""" Message related utilities. """ from telethon.tl.functions.messages import DeleteChatUserRequest from telethon.tl.functions.channels import LeaveChannelRequest from telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist import ChatIdInvalidError from distutils2.util import strtobool from pagermaid import bot, log, config from pagermaid.listener import listener @listener(outgoing=True, command="userid", description="查询您回复消息的发送者的用户ID。") async def userid(context): """ Query the UserID of the sender of the message you replied to. """ message = await context.get_reply_message() if message: if not message.forward: user_id = message.sender.id if message.sender.username: target = "@" + message.sender.username else: try: target = "**" + message.sender.first_name + "**" except TypeError: target = "**" + "死号" + "**" else: user_id = message.forward.sender.id if message.forward.sender.username: target = "@" + message.forward.sender.username else: target = "*" + message.forward.sender.first_name + "*" await context.edit( f"**Username:** {target} \n" f"**UserID:** `{user_id}`" ) else: await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 无法获取目标消息的信息。") @listener(outgoing=True, command="chatid", description="查询当前会话的 chatid 。") async def chatid(context): """ Queries the chatid of the chat you are in. """ await context.edit("ChatID: `" + str(context.chat_id) + "`") @listener(outgoing=True, command="log", description="转发一条消息到日志。", parameters="") async def log(context): """ Forwards a message into log group """ if strtobool(config['log']): if context.reply_to_msg_id: reply_msg = await context.get_reply_message() await reply_msg.forward_to(int(config['log_chatid'])) elif context.arguments: await log(context.arguments) else: await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 无效的参数。") return await context.edit("已记录。") else: await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 日志记录已禁用。") @listener(outgoing=True, command="leave", description="说 再见 然后离开会话。") async def leave(context): """ It leaves you from the group. """ if context.is_group: await context.edit("贵群真是浪费我的时间,再见。") try: await bot(DeleteChatUserRequest(chat_id=context.chat_id, user_id=context.sender_id )) except ChatIdInvalidError: await bot(LeaveChannelRequest(chatid)) else: await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 当前聊天不是群聊。") @listener(outgoing=True, command="meter2feet", description="将米转换为英尺。", parameters="") async def meter2feet(context): """ Convert meter to feet. """ if not len(context.parameter) == 1: await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 无效的参数。") return meter = float(context.parameter[0]) feet = meter / .3048 await context.edit(f"将 {str(meter)} 米装换为了 {str(feet)} 英尺。") @listener(outgoing=True, command="feet2meter", description="将英尺转换为米。", parameters="") async def feet2meter(context): """ Convert feet to meter. """ if not len(context.parameter) == 1: await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 无效的参数。") return feet = float(context.parameter[0]) meter = feet * .3048 await context.edit(f"将 {str(feet)} 英尺转换为了 {str(meter)} 米。") @listener(outgoing=True, command="source", description="显示原始 PagerMaid git 存储库的URL。") async def source(context): """ Outputs the git repository URL. """ await context.edit("https://git.stykers.moe/scm/~stykers/pagermaid.git") @listener(outgoing=True, command="site", description="显示原始 PagerMaid 项目主页的URL。") async def site(context): """ Outputs the site URL. """ await context.edit("https://katonkeyboard.moe/pagermaid.html") @listener(outgoing=True, command="sources", description="显示 PagerMaid-Modify 存储库的URL。") async def sources(context): """ Outputs the repository URL. """ await context.edit("https://github.com/xtaodada/PagerMaid-Modify/")