""" PagerMaid module to handle sticker collection. """ import certifi import ssl import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from asyncio import sleep from os import remove from urllib import request from io import BytesIO from telethon.tl.types import DocumentAttributeFilename, MessageMediaPhoto, MessageMediaWebPage from telethon.tl.functions.contacts import UnblockRequest from telethon.errors.common import AlreadyInConversationError from PIL import Image, ImageOps from math import floor from pagermaid import bot, redis, redis_status from pagermaid.listener import listener from pagermaid.utils import lang, alias_command from pagermaid import log @listener(is_plugin=False, outgoing=True, command=alias_command("s"), description=lang('sticker_des'), parameters="") async def sticker(context): """ Fetches images/stickers and add them to your pack. """ # 首先解封 sticker Bot try: await context.client(UnblockRequest(id=429000)) except: pass pic_round = False is_batch = False package_name = "" if redis_status(): if redis.get("sticker.round"): pic_round = True if len(context.parameter) >= 1: # s merge await log(f"{context.parameter}") if context.parameter[0] == "merge" or context.parameter[0] == "m": is_batch = True # s merge png try: if context.parameter[3].isnumeric(): if "png" in context.parameter[1]: pic_round = False else: pic_round = True package_name = context.parameter[2] except: # 异常,多半是数组越界,不处理,继续参数校验 pass try: # s merge if context.parameter[2].isnumeric(): if "png" in context.parameter[1]: pic_round = False package_name = context.parameter[2] else: package_name = context.parameter[1] # s merge png elif "png" in context.parameter[1]: pic_round = False package_name = context.parameter[2] # s merge else: package_name = context.parameter[1] except: # 异常,多半是数组越界 # s merge try: if "png" in context.parameter[1]: raise Exception() package_name = context.parameter[1] except: # 命令错误 try: await context.edit(lang('merge_command_error')) except: pass return # s | error else: if context.parameter[0] == "set_round": if pic_round: redis.delete("sticker.round") try: await context.edit(lang('us_change_rounding_false')) except: pass else: redis.set("sticker.round", "true") try: await context.edit(lang('us_change_rounding_true')) except: pass return elif "png" in context.parameter[0]: pic_round = False # s elif context.parameter[0].isnumeric(): pass elif isEmoji(context.parameter[0]) or len(context.parameter[0]) == 1: await log(f"emoji:{context.parameter[0]}") pass else: try: await context.edit(lang('merge_command_error')) except: pass return user = await bot.get_me() if not user.username: user.username = user.first_name custom_emoji = False animated = False emoji = "" if is_batch: # 多张 """ merge every single sticker after the message you replied to. """ if not context.reply_to_msg_id: await context.edit(lang('not_reply')) return input_chat = await context.get_input_chat() count = 0 scount = 0 result = "" if context.parameter[0] == "m": message = await context.get_reply_message() await single_sticker(animated, context, custom_emoji, emoji, message, pic_round, user, package_name) else: async for message in context.client.iter_messages(input_chat, min_id=context.reply_to_msg_id): count += 1 if message and message.media: scount += 1 try: await log(f"{lang('merge_processing_left')}{count}{lang('merge_processing_right')}") await context.edit(f"{lang('merge_processing_left')}{count}{lang('merge_processing_right')}") except: pass result = await single_sticker(animated, context, custom_emoji, emoji, message, pic_round, user, package_name) await sleep(.5) try: await context.edit(f"{result}\n" f"{lang('merge_total_processed_left')}{scount}{lang('merge_total_processed_right')}", parse_mode='md') except: pass await sleep(5) try: await context.delete() except: pass else: # 单张收集图片 message = await context.get_reply_message() await single_sticker(animated, context, custom_emoji, emoji, message, pic_round, user, "") async def single_sticker(animated, context, custom_emoji, emoji, message, pic_round, user, package_name): try: await context.edit(lang('sticker_processing')) except: pass if message and message.media: if isinstance(message.media, MessageMediaPhoto): photo = BytesIO() photo = await bot.download_media(message.photo, photo) elif isinstance(message.media, MessageMediaWebPage): try: await context.edit(lang('sticker_type_not_support')) except: pass return elif "image" in message.media.document.mime_type.split('/'): photo = BytesIO() try: await context.edit(lang('sticker_downloading')) except: pass await bot.download_file(message.media.document, photo) if (DocumentAttributeFilename(file_name='sticker.webp') in message.media.document.attributes): emoji = message.media.document.attributes[1].alt custom_emoji = True if not emoji: custom_emoji = False elif (DocumentAttributeFilename(file_name='AnimatedSticker.tgs') in message.media.document.attributes): photo = BytesIO() await bot.download_file(message.media.document, "AnimatedSticker.tgs") for index in range(len(message.media.document.attributes)): try: emoji = message.media.document.attributes[index].alt break except: pass custom_emoji = True animated = True photo = 1 else: try: await context.edit(lang('sticker_type_not_support')) except: pass return else: try: await context.edit(lang('sticker_reply_not_sticker')) except: pass return if photo: split_strings = context.text.split() if not custom_emoji: emoji = "👀" pack = 1 sticker_already = False if package_name: # 批量处理贴纸无法指定emoji,只获取第几个pack # s merge png if len(split_strings) == 5: pack = split_strings[4] # s merge elif len(split_strings) == 4: pack = split_strings[3] else: if len(split_strings) == 3: # s png pack = split_strings[2] if split_strings[1].replace("png", "") != "": emoji = split_strings[1].replace("png", "") elif len(split_strings) == 2: # s if split_strings[1].isnumeric(): pack = int(split_strings[1]) else: if split_strings[1].replace("png", "") != "": emoji = split_strings[1].replace("png", "") if not isinstance(pack, int): pack = 1 if package_name: # merge指定package_name pack_name = f"{user.username}_{package_name}_{pack}" pack_title = f"@{user.username} {lang('sticker_pack_title')} ({package_name}) ({pack})" else: pack_name = f"{user.username}_{pack}" pack_title = f"@{user.username} {lang('sticker_pack_title')} ({pack})" command = '/newpack' file = BytesIO() if not animated: try: await context.edit(lang('sticker_resizing')) except: pass image = await resize_image(photo) if pic_round: try: await context.edit(lang('us_static_rounding')) except: pass image = await rounded_image(image) file.name = "sticker.png" image.save(file, "PNG") else: pack_name += "_animated" pack_title += " (animated)" command = '/newanimated' try: response = request.urlopen( request.Request(f'http://t.me/addstickers/{pack_name}'), context=ssl.create_default_context(cafile=certifi.where())) except UnicodeEncodeError: pack_name = 's' + hex(context.sender_id)[2:] if animated: pack_name = 's' + hex(context.sender_id)[2:] + '_animated' response = request.urlopen( request.Request(f'http://t.me/addstickers/{pack_name}'), context=ssl.create_default_context(cafile=certifi.where())) if not response.status == 200: try: await context.edit(lang('sticker_telegram_server_error')) except: pass return http_response = response.read().decode("utf8").split('\n') if " A Telegram user has created the Sticker Set." not in \ http_response: for _ in range(20): # 最多重试20次 try: async with bot.conversation('Stickers') as conversation: await conversation.send_message('/addsticker') await conversation.get_response() await bot.send_read_acknowledge(conversation.chat_id) await conversation.send_message(pack_name) chat_response = await conversation.get_response() while chat_response.text == "Whoa! That's probably enough stickers for one pack, give it a break. \ A pack can't have more than 120 stickers at the moment.": pack += 1 if package_name: # merge指定package_name pack_name = f"{user.username}_{package_name}_{pack}" pack_title = f"@{user.username} {lang('sticker_pack_title')} ({package_name}) ({pack})" else: pack_name = f"{user.username}_{pack}" pack_title = f"@{user.username} {lang('sticker_pack_title')} ({pack})" try: if package_name: await context.edit( lang('sticker_change_pack_to') + str(package_name) + str(pack) + lang( 'sticker_last_is_full')) else: await context.edit( lang('sticker_change_pack_to') + str(pack) + lang('sticker_last_is_full')) except: pass await conversation.send_message(pack_name) chat_response = await conversation.get_response() if chat_response.text == "Invalid pack selected.": await add_sticker(conversation, command, pack_title, pack_name, animated, message, context, file, emoji) try: await context.edit( f"{lang('sticker_has_been_added')} [{lang('sticker_this')}](t.me/addstickers/{pack_name}) {lang('sticker_pack')}", parse_mode='md') except: pass return try: await upload_sticker(animated, message, context, file, conversation) except ValueError: try: await context.edit(lang('sticker_reply_not_sticker')) except: pass return await conversation.get_response() await conversation.send_message(emoji) await bot.send_read_acknowledge(conversation.chat_id) await conversation.get_response() await conversation.send_message('/done') await conversation.get_response() await bot.send_read_acknowledge(conversation.chat_id) break except AlreadyInConversationError: if not sticker_already: try: await context.edit(lang('sticker_another_running')) except: pass sticker_already = True else: pass await sleep(.5) except Exception: raise else: try: await context.edit(lang('sticker_no_pack_exist_creating')) except: pass async with bot.conversation('Stickers') as conversation: await add_sticker(conversation, command, pack_title, pack_name, animated, message, context, file, emoji) try: await context.edit( f"{lang('sticker_has_been_added')} [{lang('sticker_this')}](t.me/addstickers/{pack_name}) {lang('sticker_pack')}", parse_mode='md') except: pass if package_name: return f"{lang('sticker_has_been_added')} [{lang('sticker_this')}](t.me/addstickers/{pack_name}) {lang('sticker_pack')}" else: await sleep(5) try: await context.delete() except: pass async def add_sticker(conversation, command, pack_title, pack_name, animated, message, context, file, emoji): await conversation.send_message(command) await conversation.get_response() await bot.send_read_acknowledge(conversation.chat_id) await conversation.send_message(pack_title) await conversation.get_response() await bot.send_read_acknowledge(conversation.chat_id) try: await upload_sticker(animated, message, context, file, conversation) except ValueError: try: await context.edit(lang('sticker_reply_not_sticker')) except: pass return await conversation.get_response() await conversation.send_message(emoji) await bot.send_read_acknowledge(conversation.chat_id) await conversation.get_response() await conversation.send_message("/publish") if animated: await conversation.get_response() await conversation.send_message(f"<{pack_title}>") await conversation.get_response() await bot.send_read_acknowledge(conversation.chat_id) await conversation.send_message("/skip") await bot.send_read_acknowledge(conversation.chat_id) await conversation.get_response() await conversation.send_message(pack_name) await bot.send_read_acknowledge(conversation.chat_id) await conversation.get_response() await bot.send_read_acknowledge(conversation.chat_id) async def upload_sticker(animated, message, context, file, conversation): if animated: try: await context.edit(lang('us_animated_uploading')) except: pass await conversation.send_file("AnimatedSticker.tgs", force_document=True) remove("AnimatedSticker.tgs") else: file.seek(0) try: await context.edit(lang('us_static_uploading')) except: pass await conversation.send_file(file, force_document=True) async def resize_image(photo): image = Image.open(photo) maxsize = (512, 512) if (image.width and image.height) < 512: size1 = image.width size2 = image.height if image.width > image.height: scale = 512 / size1 size1new = 512 size2new = size2 * scale else: scale = 512 / size2 size1new = size1 * scale size2new = 512 size1new = floor(size1new) size2new = floor(size2new) size_new = (size1new, size2new) image = image.resize(size_new) else: image.thumbnail(maxsize) return image async def rounded_image(image): w = image.width h = image.height resize_size = 0 # 比较长宽 if w > h: resize_size = h else: resize_size = w half_size = floor(resize_size / 2) # 获取圆角模版,切割成4个角 tl = (0, 0, 256, 256) tr = (256, 0, 512, 256) bl = (0, 256, 256, 512) br = (256, 256, 512, 512) border = Image.open('pagermaid/static/images/rounded.png').convert('L') tlp = border.crop(tl) trp = border.crop(tr) blp = border.crop(bl) brp = border.crop(br) # 缩放四个圆角 tlp = tlp.resize((half_size, half_size)) trp = trp.resize((half_size, half_size)) blp = blp.resize((half_size, half_size)) brp = brp.resize((half_size, half_size)) # 扩展四个角大小到目标图大小 # tlp = ImageOps.expand(tlp, (0, 0, w - tlp.width, h - tlp.height)) # trp = ImageOps.expand(trp, (w - trp.width, 0, 0, h - trp.height)) # blp = ImageOps.expand(blp, (0, h - blp.height, w - blp.width, 0)) # brp = ImageOps.expand(brp, (w - brp.width, h - brp.height, 0, 0)) # 四个角合并到一张新图上 ni = Image.new('RGB', (w, h), (0, 0, 0)).convert('L') ni.paste(tlp, (0, 0)) ni.paste(trp, (w - trp.width, 0)) ni.paste(blp, (0, h - blp.height)) ni.paste(brp, (w - brp.width, h - brp.height)) # 合并圆角和原图 image.putalpha(ImageOps.invert(ni)) return image def isEmoji(content): if not content: return False if u"\U0001F600" <= content <= u"\U0001F64F": return True elif u"\U0001F300" <= content <= u"\U0001F5FF": return True elif u"\U0001F680" <= content <= u"\U0001F6FF": return True elif u"\U0001F1E0" <= content <= u"\U0001F1FF": return True else: return False @listener(is_plugin=False, outgoing=True, command=alias_command("sticker"), description=lang('sticker_search_des'), parameters="") async def sticker_search(context): if len(context.parameter) == 0: await context.edit(lang('arg_error')) return await context.edit(lang('google_processing')) query = context.parameter[0] try: html = requests.get("https://combot.org/telegram/stickers?q=" + query).text except: return await context.edit(lang('sticker_telegram_server_error')) xml = BeautifulSoup(html, "lxml") titles = xml.find_all("div", "sticker-pack__title") links = xml.find_all("a", target="_blank") if not links: return await context.edit(lang('sticker_search_no')) text = f"{lang('sticker_search_result')}\n" for title, link in zip(titles, links): temp = title.get_text() temp1 = link["href"] temp2 = f"\n[{temp}]({temp1})" if temp2 not in text: text += temp2 await context.edit(text)