""" PagerMaid event listener. """ import sys, posthog from telethon import events from telethon.errors import MessageTooLongError from distutils2.util import strtobool from traceback import format_exc from time import gmtime, strftime, time from telethon.events import StopPropagation from pagermaid import bot, config, help_messages, logs from pagermaid.utils import attach_report posthog.api_key = '1WepU-o7JwNKYqPNymWr_mrCu3RVPD-p28PUikPDfsI' def noop(*args, **kw): pass def listener(**args): """ Register an event listener. """ command = args.get('command', None) description = args.get('description', None) parameters = args.get('parameters', None) pattern = args.get('pattern', None) diagnostics = args.get('diagnostics', True) ignore_edited = args.get('ignore_edited', False) is_plugin = args.get('is_plugin', True) if command is not None: if command in help_messages: raise ValueError(f"出错了呜呜呜 ~ 命令 \"{command}\" 已经被注册。") pattern = fr"^-{command}(?: |$)([\s\S]*)" if pattern is not None and not pattern.startswith('(?i)'): args['pattern'] = f"(?i){pattern}" else: args['pattern'] = pattern if 'ignore_edited' in args: del args['ignore_edited'] if 'command' in args: del args['command'] if 'diagnostics' in args: del args['diagnostics'] if 'description' in args: del args['description'] if 'parameters' in args: del args['parameters'] if 'is_plugin' in args: del args['is_plugin'] def decorator(function): async def handler(context): try: try: parameter = context.pattern_match.group(1).split(' ') if parameter == ['']: parameter = [] context.parameter = parameter context.arguments = context.pattern_match.group(1) posthog_capture = True except BaseException: posthog_capture = False context.parameter = None context.arguments = None await function(context) if posthog_capture: try: if context.sender_id > 0 or context.sender_id == 1087968824: posthog.capture(str(context.sender_id), 'Function ' + context.text.split()[0].replace('-', '')) else: me = await bot.get_me() posthog.capture(str(me.id), 'Function ' + context.text.split()[0].replace('-', '')) except: logs.info( "上报命令使用状态出错了呜呜呜 ~。" ) except StopPropagation: raise StopPropagation except MessageTooLongError: await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 生成的输出太长,无法显示。") except BaseException: exc_info = sys.exc_info()[1] exc_format = format_exc() try: await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 执行此命令时发生错误。") except BaseException: pass if not diagnostics: return if strtobool(config['error_report']): report = f"# Generated: {strftime('%H:%M %d/%m/%Y', gmtime())}. \n" \ f"# ChatID: {str(context.chat_id)}. \n" \ f"# UserID: {str(context.sender_id)}. \n" \ f"# Message: \n-----BEGIN TARGET MESSAGE-----\n" \ f"{context.text}\n-----END TARGET MESSAGE-----\n" \ f"# Traceback: \n-----BEGIN TRACEBACK-----\n" \ f"{str(exc_format)}\n-----END TRACEBACK-----\n" \ f"# Error: \"{str(exc_info)}\". \n" await attach_report(report, f"exception.{time()}.pagermaid", None, "Error report generated.") try: if context.sender_id > 0 or context.sender_id == 1087968824: posthog.capture(str(context.sender_id), 'Error ' + context.text.split()[0].replace('-', ''), {'ChatID': str(context.chat_id), 'cause': str(exc_info)}) else: me = await bot.get_me() posthog.capture(str(me.id), 'Error ' + context.text.split()[0].replace('-', ''), {'ChatID': str(context.chat_id), 'cause': str(exc_info)}) except: logs.info( "上报错误出错了呜呜呜 ~。" ) if not ignore_edited: bot.add_event_handler(handler, events.MessageEdited(**args)) bot.add_event_handler(handler, events.NewMessage(**args)) return handler if not is_plugin and 'disabled_cmd' in config: if config['disabled_cmd'].count(command) != 0: return noop if description is not None and command is not None: if parameters is None: parameters = "" help_messages.update({ f"{command}": f"**使用方法:** `-{command} {parameters}`\ \n{description}" }) return decorator