + f"所有在轰炸期间的用户将会{bold('进行验证码挑战')}" + ], + "flood_act_set_none": [ + "Nothing will do to users in flood period.", + "所有在轰炸期间的用户将不会被进行任何处理" + ], + "flood_act_set_delete": [ + "All flooded users will be deleted and reported spamming.", + "所有轰炸的用户将会被举报并删除聊天" + ], + # endregion + + # region Custom Rule + "custom_rule_curr_rule": [ + "Current custom rule", + "当前自定义规则" + ], + "custom_rule_set": [ + f"Custom rule has been set to\n{code('%s')}.", + f"已设置自定义规则为\n{code('%s')}" + ], + "custom_rule_reset": [ + "Custom rule has been deleted.", + "已删除自定义规则" + ], + "custom_rule_exec_err": [ + "Error occurred when executing custom rule", + "执行自定义规则时发生错误" + ], + # endregion + + # region Collect Logs + "collect_logs_curr_rule": [ + "Current collect logs status: %s", + "当前收集日志状态: 已%s" + ], + "collect_logs_note": [ + ("This feature will only collect user information and chat logs of non-verifiers " + f"via @{log_collect_bot} , and is not provided to third parties (except @LivegramBot ).\n" + "Information collected will be used for PMCaptcha improvements, " + "toggling this feature does not affect the use of PMCaptcha."), + (f"此功能仅会通过 @{log_collect_bot} 收集未通过验证者的用户信息以及验证未通过的聊天记录;" + "且不会提供给第三方(@LivegramBot 除外)。\n收集的信息将用于 PMCaptcha 改进,开启或关闭此功能不影响 PMCaptcha 的使用。") + ], + "collect_logs_set": [ + "Collect logs has been set to %s.", + "已设置收集日志为 %s" + ], + # endregion + + # region Captcha Type + "type_curr_rule": [ + "Current captcha type: %s", + "当前验证码类型: %s" + ], + "type_set": [ + f"Captcha type has been set to {bold('%s')}.", + f"已设置验证码类型为 {bold('%s')}" + ], + "type_param_name": [ + "Type", + "类型" + ], + "type_captcha_img": [ + "Image", + "图像辨识" + ], + "type_captcha_math": [ + "Math", + "计算" + ], + "type_captcha_sticker": [ + "Sticker", + "贴纸" + ], + # endregion + + # region Export / Import Settings + "export_success": [ + "Export success, settings has exported into `Saved Messages`", + "导出成功,设置已导出到 `收藏夹`" + ], + "import_success": [ + "Import completed.", + "导入成功" + ], + "import_failed": [ + "Import failed.", + "导入失败!" + ], + "import_version_mismatch": [ + "Config version doesn't match with plugin version.", + "设置版本与插件版本不匹配" + ], + # endregion + + # region Image Captcha Type + "img_captcha_curr_rule": [ + "Current image captcha type: %s", + "当前图像验证类型: %s" + ], + "img_captcha_type_func": [ + "funCaptcha", + "funCaptcha", + ], + "img_captcha_type_github": [ + "GitHub", + "GitHub", + ], + "img_captcha_type_rec": [ + "reCaptcha", + "reCaptcha" + ], + "img_captcha_retry_curr_rule": [ + "Current max retry for image captcha: %s", + "当前图像验证码最大重试次数: %s" + ], + "img_captcha_retry_set": [ + "Max retry for image captcha has been set to %s.", + "已设置图像验证码最大重试次数为 %s" + ], + # endregion +}