""" PagerMaid features that uses external HTTP APIs other than Telegram. """ from googletrans import Translator, LANGUAGES from os import remove from magic_google import MagicGoogle from gtts import gTTS from re import compile as regex_compile from pagermaid import log from pagermaid.listener import listener, config from pagermaid.utils import clear_emojis, attach_log, fetch_youtube_audio @listener(is_plugin=False, outgoing=True, command="translate", description="通过 Google 翻译将目标消息翻译成指定的语言。(支持回复)", parameters="<文本>") async def translate(context): """ PagerMaid universal translator. """ translator = Translator() reply = await context.get_reply_message() message = context.arguments lang = config['application_language'] if message: pass elif reply: message = reply.text else: await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 无效的参数。") return try: await context.edit("正在生成翻译中 . . .") result = translator.translate(clear_emojis(message), dest=lang) except ValueError: await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 找不到目标语言,请更正配置文件中的错误。") return source_lang = LANGUAGES[f'{result.src.lower()}'] trans_lang = LANGUAGES[f'{result.dest.lower()}'] result = f"**文本翻译** 源语言 {source_lang.title()}:\n{result.text}" if len(result) > 4096: await context.edit("输出超出 TG 限制,正在尝试上传文件。") await attach_log(result, context.chat_id, "translation.txt", context.id) return await context.edit(result) if len(result) <= 4096: await log(f"把 `{message}` 从 {source_lang} 翻译到了 {trans_lang}") else: await log(f"把一条消息从 {source_lang} 翻译到了 {trans_lang}.") @listener(is_plugin=False, outgoing=True, command="tts", description="通过 Google文本到语音 基于字符串生成语音消息。", parameters="") async def tts(context): """ Send TTS stuff as voice message. """ reply = await context.get_reply_message() message = context.arguments lang = config['application_tts'] if message: pass elif reply: message = reply.text else: await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 无效的参数。") return try: await context.edit("生成语音中 . . .") gTTS(message, lang=lang) except AssertionError: await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 无效的参数。") return except ValueError: await context.edit('出错了呜呜呜 ~ 找不到目标语言,请更正配置文件中的错误。') return except RuntimeError: await context.edit('出错了呜呜呜 ~ 加载语言数组时出错。') return google_tts = gTTS(message, lang=lang) google_tts.save("vocals.mp3") with open("vocals.mp3", "rb") as audio: line_list = list(audio) line_count = len(line_list) if line_count == 1: google_tts = gTTS(message, lang=lang) google_tts.save("vocals.mp3") with open("vocals.mp3", "r"): await context.client.send_file(context.chat_id, "vocals.mp3", voice_note=True) remove("vocals.mp3") if len(message) <= 4096: await log(f"生成了一条文本到语音的音频消息 : `{message}`.") else: await log("生成了一条文本到语音的音频消息。") await context.delete() @listener(is_plugin=False, outgoing=True, command="google", description="使用 Google 查询", parameters="") async def googletest(context): """ Searches Google for a string. """ mg = MagicGoogle() reply = await context.get_reply_message() query = context.arguments if query: pass elif reply: query = reply.text else: await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 无效的参数。") return query = query.replace(' ', '+') await context.edit("正在拉取结果 . . .") results = "" for i in mg.search(query=query, num=int(config['result_length'])): try: title = i['text'][0:30] + '...' link = i['url'] results += f"\n[{title}]({link}) \n" except: await context.edit("连接到 google服务器 失败") return await context.edit(f"**Google** |`{query}`| 🎙 🔍 \n" f"{results}", link_preview=False) await log(f"在Google搜索引擎上查询了 `{query}`") @listener(is_plugin=False, outgoing=True, command="fetchaudio", description="从多个平台获取音频文件。", parameters=",") async def fetchaudio(context): if context.arguments: if ',' in context.arguments: url, string_2 = context.arguments.split(',', 1) else: url = context.arguments string_2 = "#audio " else: await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 错误的语法。") return """ Fetches audio from provided URL. """ reply = await context.get_reply_message() reply_id = None await context.edit("拉取音频中 . . .") if reply: reply_id = reply.id if url is None: await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 无效的参数。") return youtube_pattern = regex_compile(r"^(http(s)?://)?((w){3}.)?youtu(be|.be)?(\.com)?/.+") if youtube_pattern.match(url): if not await fetch_youtube_audio(url, context.chat_id, reply_id, string_2): await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 原声带下载失败。") await log(f"从链接中获取了一条音频,链接: {url}.") await context.delete()