""" PagerMaid module that contains utilities related to system status. """ import re from datetime import datetime, timezone from platform import uname, python_version from sys import platform from pyrogram import __version__ from pyrogram.enums import ChatType from pyrogram.raw.functions import Ping from pyrogram.enums.parse_mode import ParseMode from getpass import getuser from socket import gethostname from time import time from psutil import boot_time, virtual_memory, disk_partitions from shutil import disk_usage from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from pagermaid import start_time, Config, pgm_version from pagermaid.common.status import get_bot_uptime from pagermaid.enums import Client, Message from pagermaid.listener import listener from pagermaid.utils import lang, execute DCs = { 1: "", 2: "", 3: "", 4: "", 5: "", } @listener(is_plugin=False, command="sysinfo", description=lang("sysinfo_des")) async def sysinfo(message: Message): """Retrieve system information via neofetch.""" if not Config.SILENT: message = await message.edit(lang("sysinfo_loading")) if platform == "win32": return await message.edit(neofetch_win(), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) result = await execute("neofetch --config none --stdout") await message.edit(f"`{result}`") @listener(is_plugin=False, command="status", description=lang("status_des")) async def status(message: Message): # database # database = lang('status_online') if redis_status() else lang('status_offline') # uptime https://gist.github.com/borgstrom/936ca741e885a1438c374824efb038b3 uptime = await get_bot_uptime() text = ( f"**{lang('status_hint')}** \n" f"{lang('status_name')}: `{uname().node}` \n" f"{lang('status_platform')}: `{platform}` \n" f"{lang('status_release')}: `{uname().release}` \n" f"{lang('status_python')}: `{python_version()}` \n" f"{lang('status_pyrogram')}: `{__version__}` \n" f"{lang('status_pgm')}: `{pgm_version}`\n" f"{lang('status_uptime')}: `{uptime}`" ) await message.edit(text) @listener(is_plugin=False, command="stats", description=lang("stats_des")) async def stats(client: Client, message: Message): msg = await message.edit(lang("stats_loading")) a, u, g, s, c, b = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 for dialog in await client.get_dialogs_list(): chat_type = dialog.chat.type if chat_type == ChatType.BOT: b += 1 elif chat_type == ChatType.PRIVATE: u += 1 elif chat_type == ChatType.GROUP: g += 1 elif chat_type == ChatType.SUPERGROUP: s += 1 elif chat_type == ChatType.CHANNEL: c += 1 a += 1 text = ( f"**{lang('stats_hint')}** \n" f"{lang('stats_dialogs')}: `{a}` \n" f"{lang('stats_private')}: `{u}` \n" f"{lang('stats_group')}: `{g}` \n" f"{lang('stats_supergroup')}: `{s}` \n" f"{lang('stats_channel')}: `{c}` \n" f"{lang('stats_bot')}: `{b}`" ) await msg.edit(text) @listener(is_plugin=False, command="pingdc", description=lang("pingdc_des")) async def ping_dc(message: Message): """Ping your or other data center's IP addresses.""" data = [] print("1") for dc in range(1, 6): if platform == "win32": result = await execute(f'ping -n 1 {DCs[dc]} | find "最短"') if result := re.findall(r"= (.*?)ms", result or ""): data.append(result[0]) else: data.append("0") else: result = await execute( f"ping -c 1 {DCs[dc]} | awk -F '/' " + "'END {print $5}'" ) try: data.append(str(float(result))) except ValueError: data.append("0") await message.edit( f"{lang('pingdc_1')}: `{data[0]}ms`\n" f"{lang('pingdc_2')}: `{data[1]}ms`\n" f"{lang('pingdc_3')}: `{data[2]}ms`\n" f"{lang('pingdc_4')}: `{data[3]}ms`\n" f"{lang('pingdc_5')}: `{data[4]}ms`" ) @listener(is_plugin=False, command="ping", description=lang("ping_des")) async def ping(client: Client, message: Message): """Calculates latency between PagerMaid and Telegram.""" start = datetime.now() await client.invoke(Ping(ping_id=0)) end = datetime.now() ping_duration = (end - start).microseconds / 1000 start = datetime.now() message = await message.edit("Pong!") end = datetime.now() msg_duration = (end - start).microseconds / 1000 await message.edit(f"Pong!| PING: {ping_duration} | MSG: {msg_duration}") def wmic(command: str): """Fetch the wmic command to cmd""" try: p = Popen(command.split(" "), stdout=PIPE) except FileNotFoundError: return r"WMIC.exe was not found... Make sure 'C:\Windows\System32\wbem' is added to PATH." stdout, stderror = p.communicate() output = stdout.decode("gbk", "ignore") lines = output.split("\r\r") lines = [g.replace("\n", "").replace(" ", "") for g in lines if len(g) > 2] return lines def get_uptime(): """Get the device uptime""" delta = round(time() - boot_time()) hours, remainder = divmod(int(delta), 3600) minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60) days, hours = divmod(hours, 24) def include_s(text: str, num: int): return f"{num} {text}{'' if num == 1 else 's'}" d = include_s("day", days) h = include_s("hour", hours) m = include_s("minute", minutes) s = include_s("second", seconds) if days: output = f"{d}, {h}, {m} and {s}" elif hours: output = f"{h}, {m} and {s}" elif minutes: output = f"{m} and {s}" else: output = s return output def readable(num, suffix="B"): """Convert Bytes into human-readable formats""" for unit in ["", "Ki", "Mi", "Gi", "Ti", "Pi", "Ei", "Zi"]: if abs(num) < 1024.0: return "%3.1f%s%s" % (num, unit, suffix) num /= 1024.0 return "%.1f%s%s" % (num, "Yi", suffix) def get_ram(): """Get RAM used/free/total""" ram = virtual_memory() used = readable(ram.used) total = readable(ram.total) percent_used = round(ram.used / ram.total * 100, 2) return f"{used} / {total} ({percent_used}%)" def partitions(): """Find the disk partitions on current OS""" parts = disk_partitions() listparts = [] for g in parts: try: total, used, free = disk_usage(g.device) percent_used = round(used / total * 100, 2) listparts.append( f" {g.device[:2]} {readable(used)} / {readable(total)} ({percent_used}%)" ) except PermissionError: continue return listparts def neofetch_win(): user_name = getuser() host_name = gethostname() os = wmic("wmic os get Caption")[-1].replace("Microsoft ", "") uptime = get_uptime() mboard_name = wmic("wmic baseboard get Manufacturer") mboard_module = wmic("wmic baseboard get product") try: mboard = f"{mboard_name[-1]} ({mboard_module[-1]})" except IndexError: mboard = "Unknown..." cpu = wmic("wmic cpu get name")[-1] gpu = wmic("wmic path win32_VideoController get name") gpu = [f" {g.strip()}" for g in gpu[1:]][0].strip() ram = get_ram() disks = "\n".join(partitions()) return ( f"{user_name}@{host_name}\n---------\nOS: {os}\nUptime: {uptime}\n" f"Motherboard: {mboard}\nCPU: {cpu}\nGPU: {gpu}\nMemory: {ram}\n" f"Disk:\n{disks}" )