""" System related utilities for PagerMaid to integrate into the system. """ import io, sys, traceback from os.path import exists from platform import node from getpass import getuser from os import geteuid, sep from requests import head from asyncio import sleep from requests.exceptions import MissingSchema, InvalidURL, ConnectionError from pagermaid import log, bot, redis_status, redis, silent from pagermaid.listener import listener from pagermaid.utils import attach_log, execute, lang, alias_command from telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist import UserAlreadyParticipantError from telethon.tl.functions.messages import ImportChatInviteRequest @listener(is_plugin=False, outgoing=True, command=alias_command("sh"), description=lang('sh_des'), parameters=lang('sh_parameters')) async def sh(context): """ Use the command-line from Telegram. """ user = getuser() command = context.arguments hostname = node() if context.is_channel and not context.is_group: await context.edit(lang('sh_channel')) return if not command: await context.edit(lang('arg_error')) return if geteuid() == 0: await context.edit( f"`{user}`@{hostname} ~" f"\n> `#` {command}" ) else: await context.edit( f"`{user}`@{hostname} ~" f"\n> `$` {command}" ) try: result = await execute(command) except UnicodeDecodeError as e: result = str(e) if result: if len(result) > 4096: await attach_log(result, context.chat_id, "output.log", context.id) return if geteuid() == 0: await context.edit( f"`{user}`@{hostname} ~" f"\n> `#` {command}" f"\n`{result}`" ) else: await context.edit( f"`{user}`@{hostname} ~" f"\n> `$` {command}" f"\n`{result}`" ) else: return await log(f"{lang('sh_success')}: `{command}`") @listener(is_plugin=False, outgoing=True, command="eval", description=lang('eval_des'), parameters=lang('eval_parameters')) async def sh(context): """ Run python commands from Telegram. """ dev_mode = False # file if exists(f"data{sep}dev"): dev_mode = True # redis if redis_status(): if redis.get("dev"): dev_mode = True if not dev_mode: return await context.edit(lang('eval_need_dev')) if context.is_channel and not context.is_group: await context.edit(lang('eval_channel')) return try: cmd = context.text.split(" ", maxsplit=1)[1] except IndexError: await context.edit(lang('arg_error')) return old_stderr = sys.stderr old_stdout = sys.stdout redirected_output = sys.stdout = io.StringIO() redirected_error = sys.stderr = io.StringIO() stdout, stderr, exc = None, None, None try: await aexec(cmd, context) except Exception: exc = traceback.format_exc() stdout = redirected_output.getvalue() stderr = redirected_error.getvalue() sys.stdout = old_stdout sys.stderr = old_stderr if exc: evaluation = exc elif stderr: evaluation = stderr elif stdout: evaluation = stdout else: evaluation = "Success" final_output = ( "**>>>** ```{}``` \n```{}```".format( cmd, evaluation, ) ) if len(final_output) > 4096: await context.edit("**>>>** ```{}```".format(cmd)) await attach_log(evaluation, context.chat_id, "output.log", context.id) else: await context.edit(final_output) await log(f"{lang('eval_success')}: `{cmd}`") @listener(is_plugin=False, outgoing=True, command=alias_command("restart"), diagnostics=False, description=lang('restart_des')) async def restart(context): """ To re-execute PagerMaid. """ if not context.text[0].isalpha(): try: result = await context.edit(lang('restart_processing')) if redis_status(): redis.set("restart_edit", f"{result.id}|{result.chat_id}") except: # noqa pass await log(lang('restart_log')) await context.client.disconnect() @listener(is_plugin=False, outgoing=True, command=alias_command("trace"), description=lang('trace_des'), parameters="") async def trace(context): """ Trace URL redirects. """ url = context.arguments reply = await context.get_reply_message() if reply: url = reply.text if url: if url.startswith("https://") or url.startswith("http://"): pass else: url = "https://" + url if not silent: await context.edit(lang('trace_processing')) result = str("") for url in url_tracer(url): count = 0 if result: result += " ↴\n" + url else: result = url if count == 128: result += f"\n\n{lang('trace_over128')}" break if result: if len(result) > 4096: await context.edit(lang('translate_tg_limit_uploading_file')) await attach_log(result, context.chat_id, "output.log", context.id) return await context.edit( f"{lang('trace_re')}:\n" f"{result}" ) await log(f"Traced redirects of {context.arguments}.") else: await context.edit(lang('trace_http_error')) else: await context.edit(lang('arg_error')) @listener(is_plugin=False, outgoing=True, command=alias_command("chat"), description=lang('chat_des')) async def contact_chat(context): """ join a chatroom. """ results = await context.client.inline_query('Invite_Challenge_Bot', '1') await results[0].click(context.chat_id) await context.delete() def url_tracer(url): """ Method to trace URL redirects. """ while True: yield url try: response = head(url) except MissingSchema: break except InvalidURL: break except ConnectionError: break if 300 < response.status_code < 400: url = response.headers['location'] else: break async def aexec(code, event): exec( f"async def __aexec(e, client): " + "\n msg = context = e" + "\n reply = await context.get_reply_message()" + "\n chat = e.chat_id" + "".join(f"\n {l}" for l in code.split("\n")), ) return await locals()["__aexec"](event, event.client)