mirror of
synced 2024-11-27 18:41:20 +00:00
357 lines
14 KiB
357 lines
14 KiB
import re, time, asyncio, requests, os, json
from io import BytesIO
from os import path, mkdir, remove, makedirs, chdir
from shutil import copyfile, move, rmtree
from uuid import uuid4
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
from importlib import import_module
from pagermaid import bot, redis, log, redis_status, working_dir
from pagermaid.listener import listener
msg_freq = 1
group_last_time = {}
read_context = {}
def is_num(x: str):
x = int(x)
return isinstance(x, int)
except ValueError:
return False
def encode(s: str):
return str(b64encode(s.encode('utf-8')), 'utf-8')
def decode(s: str):
return str(b64decode(s.encode('utf-8')), 'utf-8')
def random_str():
return str(uuid4()).replace('-', '')
def parse_rules(rules: str):
n_rules = {}
rules_parse = rules.split(";")
for p in rules_parse:
d = p.split(":")
if len(d) == 2:
key = decode(d[0])
value = decode(d[1])
n_rules[key] = value
return n_rules
def save_rules(rules: dict, placeholder: str):
n_rules = ""
for k, v in rules.items():
if placeholder:
k = k.replace(placeholder, "'")
v = v.replace(placeholder, "'")
n_rules += encode(k) + ":" + encode(v) + ";"
return n_rules
def validate(user_id: str, mode: int, user_list: list):
if mode == 0:
return user_id not in user_list
elif mode == 1:
return user_id in user_list
return False
def get_redis(db_key: str):
byte_data = redis.get(db_key)
byte_data = byte_data if byte_data else b""
byte_data = str(byte_data, "ascii")
return parse_rules(byte_data)
def parse_multi(rule: str):
sep_ph = random_str()
col_ph = random_str()
rule = rule.replace(r"\||", sep_ph)
rule = rule.replace(r"\::", col_ph)
rule = rule.split("||")
n_rule = []
for r in rule:
p = r.split("::")
p = [i.replace(sep_ph, "||") for i in p]
p = [i.replace(col_ph, "::") for i in p]
data = ['plain', '']
if len(p) == 2:
data = p
data[1] = p[0]
return n_rule
def get_capture(search_data, group_name: str):
capture_data = search_data.group(group_name)
return capture_data
return None
def get_rule(chat_id, rule_type, rule_index):
rule_index = int(rule_index)
rule_data = get_redis(f"keyword.{chat_id}.{rule_type}")
index = 0
for k in rule_data.keys():
if index == rule_index:
return encode(k)
index += 1
return None
def valid_time(chat_id):
global msg_freq, group_last_time
cus_freq = get_redis(f"keyword.{chat_id}.settings").get("freq", msg_freq)
cus_freq = float(cus_freq)
cus_freq = msg_freq
n_time = time.time()
chat_id = int(chat_id)
if chat_id in group_last_time:
if n_time - group_last_time[chat_id] >= cus_freq:
return True
return False
return True
def has_cache(chat_id, mode, trigger, filename):
basepath = f"data/keyword_cache/{chat_id}/{mode}:{encode(trigger)}"
filepath = f"{basepath}/{filename}"
if not path.exists(basepath):
return (False, filepath)
if not path.exists(filepath):
return (False, filepath)
return (True, filepath)
def cache_opened(chat_id, mode, trigger):
rule_data = get_redis(f"keyword.{chat_id}.single"
f".{mode}.{encode(trigger)}").get("cache", None)
chat_data = get_redis(f"keyword.{chat_id}.settings").get("cache", None)
global_data = get_redis("keyword.settings").get("cache", None)
if rule_data:
return True if rule_data == "1" else False
elif chat_data:
return True if chat_data == "1" else False
elif global_data:
return True if global_data == "1" else False
return False
async def del_msg(context, t_lim):
await asyncio.sleep(t_lim)
await context.delete()
async def send_reply(chat_id, trigger, mode, reply_msg, context):
real_chat_id = chat_id
chat = context.chat
sender = context.sender
replace_data = {}
if chat_id < 0:
replace_data = {
"chat_id": chat.id,
"chat_name": chat.title
if sender:
replace_data["user_id"] = sender.id
replace_data["first_name"] = sender.first_name
replace_data["last_name"] = sender.last_name if sender.last_name else ""
replace_data["user_id"] = chat_id
if sender:
replace_data["first_name"] = sender.first_name
replace_data["last_name"] = sender.last_name if sender.last_name else ""
if chat:
replace_data["chat_id"] = chat.id
last_name = chat.last_name
if not last_name:
last_name = ""
replace_data["chat_name"] = f"{chat.first_name} {last_name}"
update_last_time = False
could_send_msg = valid_time(chat_id)
for re_type, re_msg in reply_msg:
for k, v in replace_data.items():
re_type = re_type.replace(f"${k}", str(v))
re_msg = re_msg.replace(f"${k}", str(v))
type_parse = re_type.split(",")
type_parse = [(p[4:] if p[0:3] == "adv" else "") for p in type_parse]
for s in type_parse:
if len(s) >= 5 and "ext_" == s[0:4] and is_num(s[4:]):
chat_id = int(s[4:])
if ("file" in type_parse or "photo" in type_parse) and len(re_msg.split()) >= 2:
if could_send_msg:
update_last_time = True
re_data = re_msg.split(" ")
cache_exists, cache_path = has_cache(chat_id, mode, trigger, re_data[0])
is_opened = cache_opened(chat_id, mode, trigger)
filename = "/tmp/" + re_data[0]
if is_opened:
filename = cache_path
if not cache_exists:
if re_data[1][0:7] == "file://":
re_data[1] = re_data[1][7:]
copyfile(" ".join(re_data[1:]), filename)
fileget = requests.get(" ".join(re_data[1:]))
with open(filename, "wb") as f:
if re_data[1][0:7] == "file://":
re_data[1] = re_data[1][7:]
copyfile(" ".join(re_data[1:]), filename)
fileget = requests.get(" ".join(re_data[1:]))
with open(filename, "wb") as f:
reply_to = None
if "reply" in type_parse:
reply_to = context.id
await bot.send_file(chat_id, filename,
reply_to=reply_to, force_document=("file" in type_parse))
if not is_opened:
elif ("tgfile" in type_parse or "tgphoto" in type_parse) and len(re_msg.split()) >= 2:
if could_send_msg:
update_last_time = True
if not path.exists("/tmp"):
re_data = re_msg.split()
file_name = "/tmp/" + re_data[0]
_data = BytesIO()
re_data[1] = re_data[1].split("/")[-2:]
msg_chat_id = int(re_data[1][0])
async with bot.conversation(re_data[1][0]) as conversation:
msg_chat_id = conversation.chat_id
msg_id_inchat = int(re_data[1][1])
await bot.send_message(chat_id, f"{msg_chat_id, msg_id_inchat}")
media_msg = (await bot.get_messages(msg_chat_id, msg_id_inchat))[0]
_data = BytesIO()
if media_msg and media_msg.media:
if "tgfile" in type_parse:
await bot.download_file(media_msg.media.document, _data)
await bot.download_file(media_msg.photo, _data)
with open(file_name, "wb") as f:
reply_to = None
if "reply" in type_parse:
reply_to = context.id
await bot.send_file(chat_id, file_name, reply_to=reply_to,
force_document=("tgfile" in type_parse))
elif "plain" in type_parse:
if could_send_msg:
update_last_time = True
await bot.send_message(chat_id, re_msg,
link_preview=("nopreview" not in type_parse))
elif "reply" in type_parse and chat_id == real_chat_id:
if could_send_msg:
update_last_time = True
await bot.send_message(chat_id, re_msg, reply_to=context.id,
link_preview=("nopreview" not in type_parse))
elif "op" in type_parse:
if re_msg == "delete":
await context.delete()
elif re_msg.split()[0] == "sleep" and len(re_msg.split()) == 2:
sleep_time = re_msg.split()[1]
await asyncio.sleep(float(sleep_time))
chat_id = real_chat_id
if update_last_time:
global group_last_time
group_last_time[int(chat_id)] = time.time()
async def main(context):
if not redis_status():
chat_id = context.chat_id
sender_id = context.sender_id
if f"{chat_id}:{context.id}" not in read_context:
plain_dict = get_redis(f"keyword.{chat_id}.plain")
regex_dict = get_redis(f"keyword.{chat_id}.regex")
g_settings = get_redis("keyword.settings")
n_settings = get_redis(f"keyword.{chat_id}.settings")
g_mode = g_settings.get("mode", None)
n_mode = n_settings.get("mode", None)
mode = "0"
g_list = g_settings.get("list", None)
n_list = n_settings.get("list", None)
user_list = []
if g_mode and n_mode:
mode = n_mode
elif g_mode or n_mode:
mode = g_mode if g_mode else n_mode
if g_list and n_list:
user_list = n_list
elif g_list or n_list:
user_list = g_list if g_list else n_list
send_text = context.text
if not send_text:
send_text = ""
for k, v in plain_dict.items():
if k in send_text:
tmp = get_redis(f"keyword.{chat_id}.single.plain.{encode(k)}")
could_reply = validate(str(sender_id), int(mode), user_list)
if tmp:
could_reply = validate(str(sender_id), int(tmp.get("mode", "0")), tmp.get("list", []))
if could_reply:
read_context[f"{chat_id}:{context.id}"] = None
await send_reply(chat_id, k, "plain", parse_multi(v), context)
for k, v in regex_dict.items():
pattern = re.compile(k)
if pattern.search(send_text):
tmp = get_redis(f"keyword.{chat_id}.single.regex.{encode(k)}")
could_reply = validate(str(sender_id), int(mode), user_list)
if tmp:
could_reply = validate(str(sender_id), int(tmp.get("mode", "0")), tmp.get("list", []))
if could_reply:
read_context[f"{chat_id}:{context.id}"] = None
catch_pattern = r"\$\{regex_(?P<str>((?!\}).)+)\}"
count = 0
while re.search(catch_pattern, v) and count < 20:
search_data = re.search(k, send_text)
group_name = re.search(catch_pattern, v).group("str")
capture_data = get_capture(search_data, group_name)
if not capture_data:
capture_data = ""
if re.search(catch_pattern, capture_data):
capture_data = ""
v = v.replace("${regex_%s}" % group_name, capture_data)
count += 1
await send_reply(chat_id, k, "regex", parse_multi(v), context)
del read_context[f"{chat_id}:{context.id}"]
return ""