from os.path import exists, sep from sys import exit from platform import node from getpass import getuser from pyrogram.enums import ParseMode from pagermaid.common.system import run_eval from pagermaid.listener import listener from pagermaid.enums import Message from pagermaid.utils import attach_log, execute, lang, upload_attachment @listener( is_plugin=False, command="sh", need_admin=True, description=lang("sh_des"), parameters=lang("sh_parameters"), ) async def sh(message: Message): """Use the command-line from Telegram.""" user = getuser() command = message.arguments hostname = node() if not command: await message.edit(lang("arg_error")) return message = await message.edit(f"`{user}`@{hostname} ~" f"\n> `$` {command}") result = await execute(command) if result: if len(result) > 4096: await attach_log(result,, "output.log", return await message.edit( f"`{user}`@{hostname} ~" f"\n> `#` {command}" f"\n`{result}`" ) else: return @listener( is_plugin=False, command="restart", need_admin=True, description=lang("restart_des") ) async def restart(message: Message): """To re-execute PagerMaid.""" if not message.text[0].isalpha(): await message.edit(lang("restart_log")) exit(0) @listener( is_plugin=False, command="eval", need_admin=True, description=lang("eval_des"), parameters=lang("eval_parameters"), ) async def sh_eval(message: Message): """Run python commands from Telegram.""" dev_mode = exists(f"data{sep}dev") try: assert dev_mode cmd = message.text.split(" ", maxsplit=1)[1] except (IndexError, AssertionError): return await message.edit(lang("eval_need_dev")) final_output = await run_eval(cmd, message) if len(final_output) > 4096: message = await message.edit(f"**>>>** `{cmd}`", parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) await attach_log(final_output,, "output.log", else: await message.edit(final_output) @listener( is_plugin=False, command="send_log", need_admin=True, description=lang("send_log_des"), ) async def send_log(message: Message): """Send log to a chat.""" if not exists("pagermaid.log.txt"): return await message.edit(lang("send_log_not_found")) await upload_attachment( "pagermaid.log.txt",, message.reply_to_message_id or message.reply_to_top_message_id, thumb=f"pagermaid{sep}assets{sep}logo.jpg", caption=lang("send_log_caption"), ) await message.safe_delete()