""" Message related utilities. """ import json from telethon.tl.functions.messages import DeleteChatUserRequest from telethon.tl.functions.channels import LeaveChannelRequest from telethon.errors import ForbiddenError from telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist import ChatIdInvalidError, FloodWaitError, UserNotParticipantError from distutils.util import strtobool from telethon.tl.types import ChannelForbidden from pagermaid import bot, log, config, proxies from pagermaid.listener import listener from pagermaid.utils import lang, alias_command, get @listener(is_plugin=False, incoming=True, command=alias_command("id"), description=lang('id_des')) async def userid(context): """ Query the UserID of the sender of the message you replied to. """ message = await context.get_reply_message() text = "Message ID: `" + str(context.message.id) + "`\n\n" text += "**Chat**\nid:`" + str(context.chat_id) + "`\n" msg_from = context.chat if context.chat else (await context.get_chat()) if context.is_private: try: text += "first_name: `" + msg_from.first_name + "`\n" except TypeError: text += "**死号**\n" if msg_from.last_name: text += "last_name: `" + msg_from.last_name + "`\n" if msg_from.username: text += "username: @" + msg_from.username + "\n" if msg_from.lang_code: text += "lang_code: `" + msg_from.lang_code + "`\n" if context.is_group or context.is_channel: text += "title: `" + msg_from.title + "`\n" try: if msg_from.username: text += "username: @" + msg_from.username + "\n" except AttributeError: await context.reply(lang('leave_not_group')) return text += "date: `" + str(msg_from.date) + "`\n" if message: text += "\n" + lang('id_hint') + "\nMessage ID: `" + str(message.id) + "`\n\n**User**\nid: `" + str(message.sender_id) + "`" try: if message.sender.bot: text += f"\nis_bot: {lang('id_is_bot_yes')}" try: text += "\nfirst_name: `" + message.sender.first_name + "`" except TypeError: text += f"\n**{lang('id_da')}**" if message.sender.last_name: text += "\nlast_name: `" + message.sender.last_name + "`" if message.sender.username: text += "\nusername: @" + message.sender.username if message.sender.lang_code: text += "\nlang_code: `" + message.sender.lang_code + "`" except AttributeError: pass if message.forward: if str(message.forward.chat_id).startswith('-100'): text += "\n\n**Forward From Channel**\nid: `" + str( message.forward.chat_id) + "`\ntitle: `" + message.forward.chat.title + "`" if not isinstance(message.forward.chat, ChannelForbidden): if message.forward.chat.username: text += "\nusername: @" + message.forward.chat.username text += "\nmessage_id: `" + str(message.forward.channel_post) + "`" if message.forward.post_author: text += "\npost_author: `" + message.forward.post_author + "`" text += "\ndate: `" + str(message.forward.date) + "`" else: if message.forward.sender: text += "\n\n**Forward From User**\nid: `" + str( message.forward.sender_id) + "`" try: if message.forward.sender.bot: text += f"\nis_bot: {lang('id_is_bot_yes')}" try: text += "\nfirst_name: `" + message.forward.sender.first_name + "`" except TypeError: text += f"\n**{lang('id_da')}**" if message.forward.sender.last_name: text += "\nlast_name: `" + message.forward.sender.last_name + "`" if message.forward.sender.username: text += "\nusername: @" + message.forward.sender.username if message.forward.sender.lang_code: text += "\nlang_code: `" + message.forward.sender.lang_code + "`" except AttributeError: pass text += "\ndate: `" + str(message.forward.date) + "`" await context.reply(text) @listener(is_plugin=False, incoming=True, owners_only=True, command=alias_command("uslog"), description=lang('uslog_des'), parameters="") async def uslog(context): """ Forwards a message into log group """ if strtobool(config['log']): if context.reply_to_msg_id: reply_msg = await context.get_reply_message() await reply_msg.forward_to(int(config['log_chatid'])) elif context.arguments: await log(context.arguments) else: await context.reply(lang('arg_error')) return await context.reply(lang('uslog_success')) else: await context.reply(lang('uslog_log_disable')) @listener(is_plugin=False, incoming=True, owners_only=True, command=alias_command("log"), description=lang('log_des'), parameters="") async def logging(context): """ Forwards a message into log group """ if strtobool(config['log']): if context.reply_to_msg_id: reply_msg = await context.get_reply_message() await reply_msg.forward_to(int(config['log_chatid'])) elif context.arguments: await log(context.arguments) else: await context.reply(lang('arg_error')) return await context.delete() else: await context.reply(lang('uslog_log_disable')) @listener(is_plugin=False, incoming=True, command=alias_command("re"), description=lang('re_des'), parameters=lang('re_parameters')) async def re(context): """ Forwards a message into this group """ reply = await context.get_reply_message() if reply: if context.arguments == '': num = 1 else: try: num = int(context.arguments) if num > 100: await context.reply(lang('re_too_big')) return True except: await context.reply(lang('re_arg_error')) return True try: for nums in range(0, num): await reply.forward_to(int(context.chat_id)) except ForbiddenError: return except FloodWaitError: return except ValueError: return else: await context.reply(lang('not_reply')) @listener(is_plugin=False, incoming=True, owners_only=True, command=alias_command("leave"), description=lang('leave_res')) async def leave(context): """ It leaves you from the group. """ if context.is_group: await context.reply(lang('leave_bye')) try: await bot(DeleteChatUserRequest(chat_id=context.chat_id, user_id=context.sender_id )) except ChatIdInvalidError: try: await bot(LeaveChannelRequest(context.chat_id)) except UserNotParticipantError: pass else: await context.reply(lang('leave_not_group')) @listener(is_plugin=False, incoming=True, command=alias_command("meter2feet"), description=lang('m2f_des'), parameters="") async def meter2feet(context): """ Convert meter to feet. """ if not len(context.parameter) == 1: await context.reply(lang('arg_error')) return try: meter = float(context.parameter[0]) except ValueError: await context.reply(lang('re_arg_error')) return feet = meter / .3048 await context.reply(f"{lang('m2f_get')} {str(meter)}{lang('m2f_meter')} {lang('m2f_convert_to')} " f"{str(feet)} {lang('m2f_feet')}") @listener(is_plugin=False, incoming=True, command=alias_command("feet2meter"), description=lang('f2m_des'), parameters="") async def feet2meter(context): """ Convert feet to meter. """ if not len(context.parameter) == 1: await context.reply(lang('arg_error')) return feet = float(context.parameter[0]) meter = feet * .3048 await context.reply(f"{lang('m2f_get')} {str(feet)} {lang('m2f_feet')}{lang('m2f_convert_to')} {str(meter)} " f"{lang('m2f_meter')}") @listener(is_plugin=False, incoming=True, command=alias_command("hitokoto"), description=lang('hitokoto_des')) async def hitokoto(context): """ Get hitokoto.cn """ hitokoto_while = 1 hitokoto_json = None try: hitokoto_json = (await get("https://v1.hitokoto.cn/?charset=utf-8")).json() except ValueError: while hitokoto_while < 10: hitokoto_while += 1 try: hitokoto_json = (await get("https://v1.hitokoto.cn/?charset=utf-8")).json() break except: continue if not hitokoto_json: return hitokoto_type = {'a': lang('hitokoto_type_anime'), 'b': lang('hitokoto_type_manga'), 'c': lang('hitokoto_type_game'), 'd': lang('hitokoto_type_article'), 'e': lang('hitokoto_type_original'), 'f': lang('hitokoto_type_web'), 'g': lang('hitokoto_type_other'), 'h': lang('hitokoto_type_movie'), 'i': lang('hitokoto_type_poem'), 'j': lang('hitokoto_type_netease_music'), 'k': lang('hitokoto_type_philosophy'), 'l': lang('hitokoto_type_meme')} await context.reply(f"{hitokoto_json['hitokoto']} - {hitokoto_json['from']}({hitokoto_type[hitokoto_json['type']]})")