""" PagerMaid initialization. """ import sentry_sdk from sentry_sdk.integrations.redis import RedisIntegration from subprocess import run, PIPE from time import time from os import getcwd, makedirs from os.path import exists from sys import version_info, platform from yaml import load, FullLoader from shutil import copyfile from redis import StrictRedis from logging import getLogger, INFO, DEBUG, ERROR, StreamHandler, basicConfig from distutils2.util import strtobool from coloredlogs import ColoredFormatter from telethon import TelegramClient persistent_vars = {} module_dir = __path__[0] working_dir = getcwd() config = None help_messages = {} logs = getLogger(__name__) logging_format = "%(levelname)s [%(asctime)s] [%(name)s] %(message)s" logging_handler = StreamHandler() logging_handler.setFormatter(ColoredFormatter(logging_format)) root_logger = getLogger() root_logger.setLevel(ERROR) root_logger.addHandler(logging_handler) basicConfig(level=INFO) logs.setLevel(INFO) try: config = load(open(r"config.yml"), Loader=FullLoader) except FileNotFoundError: logs.fatal("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 配置文件不存在,正在生成新的配置文件。") copyfile(f"{module_dir}/assets/config.gen.yml", "config.yml") exit(1) if strtobool(config['debug']): logs.setLevel(DEBUG) else: logs.setLevel(INFO) if platform == "linux" or platform == "linux2" or platform == "darwin" or platform == "freebsd7" \ or platform == "freebsd8" or platform == "freebsdN" or platform == "openbsd6": logs.info( "将平台检测为“ " + platform + ",进入PagerMaid的早期加载过程。" ) else: logs.error( "出错了呜呜呜 ~ 你的平台 " + platform + " 不支持运行 PagerMaid,请在Linux或 *BSD 上启动 PagerMaid。" ) exit(1) if version_info[0] < 3 or version_info[1] < 6: logs.error( "出错了呜呜呜 ~ 请将您的 python 升级到至少3.6版。" ) exit(1) if not exists(f"{getcwd()}/data"): makedirs(f"{getcwd()}/data") api_key = config['api_key'] api_hash = config['api_hash'] try: proxy_addr = config['proxy_addr'].strip() proxy_port = config['proxy_port'].strip() mtp_addr = config['mtp_addr'].strip() mtp_port = config['mtp_port'].strip() mtp_secret = config['mtp_secret'].strip() except: proxy_addr = '' proxy_port = '' mtp_addr = '' mtp_port = '' mtp_secret = '' try: redis_host = config['redis']['host'] except KeyError: redis_host = 'localhost' try: redis_port = config['redis']['port'] except KeyError: redis_port = 6379 try: redis_db = config['redis']['db'] except KeyError: redis_db = 14 if api_key is None or api_hash is None: logs.info( "出错了呜呜呜 ~ 请在工作目录中放置一个有效的配置文件。" ) exit(1) if not proxy_addr == '' and not proxy_port == '': try: import socks except: pass bot = TelegramClient("pagermaid", api_key, api_hash, auto_reconnect=True, proxy=(socks.SOCKS5, proxy_addr, int(proxy_port))) elif not mtp_addr == '' and not mtp_port == '' and not mtp_secret == '': from telethon import connection bot = TelegramClient("pagermaid", api_key, api_hash, auto_reconnect=True, connection=connection.ConnectionTcpMTProxyRandomizedIntermediate, proxy=(mtp_addr, int(mtp_port), mtp_secret)) else: bot = TelegramClient("pagermaid", api_key, api_hash, auto_reconnect=True) redis = StrictRedis(host=redis_host, port=redis_port, db=redis_db) async def save_id(): me = await bot.get_me() sentry_sdk.set_user({"id": me.id, "ip_address": "{{auto}}"}) logs.info("设置用户标识成功。") with bot: bot.loop.run_until_complete(save_id()) def before_send(event, hint): global report_time exc_info = hint.get("exc_info") if exc_info and isinstance(exc_info[0], CancelledError): return None if time() <= report_time + 30: report_time = time() return None else: report_time = time() return event report_time = time() git_hash = run("git rev-parse HEAD", stdout=PIPE, shell=True).stdout.decode() sentry_sdk.init( "https://969892b513374f75916aaac1014aa7c2@o416616.ingest.sentry.io/5312335", traces_sample_rate=1.0, release=git_hash, before_send=before_send, environment="production", integrations=[RedisIntegration()] ) def redis_status(): try: redis.ping() return True except BaseException: return False async def log(message): logs.info( message.replace('`', '\"') ) if not strtobool(config['log']): return await bot.send_message( int(config['log_chatid']), message )