import contextlib import subprocess from importlib.util import find_spec from os.path import exists from typing import Optional import httpx from os import remove from sys import executable from asyncio import create_subprocess_shell, sleep from asyncio.subprocess import PIPE from pyrogram import filters, enums from pagermaid.config import Config from pagermaid import bot from pagermaid.group_manager import enforce_permission from pagermaid.single_utils import _status_sudo, get_sudo_list, Message, sqlite def lang(text: str) -> str: """i18n""" return Config.lang_dict.get(text, text) def alias_command(command: str, disallow_alias: bool = False) -> str: """alias""" return command if disallow_alias else Config.alias_dict.get(command, command) async def attach_report(plaintext, file_name, reply_id=None, caption=None): """Attach plaintext as logs.""" with open(file_name, "w+") as file: file.write(plaintext) try: await bot.send_document( "PagerMaid_Modify_bot", file_name, reply_to_message_id=reply_id, caption=caption, ) except Exception: # noqa return remove(file_name) async def attach_log(plaintext, chat_id, file_name, reply_id=None, caption=None): """Attach plaintext as logs.""" with open(file_name, "w+", encoding="utf-8") as file: file.write(plaintext) await bot.send_document( chat_id, file_name, reply_to_message_id=reply_id, caption=caption ) remove(file_name) async def upload_attachment(file_path, chat_id, reply_id, caption=None, thumb=None): """Uploads a local attachment file.""" if not exists(file_path): return False try: await bot.send_document( chat_id, file_path, thumb=thumb, reply_to_message_id=reply_id, caption=caption, ) except BaseException as exception: raise exception return True async def execute(command, pass_error=True): """Executes command and returns output, with the option of enabling stderr.""" executor = await create_subprocess_shell( command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, stdin=PIPE ) stdout, stderr = await executor.communicate() if pass_error: try: result = str(stdout.decode().strip()) + str(stderr.decode().strip()) except UnicodeDecodeError: result = str(stdout.decode("gbk").strip()) + str( stderr.decode("gbk").strip() ) else: try: result = str(stdout.decode().strip()) except UnicodeDecodeError: result = str(stdout.decode("gbk").strip()) return result def pip_install( package: str, version: Optional[str] = "", alias: Optional[str] = "" ) -> bool: """Auto install extra pypi packages""" if not alias: # when import name is not provided, use package name alias = package if find_spec(alias) is None:[executable, "-m", "pip", "install", f"{package}{version}"]) if find_spec(package) is None: return False return True async def edit_delete( message: Message, text: str, time: int = 5, parse_mode: Optional["enums.ParseMode"] = None, disable_web_page_preview: bool = None, ): sudo_users = get_sudo_list() from_id = if message.from_user else if from_id in sudo_users: reply_to = message.reply_to_message event = ( await reply_to.reply( text, disable_web_page_preview=disable_web_page_preview, parse_mode=parse_mode, ) if reply_to else await message.reply( text, disable_web_page_preview=disable_web_page_preview, parse_mode=parse_mode, ) ) else: event = await message.edit( text, disable_web_page_preview=disable_web_page_preview, parse_mode=parse_mode, ) await sleep(time) return await event.delete() def get_permission_name(is_plugin: bool, need_admin: bool, command: str) -> str: """Get permission name.""" if is_plugin: return f"plugins_root.{command}" if need_admin else f"plugins.{command}" else: return f"system.{command}" if need_admin else f"modules.{command}" def sudo_filter(permission: str): async def if_sudo(flt, _, message: Message): if not _status_sudo(): return False try: from_id = ( if message.from_user else ) sudo_list = get_sudo_list() if from_id not in sudo_list: if in sudo_list: return enforce_permission(, flt.permission) return False return enforce_permission(from_id, flt.permission) except Exception: # noqa return False return filters.create(if_sudo, permission=permission) def from_self(message: Message) -> bool: if message.outgoing: return True return message.from_user.is_self if message.from_user else False def from_msg_get_sudo_uid(message: Message) -> int: """Get the sudo uid from the message.""" from_id = if message.from_user else return from_id if from_id in get_sudo_list() else def check_manage_subs(message: Message) -> bool: return from_self(message) or enforce_permission( from_msg_get_sudo_uid(message), "modules.manage_subs" ) async def process_exit(start: int, _client, message=None): data = sqlite.get("exit_msg", {}) cid, mid = data.get("cid", 0), data.get("mid", 0) if start and data and cid and mid: with contextlib.suppress(Exception): msg: Message = await _client.get_messages(cid, mid) if msg: await msg.edit( ( (msg.text or msg.caption) if msg.from_user.is_self and (msg.text or msg.caption) else "" ) + f'\n\n> {lang("restart_complete")}' ) del sqlite["exit_msg"] if message: sqlite["exit_msg"] = {"cid":, "mid":} """ Init httpx client """ # 使用自定义 UA headers = { "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/102.0.5005.72 Safari/537.36" } client = httpx.AsyncClient(timeout=10.0, headers=headers)