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import contextlib
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from pyrogram import filters
from pyrogram.errors import RPCError
from pagermaid.dependence import status_sudo, get_sudo_list, sqlite
from pagermaid.group_manager import enforce_permission
from ._config_utils import lang
from pagermaid.enums import Message
def get_permission_name(is_plugin: bool, need_admin: bool, command: str) -> str:
"""Get permission name."""
if is_plugin:
return f"plugins_root.{command}" if need_admin else f"plugins.{command}"
return f"system.{command}" if need_admin else f"modules.{command}"
def sudo_filter(permission: str):
async def if_sudo(flt, _, message: "Message"):
if not status_sudo():
return False
from_id = (
message.from_user.id if message.from_user else message.sender_chat.id
sudo_list = get_sudo_list()
if from_id not in sudo_list:
if message.chat.id in sudo_list:
return enforce_permission(message.chat.id, flt.permission)
return False
return enforce_permission(from_id, flt.permission)
except Exception: # noqa
return False
return filters.create(if_sudo, permission=permission)
def from_self(message: "Message") -> bool:
if message.outgoing:
return True
return message.from_user.is_self if message.from_user else False
def from_msg_get_sudo_uid(message: "Message") -> int:
"""Get the sudo uid from the message."""
from_id = message.from_user.id if message.from_user else message.sender_chat.id
return from_id if from_id in get_sudo_list() else message.chat.id
def check_manage_subs(message: "Message") -> bool:
return from_self(message) or enforce_permission(
from_msg_get_sudo_uid(message), "modules.manage_subs"
async def process_exit(start: int, _client, message=None):
data = sqlite.get("exit_msg", {})
cid, mid = data.get("cid", 0), data.get("mid", 0)
if start and data and cid and mid:
with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
msg: "Message" = await _client.get_messages(cid, mid)
if msg:
await msg.edit(
(msg.text or msg.caption)
if msg.from_user.is_self and (msg.text or msg.caption)
else ""
+ f'\n\n> {lang("restart_complete")}'
del sqlite["exit_msg"]
if message:
sqlite["exit_msg"] = {"cid": message.chat.id, "mid": message.id}
def format_exc(e: BaseException) -> str:
if isinstance(e, RPCError):
return f"<code>API [{e.CODE} {e.ID or e.NAME}] — {e.MESSAGE.format(value=e.value)}</code>"
return f"<code>{e.__class__.__name__}: {e}</code>"