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synced 2024-11-16 16:26:49 +00:00
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#Chinese (Simplified)
web_TypeError: Oops - Web interface is configured to bind to an invalid address。
web_KeyError: Oops - Web interface configuration is mising in the config file。
PhoneNumberInvalidError: Oops ~ The phone number entered is invalid. Please make sure to append country code.
module: モジュール管理
error: loading error
start: PagerMaid-Pyro have started, type ,help in any chat for help message.
msg_ValueError: Oops ~ No messages were successfully obtained!
isinstance: Oops ~ Length must be an integer!
platform: Detected latform
platform_load: 'proceeding to early process of PagerMaid。'
platform_unsupported: not support, please start PagerMaid Linux or *BSD.
error_prefix: Oops -
python: Please upgrade your python interpreter to at least version 3.6。
config_error: Oops - Please place a valid configuration file in the working directory。
save_id: The user ID is get successfully.
modules_init_loading_modules: Load built-in modulesの
modules_init_loading_plugins: Load plugin
command: command
has_reg: このアルready registered.
too_long: Oops - The output generated too long and could not be presented.
run_error: Oops - An error occurd while executing this command.
report_error: Oops - report error。
use_method: Usage
need_permission: Required Permission
## username
username_des: usernameがセットされました。
arg_error: Invalid argument.
username_exist: Username is Taken.
username_vaild: Invalid username.
username_set: Username have been updated.
username_cancel: Username has been unset.
username_whatset: Username has been セット
## name
name_des: Alters the display name.
name_vaild: Invalid first name.
name_set: Displayname is successfully altered.
name_whatset: Changed display name to
## pfp
pfp_des: Set attachment of message replied to profile picture.
pfp_process: Setting profile picture .
pfp_e_notp: '"unable to parse attachment image"'
pfp_e_size: The image dimensions are smaller than minimum requirement.
pfp_e_img: An error occurd while the server is interpreting the command。
## bio
bio_des: Sets the biography to the string in the parameter。
bio_too_lang: Provided string is too long.
bio_set: Bio has been altered successfully.
bio_cancel: ビオハット・ベティ・unset.
bio_whatset: ビオハス・ベレンset to
## rmpfp
rmpfp_des: Deletes defined amount of profile pictures。
int: integer
rmpfp_p: Removed
rmpfp_l: profile pictures。
## profile
profile_des: Shows user profile in a large message。
profile_process: Generating user profile summary 。
profile_e_no: The specified user does not exist。
profile_e_nou: ユーザー名 specified does not exist。
profile_e_nof: ユーザーID specified does not correspond to a user.
profile_e_long: UserID specified have exceeded integer limit。
profile_user: ユーザー
profile_noset: Not set.
profile_nobio: Not set.
profile_yes: "Yes"
profile_no: "No"
profile_name: プロファイル管理
profile_username: ユーザ ID
profile_fname: First name
profile_lname: シェルター名
profile_bio: ベオロ
profile_gic: Group in common
profile_verified: Verified
profile_restricted: Restrict
profile_type: Type
## block
block_des: ブロック・ユーザーです
block_process: Processing.
block_success: Success block (参照)
block_exist: is already blacklist.
## unblock
unblock_des: Unblockan user.
unblock_process: Processing.
unblock_success: Success unblock (参照)
unblock_exist: isn't in a blacklist.
## ghost
ghost_des: Toggles ghosting of chat, requires redis.
redis_dis: Redis is offline, cannot operate。
ghost_e_mark: Unable to set flag on sef 。
ghost_set_f: ChatID
ghost_set_l: added to ghosted chats.
ghost_cancel: removed from ghosted chats.
ghost_e_noexist: Current t is not ghosted.
ghost_e_exist: Current t is ghosted.
## deny
deny_des: Toggles denying of chat、requires redis。
deny_set: added to denied chats。
deny_cancel: removed from denied chats.
deny_e_noexist: Current t is not denied.
deny_e_exist: Current t is denied.
help_des: Shows a list of commands or help string of a single command。
help_list: Commands
help_send: 問題
help_see: to vview help for a specific command.*
help_no_permission: Sorry, you don't have perission to vビューのhelp information for this command。
help_source: '🖥 Source'
help_plugin: '🔅 Plugins'
help_module: '💠 Modules'
## genqr
genqr_des: Generates a QRコード sticker from a specific string。
genqr_process: Generating QRコード ...
genqr_e_encode: Invalid characers in target string.
genqr_ok: Generated QRコードfor
## parseqr
parseqr_des: Parse attachment of replied message a QR コード and output results
parseqr_nofile: There are no attachments in the message。
parseqr_content: コンテンツ型
parseqr_e_noqr: ターゲットそばにあるマイスターマイQR コード
parseqr_log: 通常の Parsed QRコード
## backup
backup_des: バックグループ data files to locale, support database backup, safe and reliable.
backup_process: Processing backup... It may take some time to complete。
backup_success_channel: complete!Zipped backup backup has been sent to log channel。
backup_success: Backup complete!
## recovery
recovery_des: Restore data from local backup or replied backup file, and support full database reasily and quickly.
recovery_file_error: Unknown backup file. It may not be type of file backed up by PagerMaid.
recovery_down: Downloading backup file to local... It is recommended to reduce the use of PagerMaid in the backup powerSave.process。
recovery_process: Redstoring backup... It may take some time to complete。
recovery_file_not_found: No backup file found.
recovery_success: Backup restored!
## convert
convert_des: Reply to an attachment message and convert it to image output
convert_process: Converting...
convert_no_file: Something went wrong. There seems to be no attachment in the reply message。
convert_error: Something went wrong, woooo ~ An error occuring the conversion.
convert_invalid: Something went wrong, woooo ~ The photo dimensions are invalid。
## caption
caption_des: Add two lines of cations to the reply picture。 ザ・captions will be added to the top and bottom respectively. The cations need to be parated by commas.
caption_process: The image is being rendered...
caption_error_grammer: Something went wrong - Wrong grammar。
caption_no_file: Something went wrong, woo~ There is no attachment in the target message message
caption_error: Something went wrong, woo~ An error occurd during the conversion.
caption_success1: caption successfully
caption_success2: Added to a picture。
## ocr
ocr_des: Extract text from the reply image
ocr_psm_len_error: h, something went wrong...psm value is 0-13
ocr_processing: アイデアコレクションズ(please wait... 最初のpicture is being processed...
ocr_no_file: Something went wrong. There is no attachment in the reply message。
ocr_no_result: Did not identify any text。
ocr_result_hint: The following is the extracted text
## highlight
highlight_des: Generate a picture with syntax highlighting。
highlight_processing: The image is being rendered, please wait...
highlight_no_file: Something went wrong, woo~ The target message could not be retrieved.
highlight_uploading: Uploading pictures...
## handle_failure
handle_failure_error: Something went wrong oh woo woo - Please report this problem。
## time
time_des: Display the time in a specific area. If the parameter is empty, the configuration value will be displayed by default.
time_parameters: <area>
time_time: time
time_config: Something went wrong oh woo woo - Please check your config file。
## translate
translate_des: Translate the target message into the specified language through Google Translate. (Support reply)
translate_parameters: <text>
translate_processing: translation is being generated...
translate_ValueError: Something went wrong ~ The target language could not be found, please corerect the configuration file.
translate_ImportError: Something went wrong - The translators module could not be found.
translate_hits: text translation
translate_original_lang: source language
translate_tg_limit_uploading_file: The output exceeds the TG limit, and it is trying to upload a file。
translate_get: メッセンジャー
translate_from: from
translate_to: translated to
tts_des: Generate voice messages based on characterings via Google Text to Speech.
tts_processing: generating speech...
tts_AssertionError: Something went wrong - Invalid parameter。
tts_ValueError: Something went wrong ~ The target language could not be found, please corerect the configuration file.
tts_RuntimeError: Something went wrong, wooh 〜An error occurd while loading the language array.
tts_success: A text-to-speech audio message is generated
google_des: Up Google query
google_processing: Pulling results...
google_connection_error: failed to connect to google server
google_success: queried on Google search engine
fetchaudio_des: fetch audio files from multiple platforms.
fetchaudio_error_grammer: Something went wrong - Wrong grammar。
fetchaudio_processing: Fetching audio...
fetchaudio_error_downloading: Something went wrong, woo~ The original soundtrack failed to download.
fetchaudio_success: fetched an audio from the link
fetchaudio_link: LinkedInだ
## animate
animate_des: Use messages to animate text。
## teletype
teletype_des: Make typing animation by editing the message. Will generate a lot of operation records!
## mock
mock_des: mockpeople through weird capital letters.
## widen
widen_des: widen each characer in the string.
widen_already: This message has been widened.
## fox
fox_des: Use fox to make your message look complete
## owo
owo_des: Convert the message to OwO.
## flip
flip_des: Flip the message。
## ship
ship_des: Generate random friends, and also support designated targets.
ship_processing: Generate base friends...
ship_BaseException: Something went wrong, woo~ An erroroccurd while acquiring users.
ship_hint: コンgratulations to both
## rng
rng_des: Generate a random string with a specific length。
## aaa
aaa_des: send a message containing A and A
## asciiart
asciiart_des: Generate ASCII text for the specified string.
## tuxsay
tuxsay_des: Generate an ASCII art message that looks like a penguin talking
## coin
coin_des: Throw a coin。
coin_processing: Throwing coin...
coin_lost: I lost my coin
## lang
lang_des: switchlanguage.
lang_change_to: The language has been switchedto
lang_reboot: リロード中
lang_current_lang: 拡張カードの pubage is
lang_all_lang: All available languages are
## alias
alias_des: Redirect original command。
alias_list: 'The following is a list of redirect commands:'
alias_no: You have not redirected any original commands.
alias_success: リダイレクトコマンドの編集に成功しました。PagerMaid-Pyro がリロードされています。
alias_exist: Something went wrong, woo~ The commd that is redirected is already occupied。
alias_no_exist: Something went wrong, woo~ The original commd is not redirected.
## id
id_des: Get various information about a message。
id_hint: The following is the information of the reply message in
id_is_bot_yes: "Yes"
id_da: dead number
## uslog
uslog_des: forward message to the log.
uslog_success: ログル
uslog_log_disable: Something went wrong, woo~ Loging has been disabled.
## log
log_des: silently forward a message to the log。
## re
re_des: Reread the reply message in the current conversation. (Need to reply to a message)
re_parameters: <number of times>
re_too_big: oh something went wrong... this number is too big to provoke
re_arg_error: Oh, something went wrong...maybe the parameter contains symbols other than numbers
re_forbidden: Oh, something went wrong...you do not have permission to forward messages from this group.
not_reply: Something went wrong - You don't seem to reply to a message。
## leave
leave_res: say "gooddby and leave the session"
leave_bye: You are wastee of my time, goodby e.
leave_not_group: Something went wrong h~ The current t does not seem to be a group chat.
## meter2feet
m2f_des: Convert meters to feet.
m2f_get: will
m2f_meter: メーター
m2f_convert_to: convert to
m2f_feet: feet
## feet2meter
f2m_des: Convert feet to meters.
## hitokoto
hitokoto_des: Aword of the day
hitokoto_type_anime: animation
hitokoto_type_manga: manga
hitokoto_type_game: game
hitokoto_type_article: Literature
hitokoto_type_original: original
hitokoto_type_web: from the web
hitokoto_type_other: other
hitokoto_type_movie: Movie
hitokoto_type_poem: ポエム
hitokoto_type_netease_music: Nete Cloud
hitokoto_type_philosophy: philosophy
hitokoto_type_meme: trembling
## apt
apt_des: Used to manage plugins installed to PagerMaid-Pyro.
apt_parameters: "{update|search|show|status|install|remove|enable|disable|upload|export} <plugin name/file>"
apt_name: "PagerMaid-Pyro Plugins Manager"
apt_processing: Installing plugins...
apt_no_py: Something went wrong ~ Failed to get the plug-in file from the attachment.
apt_plugin: plugin
apt_installed: installed
apt_reboot: PagerMaid-Pyroはリロードされています。
apt_install_success: successful installation
apt_not_found: not founded
apt_no_update: no need to update
apt_remove_success: The plugin was successfully removed
apt_remove: remove plugin
apt_removed_plugins: removed plugins
apt_not_exist: Something went wrong - The specified plug-in does not exist.
apt_no_running_plugins: There are no running plugins.
apt_no_load_failed_plugins: No failed plugins loaded
apt_no_disabled_plugins: Plugins that are not disabled
apt_plugin_list: plug-in list
apt_plugin_running: running
apt_plugin_disabled: disabled
apt_plugin_failed: failed to load
apt_enable: enabled
apt_disable: disabled
apt_uploading: uploading plugin...
apt_updated: updated
apt_why_not_install_a_plugin: Install a plug-in the warehouse and try again?
apt_loading_from_online_but_nothing_need_to_update: "Reading cloud plug-in list...Done\nReading locl plug-in version information...Done\n**There are no plug-ins that nto be updated**"
apt_loading_from_online_and_updating: "Reading cloud plug-in list...complete\nreading local plug-in version information...complete\nupdating plug-in..."
apt_reading_list: "Reading cloud plug-in list...complete\nreading local plug-in version information...complete\n"
apt_search_no_name: How can I Search without a plug-in name?
apt_search_not_found: No related plugins were foundin the plugin repository.
apt_search_result_hint: The following are the results of the plugin repository (足止め)
apt_search_supporting: それを学べる時
apt_search_not_supporting: Abandoned treatment
apt_plugin_name: plug-in name
apt_plugin_ver: version
apt_plugin_section: category
apt_plugin_maintainer: Author
apt_plugin_size: size
apt_plugin_support: support period
apt_plugin_des_short: descriptionの
apt_source_des: "カスタムプラグインソースの追加/削除/表示。"
apt_source_parameters: "[add/del] [カスタムプラグインのソースリンク]"
apt_source_not_found: 現在、カスタムプラグインソースはありません。
apt_source_header: "現在のカスタムプラグインソース:"
apt_source_add_success: 追加に成功しました。
apt_source_del_success: 削除しました。
apt_source_add_failed: 追加に失敗しました。このソースは既に存在します。
apt_source_add_invalid: 追加に失敗しました。このソースは無効です。
apt_source_del_failed: 削除に失敗しました。このソースは存在しません。
## prune
prune_des: Replying to a message with this command will delete all messages between the latest message and the message. Limit, 1000 messages based on message ID, more than 1000 messages may trigger the limit of deleting messages too quickly. (Non-group administrators only delete their messages)
prune_hint1: Deleted in bulk
prune_hint2: messages.
## selfprune
sp_des: delete a specific number of messages sent by you in the current conversation. Limit, 1000 messages based on message ID, more than 1000 may trigger the limit of deleting messages too quickly. Non-administrators cannot delete the group message. (Reverse order) When the number is large enough, all messages can deleted.
sp_parameters: <quantity>
sp_hint: self-sent
## yourprune
yp_des: delete the current conversation you reply to a specific number of messages sent by the user. Limit, 1000 messages based on message ID, more than 1000 may trigger the limit of deleting messages too quickly. (Reverse order, need to delete message permission) When the number is large enough, all messages can be deleted.
yp_hint: Reply to what the user sene
## del
del_des: Delete the message you replied to in the current conversation. (Need to reply to a message)
del_notification: A message was deleted.
del_BadRequestError: Something went wrong, woo~ I don
## send_prune_notify
spn_deleted: deleted
## sysinfo
sysinfo_des: Retrieve system through neofetch.
sysinfo_loading: Loading system information...
## fortune
fortune_des: read fortune クッキーのフォーマットです。
fortune_not_exist: Something went wrong, woo~ There are no fortune Cookieies on this system
## fbcon
fbcon_des: Take a screenshotof the currently bound frame buffer console.
fbcon_processing: Taking a screenshotof the frame buffer console...
fbcon_no_fbdump: Something went wrong ~ woof ~ fbdump is not installed on this system
fbcon_no_ImageMagick: Something went wrong, woooo ~ ImageMagick is not installed on this system
fbcon_no_permission: Something went wrong. The user running PagerMaid-Pyro is not in the video group.
fbcon_caption: Ascreenshot of the bound frame buffer。
fbcon_error: Something went wrong - The file generation failed due to an unexpected error。 Please make sure that the apt packages fbcat and imagemagick have been installed, and your machine has a graphics card。
## status
status_des: Output the running status of PagerMaid-Pyro.
status_online: online
status_offline: off行
status_hint: PagerMaid-Pyro running status
status_name: ホスト名
status_platform: Host platform
status_release: Kernel version
status_python: Python version
status_telethon: Telethon version
status_pyrogram: Pyrogram version
status_pgm: PagerMaid version
status_uptime: Utime
## stats
stats_des: Viewconversation statistics.
stats_loading: ロードリング...
stats_hint: Conversations Status
stats_dialogs: Total
stats_private: PM
stats_group: Group
stats_supergroup: SuperGroup
stats_channel: Channel
stats_bot: ボット
## speedtest
speedtest_des: Execute the speedtest script and send the result。
speedtest_processing: Execute test scripts ...
speedtest_ServerFailure: Enable to determine the best server。
speedtest_ConnectFailure: Connection failure.
## connection
connection_des: Display the connection information between the server running PagerMaid-Pyro and the Telegram server.
connection_hint: Connection information
connection_country: Area
connection_dc: データセント connectto
connection_nearest_dc: nearest data center
## pingdc
pingdc_des: Test your server to the delay of the telegram data servers。
pingdc_1: DC1(Miami FL,USA)
pingdc_2: DC2(Amsterdam, NL)
pingdc_3: DC3 (Miami FL,USA)
pingdc_4: DC4 (Amsterdam, NL)
pingdc_5: DC5(Singapore)
## ping
ping_des: Estimate ping between Telegram and PagerMaid-Pyro (Message and Packet)
## topcloud
topcloud_des: Generate a wordcloud picture of resource usage.
topcloud_processing: generating pictures...
topcloud_caption: The running process。
topcloud_success: A wordcloud picture of resource usage is generated.
sudo_des: Allow other users to use your PagerMaid-Pyro.
sudo_has_enabled: Sudo Mode not turned off。
sudo_enable: Sudo Mode on successfully.
sudo_no_sudo: 'Please not haven''t added a Sudo administratoryet。'
sudo_disable: Sudo Mode off successfully.
sudo_has_disabled: Sudo Mode is not on。
sudo_add: Successfully added this user to the Sudo Administrators リスト
sudo_add_chat: Successfully added this chat to Sudo admin list.
sudo_no: This user does not exist in the Sudo Administrators list。
sudo_remove: Successful removeal of this user from the Sudo administration list.
sudo_remove_chat: Successfully removed this chat from Sudo admin list
sudo_no_one: You haven't added any users to Sudo admin list
sudo_group_list: 'Group have the following permissions:'
sudo_group_list_no: There is no permission for this permission group or this permission group
sudo_group_add_user: Add this user to this permission group successfully.
sudo_group_del_user: Successfully removed this user from this permission group.
sudo_group_add_per: 一つのグループSuccessfully added this perission to this permission - グループ。
sudo_group_del_per: Successfully removed this perission from this permission グループ。
sudo_user_add_per: This permissionwas added to this
sudo_user_del_per: Successfully removed this perission from this user.
sudo_list: 'Sudo Administrator List:'
## sticker
sticker_des: llect the replied images/stickers as stickers and specify Logh parameters to セット a non-default の絵文字の絵文字。
sticker_processing: images/stickers, Collection
sticker_downloading: Downloading the picture...
sticker_type_not_support: Something went wrong, woo~ This file type is not supported.
sticker_reply_not_sticker: Something went wrong - Please reply to the message with pictures/stickers。
sticker_pack_title: private possion
sticker_resizing: Reizing the image...
sticker_telegram_server_error: Failed to connect to Telegram server...
sticker_change_pack_to: switchto private collection
sticker_last_is_full: 'The last sticker pack is full...'
sticker_has_been_added: This picture/sticker has been added to
sticker_this: セス
sticker_pack: sticker pack
sticker_another_running: Another command is adding a sticker, trying again
sticker_no_pack_exist_creating: The sticker pack does not exist, it is being created...
sticker_to_no: Please specify a sticker pack.Something went wrong - Please a sticker pack
sticker_to_full: Something went wrong - This sticker pack is full.
## upload_sticker
us_animated_uploading: Upload animations...
us_static_uploading: Uploading pictures...
us_static_rounding: ロンドing in progress...
us_change_rounding_true: オートマティベーション of rounded corners for stickers has been turned on .
us_change_rounding_false: オートマティベリー conversion of rounded corners for stickers has been turned offの形式
## merge
merge_command_error: Command parameter error!
merge_processing_left: Process, D.
merge_processing_right: '】st message。'
merge_total_processed_left: 報告
merge_total_processed_right: '】 stickers were processed。'
## search
sticker_search_des: Find a Sticker set by keyword.
sticker_search_no: Did not find any sticker set.
sticker_search_result: 'The following are the sticker sets we found:'
## sh
sh_des: remoely execute Shell commands on Telegram
sh_parameters: <command>
sh_channel: Something went wrong ~ The current Maid-Pyro configuration prohibits the execution of Shell commands in the channel.
sh_success: execute Shell commands remotey
## eval
eval_des: remoely execute Python commands on Telegram
eval_parameters: <command>
eval_channel: Something went wrong ~ The current Maid-Pyro configuration prohibits the execution of Python commands in the channel.
eval_success: execute Python commands remotey
eval_need_dev: '**Please note: This command can directly operate your account** This command is only for developers. If you know what you are doing, and please manually configure the `dev` item in the Redis database to any value or create the `dev` file in the `data` folder。'
eval_executing: '🔃 実行中...'
eval_code: '💻 コード:'
eval_result: '✨ 結果:'
eval_time: '{}2番 で完了しました。'
## send_log
send_log_des: 指定したユーザーにログ ファイルを送信します。
send_log_not_found: ログファイルが存在しません。
send_log_caption: PagerMaid-Pyroのログファイル。
## restart
restart_des: Restart PagerMaid-Pyro
restart_processing: to restart PagerMaid-Pyro.
restart_complete: PagerMaid-Pyro has been restarted.
restart_log: PagerMaid-Pyro restarts 。
## trace
trace_des: Torace the redirection of the URL です。
trace_processing: Tracking redirection...
trace_over128: Something went wrong, woo~ More than 128redirects, aborting!
trace_re: rect
trace_http_error: Something went wrong - There was a problem when sending the HTTP request.
## chat
chat_des: Join the PagerMaid-Pyro user group.
chat_message: Hello everyone、I am a newcomer。
chat_already_join1: You have already successfully joined
chat_already_join2: User グループです。
chat_error: Something went wrong - Please try to manually add @PagerMaid_Modify
chat_join_success: You have successfully joined
## update
update_des: Check for updates from remote sources and install them to PagerMaid-Pyro.
update_processing: Checking the remote source for update...
update_platform_version: セリフなし
update_git_version: Git version number
update_local_git_change: local modification
update_hash: local modification
update_date: submission time
update_NoSuchPathError: The directory does not exist
update_InvalidGitRepositoryError: This PagerMaid-Pyro instance is not installed from source, please upgrade it through your local package manager。
update_GitCommandError: Something went wrong - I received an error from git
update_not_active_branch: Something went wrong, woo~ This branch is not maintained
update_in_branch: in the branch
update_is_updated: sialready the latest.
update_found_update_in_branch: foundthe update, it exists in the branch
update_change_log: updatelog
update_log_too_big: このソフトウェアは the update log is too long and files are being attached..
update_hint: Please e the following command to update
update_found_pulling: An update was foundand is being pulled ...
update_success: update successfully.
update_failed: update failed
update_auto_upgrade_git_failed_ubuntu: It is detected that your system is Ubuntu or Debain. Try to upgrade git amatically but failed. Please upgrade manually.
update_auto_upgrade_git_failed_cent: It is detected that your system system is CentOS, try to upgrade git automatically but failed, please upgrade manually 。
update_auto_upgrade_git_hint: Your git version is too low and has tried to automatically upgrade for you. If you are reminded of this error again, please upgrade manually 。
update_master: Received a known CVE and is forcing an update to the PagerMaid-Pyro instance
update_plugins: Received a known CVE and is forcing an update to the relevant plugin
sb_des: an a user in the common group of administrator, privileges.
sb_des_auto: Manage the Automatic banned list
sb_pause: Pause
sb_no: Not ban user
sb_per: In
sb_in: groups banned user
sb_pro: 'Groups:'
sb_no_per: There is no ban user permission.
sb_set: This group has been added to the automatic banned list.
sb_remove: The automatic banned list has been removed this group.
sb_exist: This group exists in the automatic banned list.
sb_no_exist: This group does't exist in the automatic banned list.
sb_channel: Successfully blocked this channel in this group.
reload_des: PagerMaid-Pyroインスタンスをリロードします。
reload_ok: 再読み込みに成功しました。
conversation_already_in_error: すでに別の会話が進行中です。
conversation_timed_out_error: 応答がタイムアウトしました。