""" PagerMaid module to handle sticker collection. """ from asyncio import sleep from os import remove from urllib import request from io import BytesIO from telethon.tl.types import DocumentAttributeFilename, MessageMediaPhoto from PIL import Image from math import floor from pagermaid import bot from pagermaid.listener import listener @listener(outgoing=True, command="sticker", description="收集回复的图像/贴纸作为贴纸,通过参数指定 emoji 以设置非默认的 emoji。", parameters="") async def sticker(context): """ Fetches images/stickers and add them to your pack. """ user = await bot.get_me() if not user.username: user.username = user.first_name message = await context.get_reply_message() custom_emoji = False animated = False emoji = "" await context.edit("收集图像/贴纸中 . . .") if message and message.media: if isinstance(message.media, MessageMediaPhoto): photo = BytesIO() photo = await bot.download_media(message.photo, photo) elif "image" in message.media.document.mime_type.split('/'): photo = BytesIO() await context.edit("下载图片中 . . .") await bot.download_file(message.media.document, photo) if (DocumentAttributeFilename(file_name='sticker.webp') in message.media.document.attributes): emoji = message.media.document.attributes[1].alt custom_emoji = True elif (DocumentAttributeFilename(file_name='AnimatedSticker.tgs') in message.media.document.attributes): photo = BytesIO() await bot.download_file(message.media.document, "AnimatedSticker.tgs") emoji = message.media.document.attributes[1].alt custom_emoji = True animated = True photo = 1 else: await context.edit("`出错了呜呜呜 ~ 不支持此文件类型。`") return else: await context.edit("`出错了呜呜呜 ~ 请回复带有图片/贴纸的消息。`") return if photo: split_strings = context.text.split() if not custom_emoji: emoji = "👀" pack = 1 if len(split_strings) == 3: pack = split_strings[2] emoji = split_strings[1] elif len(split_strings) == 2: if split_strings[1].isnumeric(): pack = int(split_strings[1]) else: emoji = split_strings[1] pack_name = f"{user.username}_{pack}" pack_title = f"@{user.username} 的私藏 ({pack})" command = '/newpack' file = BytesIO() if not animated: await context.edit("调整图像大小中 . . .") image = await resize_image(photo) file.name = "sticker.png" image.save(file, "PNG") else: pack_name += "_animated" pack_title += " (animated)" command = '/newanimated' response = request.urlopen( request.Request(f'http://t.me/addstickers/{pack_name}')) http_response = response.read().decode("utf8").split('\n') if " A Telegram user has created the Sticker Set." not in \ http_response: async with bot.conversation('Stickers') as conversation: await conversation.send_message('/addsticker') await conversation.get_response() await bot.send_read_acknowledge(conversation.chat_id) await conversation.send_message(pack_name) chat_response = await conversation.get_response() while chat_response.text == "Whoa! That's probably enough stickers for one pack, give it a break. \ A pack can't have more than 120 stickers at the moment.": pack += 1 pack_name = f"{user.username}_{pack}" pack_title = f"@{user.username} 的私藏 ({pack})" await context.edit("Switching to pack " + str(pack) + " since previous pack is full . . .") await conversation.send_message(pack_name) chat_response = await conversation.get_response() if chat_response.text == "Invalid pack selected.": await add_sticker(conversation, command, pack_title, pack_name, animated, message, context, file, emoji) await context.edit( f"Sticker has been added to [this](t.me/addstickers/{pack_name}) alternative pack.", parse_mode='md') return await upload_sticker(animated, message, context, file, conversation) await conversation.get_response() await conversation.send_message(emoji) await bot.send_read_acknowledge(conversation.chat_id) await conversation.get_response() await conversation.send_message('/done') await conversation.get_response() await bot.send_read_acknowledge(conversation.chat_id) else: await context.edit("贴纸包不存在,正在创建 . . .") async with bot.conversation('Stickers') as conversation: await add_sticker(conversation, command, pack_title, pack_name, animated, message, context, file, emoji) notification = await context.edit( f"这张图片/贴纸已经被添加到 [这个](t.me/addstickers/{pack_name}) 贴纸包。", parse_mode='md') await sleep(3) try: await notification.delete() except: pass async def add_sticker(conversation, command, pack_title, pack_name, animated, message, context, file, emoji): await conversation.send_message(command) await conversation.get_response() await bot.send_read_acknowledge(conversation.chat_id) await conversation.send_message(pack_title) await conversation.get_response() await bot.send_read_acknowledge(conversation.chat_id) await upload_sticker(animated, message, context, file, conversation) await conversation.get_response() await conversation.send_message(emoji) await bot.send_read_acknowledge(conversation.chat_id) await conversation.get_response() await conversation.send_message("/publish") if animated: await conversation.get_response() await conversation.send_message(f"<{pack_title}>") await conversation.get_response() await bot.send_read_acknowledge(conversation.chat_id) await conversation.send_message("/skip") await bot.send_read_acknowledge(conversation.chat_id) await conversation.get_response() await conversation.send_message(pack_name) await bot.send_read_acknowledge(conversation.chat_id) await conversation.get_response() await bot.send_read_acknowledge(conversation.chat_id) async def upload_sticker(animated, message, context, file, conversation): if animated: await context.edit("上传动图中 . . .") await conversation.send_file("AnimatedSticker.tgs", force_document=True) remove("AnimatedSticker.tgs") else: file.seek(0) await context.edit("上传图片中 . . .") await conversation.send_file(file, force_document=True) async def resize_image(photo): image = Image.open(photo) maxsize = (512, 512) if (image.width and image.height) < 512: size1 = image.width size2 = image.height if image.width > image.height: scale = 512 / size1 size1new = 512 size2new = size2 * scale else: scale = 512 / size2 size1new = size1 * scale size2new = 512 size1new = floor(size1new) size2new = floor(size2new) size_new = (size1new, size2new) image = image.resize(size_new) else: image.thumbnail(maxsize) return image