""" Pulls in the new version of PagerMaid from the git server. """ import platform, json, time import urllib.request from distutils2.util import strtobool from json import JSONDecodeError from subprocess import run, PIPE from datetime import datetime from os import remove from git import Repo from git.exc import GitCommandError, InvalidGitRepositoryError, NoSuchPathError from sys import executable from pagermaid import log, config from pagermaid.listener import listener from pagermaid.utils import execute, lang, alias_command try: git_api = config['git_api'] git_ssh = config['git_ssh'] need_update_check = strtobool(config['update_check']) update_time = config['update_time'] update_username = config['update_username'] update_delete = strtobool(config['update_delete']) except KeyError: git_api = "https://api.github.com/repos/Xtao-Labs/PagerMaid-Modify/commits/master" git_ssh = 'https://github.com/Xtao-Labs/PagerMaid-Modify.git' need_update_check = True update_time = 86400 update_username = 'self' update_delete = True try: update_time = int(update_time) except ValueError: update_time = 86400 try: update_username = int(update_username) except ValueError: pass def update_get(): with urllib.request.urlopen(git_api) as response: result = response.read() try: data = json.loads(result) except JSONDecodeError as e: raise e return data update_get_time = 0 update_id = 0 @listener(incoming=True, ignore_edited=True) async def update_refresher(context): global update_get_time, update_id if not need_update_check: return if time.time() - update_get_time > update_time: update_get_time = time.time() changelog = None try: repo = Repo() active_branch = repo.active_branch.name if not await branch_check(active_branch): return repo.create_remote('upstream', git_ssh) upstream_remote = repo.remote('upstream') upstream_remote.fetch(active_branch) changelog = await changelog_gen(repo, f'HEAD..upstream/{active_branch}') if not changelog: return else: if update_username == 'self': user = await context.client.get_me(input_peer=True) else: try: user = await context.client.get_input_entity(update_username) except ValueError: user = await context.client.get_me(input_peer=True) if not update_id == 0 and update_delete: try: await context.client.delete_messages(user, update_id) except: pass try: msg = await context.client.send_message(user, f'**{lang("update_found_update_in_branch")} ' f'{active_branch}.\n\n' f'{lang("update_change_log")}:**\n`{changelog}`') update_id = msg.id except: pass except: try: data = update_get() git_hash = run("git rev-parse HEAD", stdout=PIPE, shell=True).stdout.decode().strip() if not data['sha'] == git_hash: if update_username == 'self': user = await context.client.get_me(input_peer=True) else: try: user = await context.client.get_input_entity(update_username) except ValueError: user = await context.client.get_me(input_peer=True) changelog = data['commit']['message'] if not update_id == 0 and update_delete: try: await context.client.delete_messages(user, update_id) except: pass try: msg = await context.client.send_message(user, f'**{lang("update_found_update_in_branch")} ' f'master.\n\n' f'{lang("update_change_log")}:**\n`{changelog}`') update_id = msg.id except: pass except Exception as e: await log(f"Warning: module update failed to refresh git commit data.\n{e}") @listener(is_plugin=False, outgoing=True, command=alias_command("update"), description=lang('update_des'), parameters="") async def update(context): if len(context.parameter) > 1: await context.edit(lang('arg_error')) return await context.edit(lang('update_processing')) parameter = None changelog = None if len(context.parameter) == 1: parameter = context.parameter[0] if parameter: if parameter == "debug": # Version info git_version = run("git --version", stdout=PIPE, shell=True).stdout.decode().strip().replace("git version ", "") git_change = bool(run("git diff-index HEAD --", stdout=PIPE, shell=True).stdout.decode().strip()) git_change = "是" if git_change else "否" git_date = run("git log -1 --format='%at'", stdout=PIPE, shell=True).stdout.decode() git_date = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(git_date)).strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") git_hash = run("git rev-parse --short HEAD", stdout=PIPE, shell=True).stdout.decode().strip() get_hash_link = f"https://github.com/xtaodada/PagerMaid-Modify/commit/{git_hash}" # Generate the text text = f"{lang('status_platform')}: {str(platform.platform())}\n" \ f"{lang('update_platform_version')}: {str(platform.version())}\n" \ f"{lang('status_python')}: {str(platform.python_version())}\n" \ f"{lang('update_git_version')}: {git_version}\n" \ f"{lang('update_local_git_change')}: {git_change}\n" \ f"{lang('update_hash')}: [{git_hash}]({get_hash_link})\n" \ f"{lang('update_date')}: {git_date} " await context.edit(text) return try: repo = Repo() except NoSuchPathError as exception: await context.edit(f"{lang('update_NoSuchPathError')} {exception}") return except InvalidGitRepositoryError: await context.edit(lang('update_InvalidGitRepositoryError')) return except GitCommandError as exception: await context.edit(f'{lang("update_GitCommandError")} :`{exception}`') return active_branch = repo.active_branch.name if not await branch_check(active_branch): await context.edit( f"{lang('update_not_active_branch')}: {active_branch}.") return try: repo.create_remote('upstream', git_ssh) except BaseException: pass try: upstream_remote = repo.remote('upstream') upstream_remote.fetch(active_branch) except GitCommandError: await context.edit(lang('update_failed')) return try: changelog = await changelog_gen(repo, f'HEAD..upstream/{active_branch}') except: distribution = await execute('lsb_release -a') if distribution.find('Ubuntu') != -1 or distribution.find('Debain') != -1: try: await execute('apt-get install --upgrade git -y') except: await context.edit(lang('update_failed') + '\n' + lang('update_auto_upgrade_git_failed_ubuntu')) return elif distribution.find('Cent') != -1: try: await execute('yum install git -y') except: await context.edit(lang('update_failed') + '\n' + lang('update_auto_upgrade_git_failed_cent')) return else: try: await execute('apt-get install --upgrade git -y') await execute('yum install git -y') except: pass await context.edit(lang('update_auto_upgrade_git_hint')) if not parameter: if not changelog: await context.edit( f"`PagerMaid-Modify {lang('update_in_branch')} ` **{active_branch}**` {lang('update_is_updated')}`") return changelog_str = f'**{lang("update_found_update_in_branch")} {active_branch}.\n\n{lang("update_change_log")}:**\n`{changelog}`' if len(changelog_str) > 4096: await context.edit(lang('update_log_too_big')) file = open("output.log", "w+") file.write(changelog_str) file.close() await context.client.send_file( context.chat_id, "output.log", reply_to=context.id, ) remove("output.log") else: await context.edit(changelog_str + f"\n**{lang('update_hint')}**\n`-update true`") return await context.edit(lang('update_found_pulling')) try: try: upstream_remote.pull(active_branch) except: await execute("""git status | grep modified | sed -r "s/ +/ /" | cut -f2 | awk -F " " '{print "mkdir -p $(dirname ../for-update/" $2 ") && mv " $2 " ../for-update/" $2}' | sh""") await execute("git pull") await execute("""cd ../for-update/ && find -H . -type f | awk '{print "cp " $1 " ../PagerMaid-Modify/" $1}' | sh && cd ../PagerMaid-Modify""") await execute("rm -rf ../for-update/") await execute(f"{executable} -m pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade") await execute(f"{executable} -m pip install -r requirements.txt") await log(f"PagerMaid-Modify {lang('update_is_updated')}") await context.edit(lang('update_success') + lang('apt_reboot')) await context.client.disconnect() except GitCommandError: upstream_remote.git.reset('--hard') await log(lang('update_failed')) await context.edit(lang('update_failed') + lang('apt_reboot')) await context.client.disconnect() async def changelog_gen(repo, diff): result = '' d_form = "%d/%m/%y" for c in repo.iter_commits(diff): result += f'•[{c.committed_datetime.strftime(d_form)}]: {c.summary} <{c.author}>\n' return result async def branch_check(branch): official = ['master', 'dev'] for k in official: if k == branch: return 1 return